blob: 7e6c8fed4143a1bfaeba289dbd8d6d814492d167 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class instantiates a PowerManagerProxy and distributes power events to
// registered users. It also provides a means for calling methods on the
// PowerManagerProxy.
// Usage:
// Registering for power state changes is done as follows:
// class Foo {
// public:
// void HandleStateChange(PowerManager::SuspendState new_state);
// };
// Foo foo;
// PowerManager power_manager(ProxyFactory::GetInstance());
// PowerManager::PowerStateCallback cb = Bind(&Foo::HandleStateChange, &foo);
// power_manager.AddStateChangeCallback("foo_key", cb);
// Note that depending on the definition of Foo, "&foo" may need to appear
// inside an appropriate wrapper, such as base::Unretained.
// Whenever the power state changes, foo.HandleStateChange() is called with the
// new state passed in. To unregister:
// power_manager.RemoveStateChangeCallback("foo_key");
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include "shill/power_manager_proxy_interface.h"
namespace shill {
class ProxyFactory;
class PowerManager : public PowerManagerProxyDelegate {
typedef PowerManagerProxyDelegate::SuspendState SuspendState;
// Callbacks registered with the power manager are of this type. They take
// one argument, the new power state. The callback function or method should
// look like this:
// void HandlePowerStateChange(PowerStateCallbacks::SuspendState);
typedef base::Callback<void(SuspendState)> PowerStateCallback;
// This callback is called prior to a suspend event. When it is OK for the
// system to suspend, this callback should call SuspendActionComplete(),
// passing it the sequence number passed to this callback.
typedef base::Callback<void(uint32)> SuspendDelayCallback;
// |proxy_factory| creates the PowerManagerProxy. Usually this is
// ProxyFactory::GetInstance(). Use a fake for testing.
explicit PowerManager(ProxyFactory *proxy_factory);
virtual ~PowerManager();
SuspendState power_state() const { return power_state_; }
// Methods inherited from PowerManagerProxyDelegate.
virtual void OnSuspendDelay(uint32 sequence_number);
virtual void OnPowerStateChanged(SuspendState new_power_state);
// TODO(gmorain): Add descriptive comment.
void RegisterSuspendDelay(const uint32_t &delay_ms);
// Registers a power state change callback with the power manager. When a
// power state change occurs, this callback will be called with the new power
// state as its argument. |key| must be unique.
virtual void AddStateChangeCallback(const std::string &key,
const PowerStateCallback &callback);
// Registers a suspend delay callback with the power manager. This callback
// will be called prior to a suspend event by the amount specified in the most
// recent call to RegisterSuspendDelay(). |key| must be unique.
virtual void AddSuspendDelayCallback(const std::string &key,
const SuspendDelayCallback &callback);
// Unregisters a power state change callback identified by |key|. The
// callback must have been previously registered and not yet removed.
virtual void RemoveStateChangeCallback(const std::string &key);
// Unregisters a suspend delay callback identified by |key|. The callback
// must have been previously registered and not yet removed.
virtual void RemoveSuspendDelayCallback(const std::string &key);
friend class ManagerTest;
typedef std::map<const std::string, PowerStateCallback>
typedef std::map<const std::string, SuspendDelayCallback>
template<class Callback>
void AddCallback(const std::string &key, const Callback &callback,
std::map<const std::string, Callback> *callback_map);
template<class Callback>
void RemoveCallback(const std::string &key,
std::map<const std::string, Callback> *callback_map);
template<class Param, class Callback>
void OnEvent(const Param &param,
std::map<const std::string, Callback> *callback_map) const;
// The power manager proxy created by this class. It dispatches the inherited
// delegate methods of this object when changes in the power state occur.
const scoped_ptr<PowerManagerProxyInterface> power_manager_proxy_;
StateChangeCallbackMap state_change_callbacks_;
SuspendDelayCallbackMap suspend_delay_callbacks_;
SuspendState power_state_;
} // namespace shill