blob: 7574e4ee9b1446d05ed018f96360601c4f06773d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/property_store.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/shill_event.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class DHCPProvider;
class DeviceAdaptorInterface;
class Endpoint;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class Manager;
class RTNLHandler;
// Device superclass. Individual network interfaces types will inherit from
// this class.
class Device : public base::RefCounted<Device> {
enum Technology {
// A constructor for the Device object
Device(ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Manager *manager,
const std::string &link_name,
const std::string &address,
int interface_index);
virtual ~Device();
virtual void Start();
// Clear running state, especially any fields that hold a reference back
// to us. After a call to Stop(), the Device may be restarted (with a call
// to Start()), or destroyed (if its refcount falls to zero).
virtual void Stop();
// Base method always returns false.
virtual bool TechnologyIs(const Technology type) const;
virtual void LinkEvent(unsigned flags, unsigned change);
virtual void ConfigIP() {}
// The default implementation sets |error| to kNotSupported.
virtual void Scan(Error *error);
virtual void RegisterOnNetwork(const std::string &network_id, Error *error);
virtual void RequirePIN(const std::string &pin, bool require, Error *error);
virtual void EnterPIN(const std::string &pin, Error *error);
virtual void UnblockPIN(const std::string &unblock_code,
const std::string &pin,
Error *error);
virtual void ChangePIN(const std::string &old_pin,
const std::string &new_pin,
Error *error);
std::string GetRpcIdentifier();
std::string GetStorageIdentifier();
const std::string &address() const { return hardware_address_; }
const std::string &link_name() const { return link_name_; }
int interface_index() const { return interface_index_; }
const ConnectionRefPtr &connection() const { return connection_; }
const std::string &FriendlyName() const;
// Returns a string that is guaranteed to uniquely identify this Device
// instance.
const std::string &UniqueName() const;
PropertyStore *mutable_store() { return &store_; }
const PropertyStore &store() const { return store_; }
RTNLHandler *rtnl_handler() { return rtnl_handler_; }
bool Load(StoreInterface *storage);
virtual bool Save(StoreInterface *storage);
void set_dhcp_provider(DHCPProvider *provider) { dhcp_provider_ = provider; }
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, AcquireDHCPConfig);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, DestroyIPConfig);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, DestroyIPConfigNULL);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, GetProperties);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Save);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, SelectedService);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Stop);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, Connect);
// If there's an IP configuration in |ipconfig_|, releases the IP address and
// destroys the configuration instance.
void DestroyIPConfig();
// Creates a new DHCP IP configuration instance, stores it in |ipconfig_| and
// requests a new IP configuration. Registers a callback to
// IPConfigUpdatedCallback on IP configuration changes. Returns true if the IP
// request was successfully sent.
bool AcquireDHCPConfig();
// Maintain connection state (Routes, IP Addresses and DNS) in the OS.
void CreateConnection();
// Remove connection state
void DestroyConnection();
// Selects a service to be "current" -- i.e. link-state or configuration
// events that happen to the device are attributed to this service.
void SelectService(const ServiceRefPtr &service);
// Set the state of the selected service
void SetServiceState(Service::ConnectState state);
// Set the failure of the selected service (implicitly sets the state to
// "failure")
void SetServiceFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state);
void HelpRegisterDerivedStrings(const std::string &name,
bool(Device::*set)(const Strings&));
// Property getters reserved for subclasses
ControlInterface *control_interface() const { return control_interface_; }
EventDispatcher *dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
Manager *manager() const { return manager_; }
std::vector<ServiceRefPtr> *services() { return &services_; }
friend class DeviceAdaptorInterface;
friend class DeviceTest;
friend class CellularTest;
friend class WiFiMainTest;
static const char kStoragePowered[];
static const char kStorageIPConfigs[];
// Callback invoked on every IP configuration update.
void IPConfigUpdatedCallback(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig, bool success);
// Right now, Devices reference IPConfigs directly when persisted to disk
// It's not clear that this makes sense long-term, but that's how it is now.
// This call generates a string in the right format for this persisting.
// |suffix| is injected into the storage identifier used for the configs.
std::string SerializeIPConfigs(const std::string &suffix);
std::vector<std::string> AvailableIPConfigs();
std::string GetRpcConnectionIdentifier();
// Properties
bool powered_; // TODO(pstew): Is this what |running_| is for?
bool reconnect_;
const std::string hardware_address_;
PropertyStore store_;
std::vector<ServiceRefPtr> services_;
const int interface_index_;
bool running_;
const std::string link_name_;
const std::string unique_id_;
ControlInterface *control_interface_;
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
Manager *manager_;
IPConfigRefPtr ipconfig_;
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
scoped_ptr<DeviceAdaptorInterface> adaptor_;
// Maintain a reference to the connected / connecting service
ServiceRefPtr selected_service_;
// Cache singleton pointers for performance and test purposes.
DHCPProvider *dhcp_provider_;
RTNLHandler *rtnl_handler_;
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_DEVICE_