blob: 109c0950fd1f2b7796b1ca27a81641cdeb46dda7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include "shill/accessor_interface.h"
#include "shill/adaptor_interfaces.h"
#include "shill/error.h"
namespace shill {
#define SHILL_INTERFACE "org.chromium.flimflam"
#define SHILL_PATH "/org/chromium/flimflam"
class KeyValueStore;
class PropertyStore;
// Superclass for all DBus-backed Adaptor objects
class DBusAdaptor : public DBus::ObjectAdaptor,
public DBus::IntrospectableAdaptor {
DBusAdaptor(DBus::Connection* conn, const std::string &object_path);
virtual ~DBusAdaptor();
static bool DispatchOnType(PropertyStore *store,
const std::string &name,
const ::DBus::Variant &value,
::DBus::Error *error);
static bool GetProperties(const PropertyStore &store,
std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> *out,
::DBus::Error *error);
static void ArgsToKeyValueStore(
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &args,
KeyValueStore *out,
Error *error);
static ::DBus::Variant BoolToVariant(bool value);
static ::DBus::Variant ByteArraysToVariant(const ByteArrays &value);
static ::DBus::Variant ByteToVariant(uint8 value);
static ::DBus::Variant Int16ToVariant(int16 value);
static ::DBus::Variant Int32ToVariant(int32 value);
static ::DBus::Variant PathToVariant(const ::DBus::Path &value);
static ::DBus::Variant PathArrayToVariant(
const std::vector< ::DBus::Path> &value);
static ::DBus::Variant StringToVariant(const std::string &value);
static ::DBus::Variant StringmapToVariant(const Stringmap &value);
static ::DBus::Variant StringmapsToVariant(const Stringmaps &value);
static ::DBus::Variant StringsToVariant(const Strings &value);
static ::DBus::Variant StrIntPairToVariant(const StrIntPair &value);
static ::DBus::Variant Uint16ToVariant(uint16 value);
static ::DBus::Variant Uint32ToVariant(uint32 value);
static bool IsBool(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsByte(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsByteArrays(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsInt16(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsInt32(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsPath(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsPathArray(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsString(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsStringmap(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsStringmaps(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsStrings(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsUint16(::DBus::Signature signature);
static bool IsUint32(::DBus::Signature signature);
class Returner : public DBus::Tag,
public ReturnerInterface {
// Creates a new returner instance associated with |adaptor|.
static Returner *Create(DBusAdaptor *adaptor);
// Used by the adaptor to initiate or delay the return, depending on the
// state of the returner. A call to this method should be the last statement
// in the adaptor method. If none of the interface Return* methods has been
// called yet, DelayOrReturn exits to the dbus-c++ message handler by
// throwing an exception. Otherwise, it initializes |error|, completes the
// RPC call right away and destroys |this|.
void DelayOrReturn(DBus::Error *error);
// Inherited from ReturnerInterface. These methods complete the RPC call
// right away and destroy the object if DelayOrReturn has been called
// already. Otherwise, they allow DelayOrReturn to complete the call.
virtual void Return();
virtual void ReturnError(const Error &error);
// The returner transitions through the following states:
// Initialized -> [Delayed|Returned] -> Destroyed.
enum State {
kStateInitialized, // No *Return* methods called yet.
kStateDelayed, // DelayOrReturn called, Return* not.
kStateReturned, // Return* called, DelayOrReturn not.
kStateDestroyed // Return complete, returner destroyed.
explicit Returner(DBusAdaptor *adaptor);
// Destruction happens through the *Return* methods.
virtual ~Returner();
DBusAdaptor *adaptor_;
Error error_;
State state_;
static const char kByteArraysSig[];
static const char kPathArraySig[];
static const char kStringmapSig[];
static const char kStringmapsSig[];
static const char kStringsSig[];
} // namespace shill