blob: 42861c3f098fcd8a06e1968dd09693b85828b6dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This software provides an abstracted interface to the netlink socket
// interface. In its current implementation it is used, primarily, to
// communicate with the cfg80211 kernel module and mac80211 drivers:
// [shill]--[nl80211 library, libnl_genl/libnl libraries]
// |
// (netlink socket)
// |
// [cfg80211 kernel module]
// |
// [mac80211 drivers]
// In order to send a message and handle it's response, do the following:
// - Create a handler (it'll want to verify that it's the kind of message you
// want, cast it to the appropriate type, and get attributes from the cast
// message):
// #include "nl80211_message.h"
// class SomeClass {
// static void MyMessageHandler(const NetlinkMessage &raw) {
// if (raw.message_type() != ControlNetlinkMessage::kMessageType)
// return;
// const ControlNetlinkMessage *message =
// reinterpret_cast<const ControlNetlinkMessage *>(&raw);
// if (message.command() != NewFamilyMessage::kCommand)
// return;
// uint16_t my_attribute;
// message->const_attributes()->GetU16AttributeValue(
// CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID, &my_attribute);
// } // MyMessageHandler.
// } // class SomeClass.
// - Instantiate a message:
// #include "nl80211_message.h"
// GetFamilyMessage msg;
// - And set attributes:
// msg.attributes()->SetStringAttributeValue(CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME, "foo");
// - Then send the message, passing-in a closure to the handler you created:
// NetlinkManager *netlink_manager = NetlinkManager::GetInstance();
// netlink_manager->SendMessage(&msg, Bind(&SomeClass::MyMessageHandler));
// NetlinkManager will then save your handler and send your message. When a
// response to your message arrives, it'll call your handler.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/lazy_instance.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/generic_netlink_message.h"
#include "shill/io_handler.h"
#include "shill/netlink_message.h"
#include "shill/shill_time.h"
struct nlmsghdr;
namespace shill {
class ControlNetlinkMessage;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
struct InputData;
class NetlinkSocket;
class Nl80211Message;
// NetlinkManager is a singleton that coordinates sending netlink messages to,
// and receiving netlink messages from, the kernel. The first use of this is
// to communicate between user-space and the cfg80211 module that manages wifi
// drivers. Bring NetlinkManager up as follows:
// NetlinkManager *netlink_manager_ = NetlinkManager::GetInstance();
// EventDispatcher dispatcher_;
// netlink_manager_->Init(); // Initialize the socket.
// // Get message types for all dynamic message types.
// Nl80211Message::SetMessageType(
// netlink_manager_->GetFamily(Nl80211Message::kMessageTypeString,
// Bind(&Nl80211Message::CreateMessage)));
// netlink_manager_->Start(&dispatcher_);
class NetlinkManager {
enum AuxilliaryMessageType {
typedef base::Callback<void(const NetlinkMessage &)> NetlinkMessageHandler;
typedef base::Callback<void(const ControlNetlinkMessage &)>
typedef base::Callback<void(const Nl80211Message &)> Nl80211MessageHandler;
// NetlinkAuxilliaryMessageHandler handles netlink error messages, things
// like the DoneMessage at the end of a multi-part message, and any errors
// discovered by |NetlinkManager| (which are passed as NULL pointers because
// there is no way to reserve a part of the ErrorAckMessage space for
// non-netlink errors).
typedef base::Callback<void(AuxilliaryMessageType type,
const NetlinkMessage *)>
// NetlinkAckHandler handles netlink Ack messages, which are a special type
// of netlink error message carrying an error code of 0. Since Ack messages
// contain no useful data (other than the error code of 0 to differentiate
// it from an actual error message), the handler is not passed a message.
// as an argument. The boolean value filled in by the handler (via the
// pointer) indicates whether or not the callbacks registered for the message
// (identified by sequence number) that this handler was invoked for should be
// removed after this callback is executed. This allows a sender of an NL80211
// message to handle both an Ack and another response message, rather than
// handle only the first response received.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool *)> NetlinkAckHandler;
// ResponseHandlers provide a polymorphic context for the base::Callback
// message handlers so that handlers for different types of messages can be
// kept in the same container (namely, |message_handlers_|).
class NetlinkResponseHandler :
public base::RefCounted<NetlinkResponseHandler> {
explicit NetlinkResponseHandler(
const NetlinkAckHandler &ack_handler,
const NetlinkAuxilliaryMessageHandler &error_handler);
virtual ~NetlinkResponseHandler();
// Calls wrapper-type-specific callback for |netlink_message|. Returns
// false if |netlink_message| is not the correct type. Calls callback
// (which is declared in the private area of derived classes) with
// properly cast version of |netlink_message|.
virtual bool HandleMessage(const NetlinkMessage &netlink_message) const = 0;
void HandleError(AuxilliaryMessageType type,
const NetlinkMessage *netlink_message) const;
virtual bool HandleAck() const;
void set_delete_after(const timeval &time) { delete_after_ = time; }
const struct timeval &delete_after() const { return delete_after_; }
NetlinkAckHandler ack_handler_;
NetlinkAuxilliaryMessageHandler error_handler_;
struct timeval delete_after_;
// Encapsulates all the different things we know about a specific message
// type like its name, and its id.
struct MessageType {
uint16_t family_id;
// Multicast groups supported by the family. The string and mapping to
// a group id are extracted from the CTRL_CMD_NEWFAMILY message.
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> groups;
// Various kinds of events to which we can subscribe (and receive) from
// cfg80211.
static const char kEventTypeConfig[];
static const char kEventTypeScan[];
static const char kEventTypeRegulatory[];
static const char kEventTypeMlme[];
// NetlinkManager is a singleton and this is the way to access it.
static NetlinkManager *GetInstance();
virtual ~NetlinkManager();
// Performs non-trivial object initialization of the NetlinkManager singleton.
bool Init();
// Passes the job of waiting for, and the subsequent reading from, the
// netlink socket to |dispatcher|.
void Start(EventDispatcher *dispatcher);
// The following methods deal with the network family table. This table
// associates netlink family names with family_ids (also called message
// types). Note that some families have static ids assigned to them but
// others require the kernel to resolve a string describing the family into
// a dynamically-determined id.
// Returns the family_id (message type) associated with |family_name|,
// calling the kernel if needed. Returns
// |NetlinkMessage::kIllegalMessageType| if the message type could not be
// determined. May block so |GetFamily| should be called before entering the
// event loop.
virtual uint16_t GetFamily(const std::string &family_name,
const NetlinkMessageFactory::FactoryMethod &message_factory);
// Install a NetlinkManager NetlinkMessageHandler. The handler is a
// user-supplied object to be called by the system for user-bound messages
// that do not have a corresponding messaage-specific callback.
// |AddBroadcastHandler| should be called before |SubscribeToEvents| since
// the result of this call are used for that call.
virtual bool AddBroadcastHandler(
const NetlinkMessageHandler &message_handler);
// Uninstall a NetlinkMessage Handler.
virtual bool RemoveBroadcastHandler(
const NetlinkMessageHandler &message_handler);
// Determines whether a handler is in the list of broadcast handlers.
bool FindBroadcastHandler(const NetlinkMessageHandler &message_handler) const;
// Uninstall all broadcast netlink message handlers.
void ClearBroadcastHandlers();
// Sends a netlink message to the kernel using the NetlinkManager socket after
// installing a handler to deal with the kernel's response to the message.
// TODO(wdg): Eventually, this should also include a timeout and a callback
// to call in case of timeout.
virtual bool SendControlMessage(
ControlNetlinkMessage *message,
const ControlNetlinkMessageHandler &message_handler,
const NetlinkAckHandler &ack_handler,
const NetlinkAuxilliaryMessageHandler &error_handler);
virtual bool SendNl80211Message(
Nl80211Message *message,
const Nl80211MessageHandler &message_handler,
const NetlinkAckHandler &ack_handler,
const NetlinkAuxilliaryMessageHandler &error_handler);
// Generic erroneous message handler everyone can use.
static void OnNetlinkMessageError(AuxilliaryMessageType type,
const NetlinkMessage *raw_message);
// Generic Ack handler that does nothing. Other callbacks registered for the
// message are not deleted after this function is executed.
static void OnAckDoNothing(bool *remove_callbacks) {
*remove_callbacks = false;
// Uninstall the handler for a specific netlink message.
bool RemoveMessageHandler(const NetlinkMessage &message);
// Sign-up to receive and log multicast events of a specific type (once wifi
// is up).
virtual bool SubscribeToEvents(const std::string &family,
const std::string &group);
// Gets the next sequence number for a NetlinkMessage to be sent over
// NetlinkManager's netlink socket.
uint32_t GetSequenceNumber();
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<NetlinkManager>;
friend class NetlinkManagerTest;
friend class NetlinkMessageTest;
friend class ShillDaemonTest;
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, AddLinkTest);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, BroadcastHandler);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, GetFamilyOneInterstitialMessage);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, GetFamilyTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, MessageHandler);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, AckHandler);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, MultipartMessageHandler);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, OnInvalidRawNlMessageReceived);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkManagerTest, TimeoutResponseHandlers);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_CONNECT);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_DEAUTHENTICATE);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_DISASSOCIATE);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_DISCONNECT);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_NOTIFY_CQM);
FRIEND_TEST(NetlinkMessageTest, Parse_NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN);
typedef scoped_refptr<NetlinkResponseHandler> NetlinkResponseHandlerRefPtr;
// These need to be member variables, even though they're only used once in
// the code, since they're needed for unittests.
static const long kMaximumNewFamilyWaitSeconds; // NOLINT
static const long kMaximumNewFamilyWaitMicroSeconds; // NOLINT
static const long kResponseTimeoutSeconds; // NOLINT
static const long kResponseTimeoutMicroSeconds; // NOLINT
// Returns the file descriptor of socket used to read wifi data.
int file_descriptor() const;
// EventDispatcher calls this when data is available on our socket. This
// method passes each, individual, message in the input to
// |OnNlMessageReceived|. Each part of a multipart message gets handled,
// individually, by this method.
void OnRawNlMessageReceived(InputData *data);
// This method processes a message from |OnRawNlMessageReceived| by passing
// the message to either the NetlinkManager callback that matches the sequence
// number of the message or, if there isn't one, to all of the default
// NetlinkManager callbacks in |broadcast_handlers_|.
void OnNlMessageReceived(nlmsghdr *msg);
// Called by InputHandler on exceptional events.
void OnReadError(const Error &error);
// Just for tests, this method turns off WiFi and clears the subscribed
// events list. If |full| is true, also clears state set by Init.
void Reset(bool full);
// Handles a CTRL_CMD_NEWFAMILY message from the kernel.
void OnNewFamilyMessage(const ControlNetlinkMessage &message);
// Sends a netlink message to the kernel using the NetlinkManager socket after
// installing a handler to deal with the kernel's response to the message.
// Adds a serial number to |message| before it is sent.
bool SendMessageInternal(
NetlinkMessage *message,
NetlinkResponseHandler *message_wrapper); // Passes ownership.
// NetlinkManager Handlers, OnRawNlMessageReceived invokes each of these
// User-supplied callback object when _it_ gets called to read libnl data.
std::list<NetlinkMessageHandler> broadcast_handlers_;
// Message-specific callbacks, mapped by message ID.
std::map<uint32_t, NetlinkResponseHandlerRefPtr> message_handlers_;
// Hooks needed to be called by shill's EventDispatcher.
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NetlinkManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
base::Callback<void(InputData *)> dispatcher_callback_;
scoped_ptr<IOHandler> dispatcher_handler_;
NetlinkSocket *sock_;
std::map<const std::string, MessageType> message_types_;
NetlinkMessageFactory message_factory_;
Time *time_;
} // namespace shill