blob: 9479a45e88ecfd1d829209ce151dfc63572f01c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SHILL_WIMAX_H_
#define SHILL_WIMAX_H_
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/device.h"
namespace shill {
class ProxyFactory;
class WiMaxDeviceProxyInterface;
class WiMax : public Device {
WiMax(ControlInterface *control,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager,
const std::string &link_name,
const std::string &address,
int interface_index,
const RpcIdentifier &path);
virtual ~WiMax();
// Inherited from Device.
virtual void Start(Error *error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback);
virtual void Stop(Error *error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback);
virtual bool TechnologyIs(const Technology::Identifier type) const;
virtual void Scan(Error *error);
virtual void ConnectTo(const WiMaxServiceRefPtr &service, Error *error);
virtual void DisconnectFrom(const WiMaxServiceRefPtr &service, Error *error);
const RpcIdentifier &path() const { return path_; }
bool scanning() const { return scanning_; }
friend class WiMaxTest;
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, CreateService);
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, DestroyDeadServices);
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, OnNetworksChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, StartStop);
static const int kTimeoutDefault;
void OnScanNetworksComplete(const Error &error);
void OnConnectComplete(const Error &error);
void OnDisconnectComplete(const Error &error);
void OnEnableComplete(const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback,
const Error &error);
void OnDisableComplete(const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback,
const Error &error);
void OnNetworksChanged(const RpcIdentifiers &networks);
void CreateService(const RpcIdentifier &network);
void DestroyDeadServices(const RpcIdentifiers &live_networks);
const RpcIdentifier path_;
scoped_ptr<WiMaxDeviceProxyInterface> proxy_;
bool scanning_;
std::map<RpcIdentifier, WiMaxServiceRefPtr> services_;
WiMaxServiceRefPtr pending_service_;
ProxyFactory *proxy_factory_;
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_WIMAX_H_