blob: ae9db3d1e5838c4060b9a219504fcd86c23dabf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SHILL_WIFI_
#define SHILL_WIFI_
// A WiFi device represents a wireless network interface implemented as an IEEE
// 802.11 station. An Access Point (AP) (or, more correctly, a Basic Service
// Set(BSS)) is represented by a WiFiEndpoint. An AP provides a WiFiService,
// which is the same concept as Extended Service Set (ESS) in 802.11,
// identified by an SSID. A WiFiService includes zero or more WiFiEndpoints
// that provide that service.
// A WiFi device interacts with a real device through WPA Supplicant.
// Wifi::Start() creates a connection to WPA Supplicant, represented by
// |supplicant_interface_proxy_|. [1]
// A WiFi device becomes aware of WiFiEndpoints through BSSAdded signals from
// WPA Supplicant, which identifies them by a "path". The WiFi object maintains
// an EndpointMap in |endpoint_by_rpcid_|, in which the key is the "path" and
// the value is a pointer to a WiFiEndpoint object. When a WiFiEndpoint is
// added, it is associated with a WiFiService.
// A WiFi device becomes aware of a WiFiService in three different ways. 1)
// When a WiFiEndpoint is added through the BSSAdded signal, the WiFiEndpoint is
// providing a service, and if that service is unknown to the WiFi device, it is
// added at that point. 2) The Manager can add a WiFiService by calling
// WiFi::GetService(). 3) Services are loaded from the profile through a call
// to WiFi::Load().
// The WiFi device connects to a WiFiService, not a WiFiEndpoint, through WPA
// Supplicant. It is the job of WPA Supplicant to select a BSS (aka
// WiFiEndpoint) to connect to. The protocol for establishing a connection is
// as follows:
// 1. The WiFi device sends AddNetwork to WPA Supplicant, which returns a
// "network path" when done.
// 2. The WiFi device sends SelectNetwork, indicating the network path
// received in 1, to WPA Supplicant, which begins the process of associating
// with an AP in the ESS. At this point the WiFiService which is being
// connected is called the |pending_service_|.
// 3. During association to an EAP-TLS network, WPA Supplicant can send
// multiple "Certification" events, which provide information about the
// identity of the remote entity.
// 4. When association is complete, WPA Supplicant sends a PropertiesChanged
// signal to the WiFi device, indicating a change in the CurrentBSS. The
// WiFiService indicated by the new value of CurrentBSS is set as the
// |current_service_|, and |pending_service_| is (normally) cleared.
// Some key things to notice are 1) WPA Supplicant does the work of selecting
// the AP (aka WiFiEndpoint) and it tells the WiFi device which AP it selected.
// 2) The process of connecting is asynchronous. There is a |current_service_|
// to which the WiFi device is presently using and a |pending_service_| to which
// the WiFi device has initiated a connection.
// A WiFi device is notified that an AP has gone away via the BSSRemoved signal.
// When the last WiFiEndpoint of a WiFiService is removed, the WiFiService
// itself is deleted.
// TODO(gmorain): Add explanation of hidden SSIDs.
// WPA Supplicant's PropertiesChanged signal communicates changes in the state
// of WPA Supplicant's current service. This state is stored in
// |supplicant_state_| and reflects WPA Supplicant's view of the state of the
// connection to an AP. Changes in this state sometimes cause state changes in
// the WiFiService to which a WiFi device is connected. For example, when WPA
// Supplicant signals the new state to be "completed", then the WiFiService
// state gets changed to "configuring". State change notifications are not
// reliable because WPA Supplicant may coalesce state changes in quick
// succession so that only the last of the changes is signaled.
// Notes:
// 1. Shill's definition of the interface is described in
// shill/dbus_bindings/supplicant-interface.xml, and the WPA Supplicant's
// description of the same interface is in
// third_party/wpa_supplicant/doc/dbus.doxygen.
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/power_manager.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class Error;
class KeyValueStore;
class ProxyFactory;
class SupplicantInterfaceProxyInterface;
class SupplicantProcessProxyInterface;
class WiFiService;
// WiFi class. Specialization of Device for WiFi.
class WiFi : public Device {
WiFi(ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager,
const std::string &link,
const std::string &address,
int interface_index);
virtual ~WiFi();
virtual void Start(Error *error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback);
virtual void Stop(Error *error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback);
virtual bool Load(StoreInterface *storage);
virtual void Scan(Error *error);
virtual bool IsConnectingTo(const WiFiService &service) const;
// Called by SupplicantInterfaceProxy, in response to events from
// wpa_supplicant.
void BSSAdded(const ::DBus::Path &BSS,
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void BSSRemoved(const ::DBus::Path &BSS);
void Certification(const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void PropertiesChanged(
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void ScanDone();
// Called by WiFiService.
virtual void ConnectTo(
WiFiService *service,
std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> service_params);
virtual void DisconnectFrom(WiFiService *service);
virtual bool IsIdle() const;
virtual void ClearCachedCredentials();
// Called by WiFiEndpoint.
virtual void NotifyEndpointChanged(const WiFiEndpoint &endpoint);
// Called by Manager.
virtual WiFiServiceRefPtr GetService(const KeyValueStore &args, Error *error);
// Utility, used by WiFiService and WiFiEndpoint.
// Replace non-ASCII characters with '?'. Return true if one or more
// characters were changed.
static bool SanitizeSSID(std::string *ssid);
friend class WiFiObjectTest; // access to supplicant_*_proxy_, link_up_
friend class WiFiScanTest; // kNumFastScanAttempts, kFastScanIntervalSeconds
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, AppendBgscan);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, FlushBSSOnResume); // kMaxBSSResumeAgeSeconds
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, InitialSupplicantState); // kInterfaceStateUnknown
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, ScanResults); // EndpointMap
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, ScanResultsWithUpdates); // EndpointMap
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, Stop); // weak_ptr_factory_
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, SuspectCredentialsOpen); // SuspectCredentials
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, SuspectCredentialsWPANeverConnected); // as above
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, SuspectCredentialsWPAPreviouslyConnected); // ""
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiPropertyTest, BgscanMethodProperty); // bgscan_method_
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiScanTest, FastRescan); // kFastScanIntervalSeconds
typedef std::map<const std::string, WiFiEndpointRefPtr> EndpointMap;
typedef std::map<WiFiService *, std::string> ReverseServiceMap;
static const char *kDefaultBgscanMethod;
static const uint16 kDefaultBgscanShortIntervalSeconds;
static const int32 kDefaultBgscanSignalThresholdDbm;
static const uint16 kDefaultScanIntervalSeconds;
static const uint16 kBackgroundScanIntervalSeconds;
static const char kManagerErrorSSIDTooLong[];
static const char kManagerErrorSSIDTooShort[];
static const char kManagerErrorSSIDRequired[];
static const char kManagerErrorUnsupportedSecurityMode[];
static const char kManagerErrorUnsupportedServiceMode[];
static const time_t kMaxBSSResumeAgeSeconds;
static const char kInterfaceStateUnknown[];
// Delay between scans when supplicant finds "No suitable network".
static const time_t kRescanIntervalSeconds;
// Number of times to quickly attempt a scan after startup / disconnect.
static const int kNumFastScanAttempts;
static const int kFastScanIntervalSeconds;
void AppendBgscan(WiFiService *service,
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> *service_params) const;
std::string GetBgscanMethod(const int &argument, Error *error);
uint16 GetBgscanShortInterval(Error */* error */) {
return bgscan_short_interval_seconds_;
int32 GetBgscanSignalThreshold(Error */* error */) {
return bgscan_signal_threshold_dbm_;
uint16 GetScanInterval(Error */* error */) { return scan_interval_seconds_; }
void SetBgscanMethod(
const int &argument, const std::string &method, Error *error);
void SetBgscanShortInterval(const uint16 &seconds, Error *error);
void SetBgscanSignalThreshold(const int32 &dbm, Error *error);
void SetScanInterval(const uint16 &seconds, Error *error);
void ClearBgscanMethod(const int &argument, Error *error);
WiFiServiceRefPtr CreateServiceForEndpoint(
const WiFiEndpoint &endpoint, bool hidden_ssid);
void CurrentBSSChanged(const ::DBus::Path &new_bss);
WiFiServiceRefPtr FindService(const std::vector<uint8_t> &ssid,
const std::string &mode,
const std::string &security) const;
WiFiServiceRefPtr FindServiceForEndpoint(const WiFiEndpoint &endpoint);
ByteArrays GetHiddenSSIDList();
void HandleDisconnect();
void HandleRoam(const ::DBus::Path &new_bssid);
// Create services for hidden networks stored in |storage|. Returns true
// if any were found, otherwise returns false.
bool LoadHiddenServices(StoreInterface *storage);
void BSSAddedTask(const ::DBus::Path &BSS,
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void BSSRemovedTask(const ::DBus::Path &BSS);
void ClearCachedCredentialsTask();
void CertificationTask(
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void PropertiesChangedTask(
const std::map<std::string, ::DBus::Variant> &properties);
void ScanDoneTask();
void ScanTask();
void StateChanged(const std::string &new_state);
// Heuristic check if a connection failure was due to bad credentials.
bool SuspectCredentials(const WiFiService &service) const;
void HelpRegisterDerivedInt32(
PropertyStore *store,
const std::string &name,
int32(WiFi::*get)(Error *error),
void(WiFi::*set)(const int32 &value, Error *error));
void HelpRegisterDerivedUint16(
PropertyStore *store,
const std::string &name,
uint16(WiFi::*get)(Error *error),
void(WiFi::*set)(const uint16 &value, Error *error));
// If this WiFi device is idle and |new_state| indicates a resume event, a
// scan is initiated.
void HandlePowerStateChange(PowerManager::SuspendState new_state);
// Restart fast scanning after disconnection.
void RestartFastScanAttempts();
// Schedules a scan attempt at time |scan_interval_seconds_| in the
// future. Cancels any currently pending scan timer.
void StartScanTimer();
// Cancels any currently pending scan timer.
void StopScanTimer();
// Initiates a scan, if idle. Reschedules the scan timer regardless.
void ScanTimerHandler();
base::WeakPtrFactory<WiFi> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Store cached copies of singletons for speed/ease of testing.
ProxyFactory *proxy_factory_;
Time *time_;
scoped_ptr<SupplicantProcessProxyInterface> supplicant_process_proxy_;
scoped_ptr<SupplicantInterfaceProxyInterface> supplicant_interface_proxy_;
// The rpcid used as the key is wpa_supplicant's D-Bus path for the
// Endpoint (BSS, in supplicant parlance).
EndpointMap endpoint_by_rpcid_;
// Map from Services to the D-Bus path for the corresponding wpa_supplicant
// Network.
ReverseServiceMap rpcid_by_service_;
std::vector<WiFiServiceRefPtr> services_;
// The Service we are presently connected to. May be NULL is we're not
// not connected to any Service.
WiFiServiceRefPtr current_service_;
// The Service we're attempting to connect to. May be NULL if we're
// not attempting to connect to a new Service. If non-NULL, should
// be distinct from |current_service_|. (A service should not
// simultaneously be both pending, and current.)
WiFiServiceRefPtr pending_service_;
std::string supplicant_state_;
std::string supplicant_bss_;
// Signifies that ClearCachedCredentialsTask() is pending.
bool clear_cached_credentials_pending_;
// Indicates that we should flush supplicant's BSS cache after the
// next scan completes.
bool need_bss_flush_;
struct timeval resumed_at_;
// Executes when the (foreground) scan timer expires. Calls ScanTimerHandler.
base::CancelableClosure scan_timer_callback_;
// Number of remaining fast scans to be done during startup and disconnect.
int fast_scans_remaining_;
// Properties
std::string bgscan_method_;
uint16 bgscan_short_interval_seconds_;
int32 bgscan_signal_threshold_dbm_;
bool scan_pending_;
uint16 scan_interval_seconds_;
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_WIFI_