blob: 75545e55804bcddd5cf3cb4396509d669c911324 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_old.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/task.h>
#include "shill/byte_string.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/shill_time.h"
namespace shill {
class AsyncConnection;
class DNSClient;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class HTTPURL;
class InputData;
class IOHandler;
class IPAddress;
class Sockets;
// The HTTPRequest class implements facilities for performing
// a simple "GET" request and returning the contents via a
// callback.
class HTTPRequest {
enum Result {
HTTPRequest(ConnectionRefPtr connection,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Sockets *sockets);
virtual ~HTTPRequest();
// Start an http GET request to the URL |url|. Whenever any data is
// read from the server, |read_event_callback| is called with the
// current contents of the response data coming from the server.
// This callback could be called more than once as data arrives.
// When the transaction completes, |result_callback| will be called with
// the final status from the transaction. It is valid for the callback
// function to destroy this HTTPRequest object, because at this time all
// object state has already been cleaned up. |result_callback| will not be
// called if either the Start() call fails or if Stop() is called before
// the transaction completes.
// This (Start) function returns a failure result if the request
// failed during initialization, or kResultInProgress if the request
// has started successfully and is now in progress.
virtual Result Start(
const HTTPURL &url,
Callback1<const ByteString &>::Type *read_event_callback,
Callback2<Result, const ByteString &>::Type *result_callback);
// Stop the current HTTPRequest. No callback is called as a side
// effect of this function.
virtual void Stop();
// Returns the data received so far from the server in the current
// request. This data is available only while the request is active,
// and before the result callback is called.
virtual const ByteString &response_data() const { return response_data_; }
friend class HTTPRequestTest;
// Time to wait for connection to remote server.
static const int kConnectTimeoutSeconds;
// Time to wait for DNS server.
static const int kDNSTimeoutSeconds;
// Time to wait for any input from server.
static const int kInputTimeoutSeconds;
static const char kHTTPRequestTemplate[];
bool ConnectServer(const IPAddress &address, int port);
void GetDNSResult(const Error &error, const IPAddress &address);
void OnConnectCompletion(bool success, int fd);
void ReadFromServer(InputData *data);
void SendStatus(Result result);
void StartIdleTimeout(int timeout_seconds, Result timeout_result);
void TimeoutTask();
void WriteToServer(int fd);
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
Sockets *sockets_;
scoped_ptr<Callback2<bool, int>::Type> connect_completion_callback_;
scoped_ptr<Callback2<const Error &, const IPAddress &>::Type>
scoped_ptr<Callback1<InputData *>::Type> read_server_callback_;
scoped_ptr<Callback1<int>::Type> write_server_callback_;
Callback2<Result, const ByteString &>::Type *result_callback_;
Callback1<const ByteString &>::Type *read_event_callback_;
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<HTTPRequest> task_factory_;
scoped_ptr<IOHandler> read_server_handler_;
scoped_ptr<IOHandler> write_server_handler_;
scoped_ptr<DNSClient> dns_client_;
scoped_ptr<AsyncConnection> server_async_connection_;
std::string server_hostname_;
int server_port_;
int server_socket_;
Result timeout_result_;
ByteString request_data_;
ByteString response_data_;
bool is_running_;
} // namespace shill