blob: e733d01cba1c3c0939316fb4b41f60b1067fb088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/nl80211.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
struct nlattr;
namespace shill {
class ByteString;
class Nl80211Attribute;
class Nl80211RawAttribute;
class AttributeList : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<AttributeList> {
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Nl80211Attribute> AttributePointer;
// Instantiates an Nl80211Attribute of the appropriate type from |id|,
// and adds it to |attributes_|.
bool CreateAttribute(nl80211_attrs id);
// Instantiates an Nl80211Attribute of the appropriate type from |id|,
// initializes it from |data|, and adds it to |attributes_|.
// TODO(wdg): This is a stop-gap for use before message constructors add
// their attributes as message templates.
bool CreateAndInitFromNlAttr(nl80211_attrs id, const nlattr *data);
std::string ToString() const;
bool GetU8AttributeValue(int id, uint8_t *value) const;
bool GetU16AttributeValue(int id, uint16_t *value) const;
bool GetU32AttributeValue(int id, uint32_t *value) const;
bool GetU64AttributeValue(int id, uint64_t *value) const;
bool GetFlagAttributeValue(int id, bool *value) const;
// |IsFlagAttributeTrue| returns true if the flag attribute |id| is true. It
// retruns false if the attribute does not exist, is not of type kTypeFlag,
// or is not true.
bool IsFlagAttributeTrue(int id) const;
bool GetStringAttributeValue(int id, std::string *value) const;
bool GetNestedAttributeValue(int id,
base::WeakPtr<AttributeList> *value) const;
// A raw attribute is a place to store unrecognized attributes when they
// from the kernel. For this reason, only limited support is provided for
// them.
bool GetRawAttributeValue(int id, ByteString *output) const;
// TODO(wdg): |GetRawAttribute| is a stopgap to support various
// UserBoundNlMessage::ToString methods and must, once those are re-written,
// be destroyed.
const Nl80211RawAttribute *GetRawAttribute(int id) const;
// The Create*Attribute and Set*Attribute methods are specifically for use
// by nested attributes to add their sub-attributes. Classes derived from
// Nl80211NestedAttribute should be added, here.
friend class Nl80211AttributeCqm;
friend class Nl80211AttributeStaInfo;
bool CreateU8Attribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetU8AttributeValue(int id, uint8_t value) const;
bool CreateU16Attribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetU16AttributeValue(int id, uint16_t value) const;
bool CreateU32Attribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetU32AttributeValue(int id, uint32_t value) const;
bool CreateU64Attribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetU64AttributeValue(int id, uint64_t value) const;
bool CreateFlagAttribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetFlagAttributeValue(int id, bool value) const;
bool CreateStringAttribute(int id, const char *id_string);
bool SetStringAttributeValue(int id, std::string value) const;
bool CreateNestedAttribute(int id, const char *id_string);
// No |SetNestedAttributeValue| method as it would make no sense.
// Using this to get around issues with const and operator[].
Nl80211Attribute *GetAttribute(int id) const;
// TODO(wdg): This is only used to support |GetRawAttribute|. Delete this
// when that goes away.
bool HasRawAttribute(int id) const;
std::map<int, AttributePointer> attributes_;
} // namespace shill