blob: 6faf42296747c55dabd495ba101a1820366a333c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/config80211.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <netlink/msg.h>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/stringprintf.h>
#include "shill/io_handler.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/nl80211_socket.h"
#include "shill/scope_logger.h"
#include "shill/user_bound_nlmessage.h"
using base::Bind;
using base::LazyInstance;
using base::StringAppendF;
using base::StringPrintf;
using std::map;
using std::string;
namespace shill {
namespace {
LazyInstance<Config80211> g_config80211 = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
LazyInstance<Callback80211Object> g_callback80211 = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
} // namespace
map<Config80211::EventType, std::string> *Config80211::event_types_ = NULL;
: dispatcher_(NULL),
sock_(NULL) {
Config80211::~Config80211() {
// Since Config80211 is a singleton, it should be safe to delete a static
// member.
delete event_types_;
event_types_ = NULL;
Config80211 *Config80211::GetInstance() {
return g_config80211.Pointer();
bool Config80211::Init(EventDispatcher *dispatcher) {
if (!sock_) {
sock_ = new Nl80211Socket;
if (!sock_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No memory";
return false;
if (!sock_->Init()) {
return false;
if (!event_types_) {
event_types_ = new std::map<EventType, std::string>;
(*event_types_)[Config80211::kEventTypeConfig] = "config";
(*event_types_)[Config80211::kEventTypeScan] = "scan";
(*event_types_)[Config80211::kEventTypeRegulatory] = "regulatory";
(*event_types_)[Config80211::kEventTypeMlme] = "mlme";
// Install ourselves in the shill mainloop so we receive messages on the
// nl80211 socket.
dispatcher_ = dispatcher;
if (dispatcher_) {
return true;
// static
bool Config80211::GetEventTypeString(EventType type, string *value) {
if (!value) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL |value|";
return false;
if (!event_types_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL |event_types_|";
return false;
map<EventType, string>::iterator match = (*event_types_).find(type);
if (match == (*event_types_).end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Event type " << type << " not found";
return false;
*value = match->second;
return true;
bool Config80211::SubscribeToEvents(EventType type) {
string group_name;
if (!GetEventTypeString(type, &group_name)) {
return false;
if (!sock_->AddGroupMembership(group_name)) {
return false;
// No sequence checking for multicast messages.
if (!sock_->DisableSequenceChecking()) {
return false;
// Install the global NetLink Callback for messages along with a parameter.
// The Netlink Callback's parameter is passed to 'C' as a 'void *'.
if (!sock_->SetNetlinkCallback(OnNlMessageReceived,
static_cast<void *>(
const_cast<Config80211::Callback *>(
&default_callback_)))) {
return false;
return true;
void Config80211::HandleIncomingEvents(int unused_fd) {
// NOTE: the "struct nl_msg" declaration, below, is a complete fabrication
// (but one consistent with the nl_socket_modify_cb call to which
// |OnNlMessageReceived| is a parameter). |raw_message| is actually a
// "struct sk_buff" but that data type is only visible in the kernel. We'll
// scrub this erroneous datatype with the "nlmsg_hdr" call, below, which
// extracts an nlmsghdr pointer from |raw_message|.
int Config80211::OnNlMessageReceived(struct nl_msg *raw_message,
void *user_callback_object) {
SLOG(WiFi, 6) << "\t Entering " << __func__
<< "( msg:" << raw_message
<< ", cb:" << user_callback_object << ")";
string output("@");
nlmsghdr *msg = nlmsg_hdr(raw_message);
scoped_ptr<UserBoundNlMessage> message(
if (message == NULL) {
output.append("unknown event");
} else {
if (user_callback_object) {
Config80211::Callback *bound_object =
static_cast<Config80211::Callback *> (user_callback_object);
if (!bound_object->is_null()) {
StringAppendF(&output, "%s", message->ToString().c_str());
SLOG(WiFi, 5) << output;
return NL_SKIP; // Skip current message, continue parsing buffer.
// Callback80211Object
Callback80211Object::Callback80211Object() :
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
Callback80211Object::~Callback80211Object() {
void Callback80211Object::Config80211MessageCallback(
const UserBoundNlMessage &msg) {
SLOG(WiFi, 2) << "Received " << msg.GetMessageTypeString()
<< " (" << + msg.GetMessageType() << ")";
scoped_ptr<UserBoundNlMessage::AttributeNameIterator> i;
for (i.reset(msg.GetAttributeNameIterator()); !i->AtEnd(); i->Advance()) {
string value = "<unknown>";
msg.GetAttributeString(i->GetName(), &value);
SLOG(WiFi, 2) << " Attr:" << msg.StringFromAttributeName(i->GetName())
<< "=" << value
<< " Type:" << msg.GetAttributeTypeString(i->GetName());
bool Callback80211Object::InstallAsCallback() {
if (config80211_) {
Config80211::Callback callback =
return true;
return false;
bool Callback80211Object::DeinstallAsCallback() {
if (config80211_) {
return true;
return false;
Callback80211Object *Callback80211Object::GetInstance() {
return g_callback80211.Pointer();
} // namespace shill.