blob: 12d2bcfb6bccafc73b53a221d66d90b2426ef0d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
#error "Do not use PropertyStoreInspector in non-test code."
#include "shill/property_store.h"
namespace shill {
// This class supplies functions to unit tests for inspecting a PropertyStore
// class to get single attributes. We never need to do this in the real
// PropertyStore, since the only interface to it over the control API is
// "GetProperties" which iterates over the entire store's properties.
// This code is done inefficiently -- if we were ever meant to retrieve
// single properties in production code, we'd access the map directly.
// For this reason, this class should only be used in unit tests.
class PropertyStoreInspector {
explicit PropertyStoreInspector(const PropertyStore *store);
virtual ~PropertyStoreInspector();
const PropertyStore *store() const { return store_; }
void set_store(const PropertyStore *store) { store_ = store; }
// Methods to allow the getting, of properties stored in the referenced
// |store_| by name. Upon success, these methods return true, return
// the property value in |value|, and leave |error| untouched. Upon
// failure, they return false and if non-NULL, |error| is set appropriately.
// The value for |error| may be returned by the property getter itself, or
// if the property is not found in the store, these functions return
// Error::kNotFound.
bool GetBoolProperty(const std::string &name, bool *value, Error *error);
bool GetInt16Property(const std::string &name, int16 *value, Error *error);
bool GetInt32Property(const std::string &name, int32 *value, Error *error);
bool GetKeyValueStoreProperty(const std::string &name,
KeyValueStore *value,
Error *error);
bool GetStringProperty(const std::string &name,
std::string *value,
Error *error);
bool GetStringmapProperty(const std::string &name,
std::map<std::string, std::string> *values,
Error *error);
bool GetStringsProperty(const std::string &name,
std::vector<std::string> *values,
Error *error);
bool GetUint8Property(const std::string &name, uint8 *value, Error *error);
bool GetUint16Property(const std::string &name, uint16 *value, Error *error);
bool GetUint32Property(const std::string &name, uint32 *value, Error *error);
bool GetRpcIdentifierProperty(const std::string &name,
RpcIdentifier *value,
Error *error);
// Methods to test the whether a property is enumerable for reading -- rather
// specifically that trying to do so would either succeed or return
// an error other than Error::kNotFound. Therefore, this function will
// return true for both successfully readable properties or properties that
// return a different error for their getter (e.g., Error:kPermissionDenied).
bool ContainsBoolProperty(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsInt16Property(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsInt32Property(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsKeyValueStoreProperty(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsStringProperty(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsStringmapProperty(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsStringsProperty(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsUint8Property(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsUint16Property(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsUint32Property(const std::string &name);
bool ContainsRpcIdentifierProperty(const std::string &name);
template <class V>
bool GetProperty(
const std::string &name,
V *value,
Error *error,
ReadablePropertyConstIterator<V>(PropertyStore::*getter)() const);
template <class V>
bool ContainsProperty(
const std::string &name,
ReadablePropertyConstIterator<V>(PropertyStore::*getter)() const);
const PropertyStore *store_;
} // namespace shill