blob: 822a5fa85dc098fe5d7b252a032d10eccdebdf52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip6.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include "shill/callbacks.h"
#include "shill/ip_address_store.h"
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/net/netlink_manager.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class ByteString;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class GetWakeOnPacketConnMessage;
class Manager;
class Nl80211Message;
class PropertyStore;
class SetWakeOnPacketConnMessage;
class WiFi;
class WakeOnWiFi {
WakeOnWiFi(NetlinkManager *netlink_manager, EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Manager *manager);
virtual ~WakeOnWiFi();
// Registers |store| with properties related to wake on WiFi.
void InitPropertyStore(PropertyStore *store);
// Types of triggers that can cause the NIC to wake the WiFi device.
enum WakeOnWiFiTrigger { kIPAddress, kDisconnect };
// Enable the NIC to wake on packets received from |ip_endpoint|.
// Note: The actual programming of the NIC only happens before the system
// suspends, in |OnBeforeSuspend|.
void AddWakeOnPacketConnection(const std::string &ip_endpoint, Error *error);
// Remove rule to wake on packets received from |ip_endpoint| from the NIC.
// Note: The actual programming of the NIC only happens before the system
// suspends, in |OnBeforeSuspend|.
void RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection(const std::string &ip_endpoint,
Error *error);
// Remove all rules to wake on incoming packets from the NIC.
// Note: The actual programming of the NIC only happens before the system
// suspends, in |OnBeforeSuspend|.
void RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections(Error *error);
// Given a NL80211_CMD_NEW_WIPHY message |nl80211_message|, parses the
// wake on WiFi capabilities of the NIC and set relevant members of this
// WakeOnWiFi object to reflect the supported capbilities.
void ParseWakeOnWiFiCapabilities(const Nl80211Message &nl80211_message);
// Given a NL80211_CMD_NEW_WIPHY message |nl80211_message|, parses the
// wiphy index of the NIC and sets |wiphy_index_| with the parsed index.
void ParseWiphyIndex(const Nl80211Message &nl80211_message);
// Performs pre-suspend actions relevant to wake on wireless functionality.
virtual void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback &callback);
// Performs post-resume actions relevant to wake on wireless functionality.
virtual void OnAfterResume();
friend class WakeOnWiFiTest; // access to several members for tests
friend class WiFiObjectTest; // netlink_manager_
// Tests that need kWakeOnWiFiDisabled.
FRIEND_TEST(WakeOnWiFiTest, AddWakeOnPacketConnection_ReturnsError);
FRIEND_TEST(WakeOnWiFiTest, RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection_ReturnsError);
FRIEND_TEST(WakeOnWiFiTest, RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections_ReturnsError);
FRIEND_TEST(WakeOnWiFiTest, ParseWiphyIndex_Success); // kDefaultWiphyIndex
// Tests that need kMaxSetWakeOnPacketRetries.
static const char kWakeOnIPAddressPatternsNotSupported[];
static const char kWakeOnPacketDisabled[];
static const char kWakeOnWiFiDisabled[];
static const uint32_t kDefaultWiphyIndex;
static const int kVerifyWakeOnWiFiSettingsDelaySeconds;
static const int kMaxSetWakeOnPacketRetries;
std::string GetWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabled(Error *error);
bool SetWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabled(const std::string &enabled, Error *error);
// Helper function to run and reset |suspend_actions_done_callback_|.
void RunAndResetSuspendActionsDoneCallback(const Error &error);
// Used for comparison of ByteString pairs in a set.
static bool ByteStringPairIsLessThan(
const std::pair<ByteString, ByteString> &lhs,
const std::pair<ByteString, ByteString> &rhs);
// Creates a mask which specifies which bytes in pattern of length
// |pattern_len| to match against. Bits |offset| to |pattern_len| - 1 are set,
// which bits 0 to bits 0 to |offset| - 1 are unset. This mask is saved in
// |mask|.
static void SetMask(ByteString *mask, uint32_t pattern_len, uint32_t offset);
// Creates a pattern and mask for a NL80211 message that programs the NIC to
// wake on packets originating from IP address |ip_addr|. The pattern and mask
// are saved in |pattern| and |mask| respectively. Returns true iff the
// pattern and mask are successfully created and written to |pattern| and
// |mask| respectively.
static bool CreateIPAddressPatternAndMask(const IPAddress &ip_addr,
ByteString *pattern,
ByteString *mask);
static void CreateIPV4PatternAndMask(const IPAddress &ip_addr,
ByteString *pattern, ByteString *mask);
static void CreateIPV6PatternAndMask(const IPAddress &ip_addr,
ByteString *pattern, ByteString *mask);
// Creates and sets an attribute in a NL80211 message |msg| which indicates
// the index of the wiphy interface to program. Returns true iff |msg| is
// successfully configured.
static bool ConfigureWiphyIndex(Nl80211Message *msg, int32_t index);
// Creates and sets attributes in an SetWakeOnPacketConnMessage |msg| so that
// the message will disable wake-on-packet functionality of the NIC with wiphy
// index |wiphy_index|. Returns true iff |msg| is successfully configured.
// NOTE: Assumes that |msg| has not been altered since construction.
static bool ConfigureDisableWakeOnWiFiMessage(SetWakeOnPacketConnMessage *msg,
uint32_t wiphy_index,
Error *error);
// Creates and sets attributes in a SetWakeOnPacketConnMessage |msg|
// so that the message will program the NIC with wiphy index |wiphy_index|
// with wake on wireless triggers in |trigs|. If |trigs| contains the
// kIPAddress trigger, the NIC is programmed to wake on packets from the
// IP addresses in |addrs|. Returns true iff |msg| is successfully configured.
// NOTE: Assumes that |msg| has not been altered since construction.
static bool ConfigureSetWakeOnWiFiSettingsMessage(
SetWakeOnPacketConnMessage *msg, const std::set<WakeOnWiFiTrigger> &trigs,
const IPAddressStore &addrs, uint32_t wiphy_index, Error *error);
// Helper function to ConfigureSetWakeOnWiFiSettingsMessage that creates a
// single nested attribute inside the attribute list referenced by |patterns|
// representing a wake-on-packet pattern matching rule with index |patnum|.
// Returns true iff the attribute is successfully created and set.
// NOTE: |patterns| is assumed to reference the nested attribute list
// NOTE: |patnum| should be unique across multiple calls to this function to
// prevent the formation of a erroneous nl80211 message or the overwriting of
// pattern matching rules.
static bool CreateSinglePattern(const IPAddress &ip_addr,
AttributeListRefPtr patterns, uint8_t patnum,
Error *error);
// Creates and sets attributes in an GetWakeOnPacketConnMessage msg| so that
// the message will request for wake-on-packet settings information from the
// NIC with wiphy index |wiphy_index|. Returns true iff |msg| is successfully
// configured.
// NOTE: Assumes that |msg| has not been altered since construction.
static bool ConfigureGetWakeOnWiFiSettingsMessage(
GetWakeOnPacketConnMessage *msg, uint32_t wiphy_index, Error *error);
// Given a NL80211_CMD_GET_WOWLAN response or NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN request
// |msg|, returns true iff the wake-on-wifi trigger settings in |msg| match
// those in |trigs|. Checks that source IP addresses in |msg| match those in
// |addrs| if the kIPAddress flag is in |trigs|.
static bool WakeOnWiFiSettingsMatch(const Nl80211Message &msg,
const std::set<WakeOnWiFiTrigger> &trigs,
const IPAddressStore &addrs);
// Handler for NL80211 message error responses from NIC wake on WiFi setting
// programming attempts.
void OnWakeOnWiFiSettingsErrorResponse(
NetlinkManager::AuxilliaryMessageType type,
const NetlinkMessage *raw_message);
// Message handler for NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN responses.
static void OnSetWakeOnPacketConnectionResponse(
const Nl80211Message &nl80211_message);
// Request wake on WiFi settings for this WiFi device.
void RequestWakeOnPacketSettings();
// Verify that the wake on WiFi settings programmed into the NIC match
// those recorded locally for this device in |wake_on_packet_connections_|
// and |wake_on_wifi_triggers_|.
void VerifyWakeOnWiFiSettings(const Nl80211Message &nl80211_message);
// Sends an NL80211 message to program the NIC with wake on WiFi settings
// configured in |wake_on_packet_connections_| and |wake_on_wifi_triggers_|.
// If |wake_on_wifi_triggers_| is empty, calls |DisableWakeOnWiFi|.
void ApplyWakeOnWiFiSettings();
// Helper function called by |ApplyWakeOnWiFiSettings| that sends an NL80211
// message to program the NIC to disable wake on WiFi.
void DisableWakeOnWiFi();
// Calls |ApplyWakeOnWiFiSettings| and counts this call as
// a retry. If |kMaxSetWakeOnPacketRetries| retries have already been
// performed, resets counter and returns.
void RetrySetWakeOnPacketConnections();
// Utility functions to check which wake on WiFi features are currently
// enabled based on the descriptor |wake_on_wifi_features_enabled_|.
bool WakeOnPacketEnabled();
bool WakeOnSSIDEnabled();
bool WakeOnWiFiFeaturesDisabled();
// Pointers to objects owned by the WiFi object that created this object.
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
NetlinkManager *netlink_manager_;
Manager *manager_;
// Executes after the NIC's wake-on-packet settings are configured via
// NL80211 messages to verify that the new configuration has taken effect.
// Calls RequestWakeOnPacketSettings.
base::CancelableClosure verify_wake_on_packet_settings_callback_;
// Callback to be invoked after all suspend actions finish executing.
ResultCallback suspend_actions_done_callback_;
// Number of retry attempts to program the NIC's wake-on-packet settings.
int num_set_wake_on_packet_retries_;
// Keeps track of triggers that the NIC will be programmed to wake from
// while suspended.
std::set<WakeOnWiFi::WakeOnWiFiTrigger> wake_on_wifi_triggers_;
// Keeps track of what wake on wifi triggers this WiFi device supports.
std::set<WakeOnWiFi::WakeOnWiFiTrigger> wake_on_wifi_triggers_supported_;
// Max number of patterns this WiFi device can be programmed to wake on
// at one time.
size_t wake_on_wifi_max_patterns_;
// Keeps track of IP addresses whose packets this device will wake upon
// receiving while the device is suspended.
IPAddressStore wake_on_packet_connections_;
uint32_t wiphy_index_;
bool wiphy_index_received_;
// Describes the wake on WiFi features that are currently enabled.
std::string wake_on_wifi_features_enabled_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WakeOnWiFi> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace shill