blob: d7f4003e74d1dea0787a1a1708f84b9500766c82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
namespace shill {
// This class provides events from the power manager. To use this class, create
// a subclass from PowerManagerProxyDelegate and implement its member functions.
// Call ProxyFactory::CreatePowerManagerProxy() to create an instance of this
// proxy, passing it a pointer to the delegate you created. When an event from
// the power manager is received, your delegate's member function will be
// called. You retain ownership of the delegate and must ensure that the proxy
// is deleted before the delegate.
class PowerManagerProxyInterface {
virtual ~PowerManagerProxyInterface() {}
// Sends a request to PowerManager to wait for this RPC client for up to
// |delay_ms| before suspending the system. When initiating suspend,
// PowerManager broadcasts a SuspendDelay signal and suspends the system after
// the maximal registered timeout expires or all registered clients are ready
// to suspend. Clients tell PowerManager that they are ready through the
// SuspendReady signal.
// TODO(petkov): Implement SuspendReady signal sending to
// PowerManager. Unfortunately, SuspendReady is declared as a signal when it
// should be a method.
virtual void RegisterSuspendDelay(uint32 delay_ms) = 0;
// PowerManager signal delegate to be associated with the proxy.
class PowerManagerProxyDelegate {
// Possible states broadcast from the powerd_suspend script.
enum SuspendState {
// Place new states above kUnknown.
virtual ~PowerManagerProxyDelegate() {}
// Broadcasted by PowerManager when it initiates suspend. RPC clients that
// have registered through RegisterSuspendDelay tell PowerManager that they're
// ready to suspend by sending a SuspendReady signal with the same
// |sequence_number|.
virtual void OnSuspendDelay(uint32 sequence_number) = 0;
// This method will be called when suspending or resuming. |new_power_state|
// will be "kMem" when suspending (to memory), or "kOn" when resuming.
virtual void OnPowerStateChanged(SuspendState new_power_state) = 0;
} // namespace shill