blob: b945840ddc4e4b68a773c1224bc122300be095fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_old.h>
#include <base/hash_tables.h>
#include <base/lazy_instance.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/io_handler.h"
#include "shill/rtnl_listener.h"
#include "shill/rtnl_message.h"
struct nlmsghdr;
namespace shill {
class IPConfig;
class Sockets;
// This singleton class is responsible for interacting with the RTNL subsystem.
// RTNL provides (among other things) access to interface discovery (add/remove
// events), interface state monitoring and the ability to change interace flags.
// Similar functionality also exists for IP address configuration for interfaces
// and IP routing tables.
// RTNLHandler provides access to these events through a callback system and
// provides utility functions to make changes to interface, address and routing
// state.
class RTNLHandler {
static const int kRequestLink = 1;
static const int kRequestAddr = 2;
static const int kRequestRoute = 4;
virtual ~RTNLHandler();
// Since this is a singleton, use RTNHandler::GetInstance()->Foo()
static RTNLHandler *GetInstance();
// This starts the event-monitoring function of the RTNL handler. This
// function requires an EventDispatcher pointer so it can add itself to the
// event loop.
virtual void Start(EventDispatcher *dispatcher, Sockets *sockets);
// Add an RTNL event listener to the list of entities that will
// be notified of RTNL events.
virtual void AddListener(RTNLListener *to_add);
// Remove a previously added RTNL event listener
virtual void RemoveListener(RTNLListener *to_remove);
// Set flags on a network interface that has a kernel index of
// 'interface_index'. Only the flags bits set in 'change' will
// be set, and they will be set to the corresponding bit in 'flags'.
virtual void SetInterfaceFlags(int interface_index,
unsigned int flags,
unsigned int change);
// Set address of a network interface that has a kernel index of
// 'interface_index'.
virtual bool AddInterfaceAddress(int interface_index,
const IPAddress &local,
const IPAddress &gateway);
// Remove address from a network interface that has a kernel index of
// 'interface_index'.
virtual bool RemoveInterfaceAddress(int interface_index,
const IPAddress &local);
// Request that various tables (link, address, routing) tables be
// exhaustively dumped via RTNL. As results arrive from the kernel
// they will be broadcast to all listeners. The possible values
// (multiple can be ORred together) are below.
virtual void RequestDump(int request_flags);
// Returns the index of interface |interface_name|, or -1 if unable to
// determine the index.
virtual int GetInterfaceIndex(const std::string &interface_name);
// Send a formatted RTNL message. The sequence number in the message is set.
virtual bool SendMessage(RTNLMessage *message);
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<RTNLHandler>;
friend class CellularTest;
friend class DeviceInfoTest;
friend class ModemTest;
friend class RTNLHandlerTest;
friend class RoutingTableTest;
FRIEND_TEST(RTNLListenerTest, NoRun);
FRIEND_TEST(RTNLListenerTest, Run);
FRIEND_TEST(RoutingTableTest, RouteDeleteForeign);
// This stops the event-monitoring function of the RTNL handler -- it is
// private since it will never happen in normal running, but is useful for
// tests.
void Stop();
// Dispatches an rtnl message to all listeners
void DispatchEvent(int type, const RTNLMessage &msg);
// Send the next table-dump request to the kernel
void NextRequest(uint32_t seq);
// Parse an incoming rtnl message from the kernel
void ParseRTNL(InputData *data);
bool AddressRequest(int interface_index,
RTNLMessage::Mode mode,
int flags,
const IPAddress &local,
const IPAddress &gateway);
Sockets *sockets_;
bool in_request_;
int rtnl_socket_;
uint32_t request_flags_;
uint32_t request_sequence_;
uint32_t last_dump_sequence_;
std::vector<RTNLListener *> listeners_;
scoped_ptr<Callback1<InputData *>::Type> rtnl_callback_;
scoped_ptr<IOHandler> rtnl_handler_;
} // namespace shill