blob: f490079735a9993fc787b8b52ad854db761e2fd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST.
#include "shill/accessor_interface.h"
#include "shill/error.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
namespace shill {
// Templated implementations of AccessorInterface<>.
// PropertyAccessor<>, ConstPropertyAccessor<>, and
// WriteOnlyPropertyAccessor<> provide R/W, R/O, and W/O access
// (respectively) to the value pointed to by |property|.
// This allows a class to easily map strings to member variables, so that
// pieces of state stored in the class can be queried or updated by name.
// bool foo = true;
// map<string, BoolAccessor> accessors;
// accessors["foo"] = BoolAccessor(new PropertyAccessor<bool>(&foo));
// bool new_foo = accessors["foo"]->Get(); // new_foo == true
// accessors["foo"]->Set(false); // returns true, because setting is allowed.
// // foo == false, new_foo == true
// new_foo = accessors["foo"]->Get(); // new_foo == false
// // Clear resets |foo| to its value when the PropertyAccessor was created.
// accessors["foo"]->Clear(); // foo == true
// Generic accessors that provide write capability will check that the
// new value differs from the present one. If the old and new values
// are the same, the setter will not invoke the assignment operator, and
// will return false.
// Custom accessors are responsible for handling set-to-same-value
// themselves. It is not possible to handle that here, because some
// custom getters return default values, rather than the actual
// value. (I'm looking at you, WiFi::GetBgscanMethod.)
template <class T>
class PropertyAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
explicit PropertyAccessor(T *property)
: property_(property), default_value_(*property) {
~PropertyAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) { Set(default_value_, error); }
T Get(Error */*error*/) { return *property_; }
bool Set(const T &value, Error */*error*/) {
if (*property_ == value) {
return false;
*property_ = value;
return true;
T * const property_;
const T default_value_;
template <class T>
class ConstPropertyAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
explicit ConstPropertyAccessor(const T *property) : property_(property) {
~ConstPropertyAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) {
// TODO(quiche): check if this is the right error.
// (maybe Error::kInvalidProperty instead?)
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
T Get(Error */*error*/) { return *property_; }
bool Set(const T &/*value*/, Error *error) {
// TODO(quiche): check if this is the right error.
// (maybe Error::kPermissionDenied instead?)
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
return false;
const T * const property_;
template <class T>
class WriteOnlyPropertyAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
explicit WriteOnlyPropertyAccessor(T *property)
: property_(property), default_value_(*property) {
~WriteOnlyPropertyAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) { Set(default_value_, error); }
T Get(Error *error) {
error->Populate(Error::kPermissionDenied, "Property is write-only");
return T();
bool Set(const T &value, Error */*error*/) {
if (*property_ == value) {
return false;
*property_ = value;
return true;
FRIEND_TEST(PropertyAccessorTest, SignedIntCorrectness);
FRIEND_TEST(PropertyAccessorTest, UnsignedIntCorrectness);
FRIEND_TEST(PropertyAccessorTest, StringCorrectness);
T * const property_;
const T default_value_;
// CustomAccessor<> allows custom getter and setter methods to be provided.
// Thus, if the state to be returned is to be derived on-demand, or if
// setting the property requires validation, we can still fit it into the
// AccessorInterface<> framework.
// If the property is write-only, use CustomWriteOnlyAccessor instead.
template<class C, class T>
class CustomAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
// |target| is the object on which to call the methods |getter|, |setter|
// and |clearer|. |setter| is allowed to be NULL, in which case we will
// simply reject attempts to set via the accessor. |setter| should return
// true if the value was changed, and false otherwise. |clearer| is allowed
// to be NULL (which is what happens if it is not passed to the constructor),
// in which case, |setter| is called is called with the default value.
// It is an error to pass NULL for either |target| or |getter|.
CustomAccessor(C *target,
T(C::*getter)(Error *error),
bool(C::*setter)(const T &value, Error *error),
void(C::*clearer)(Error *error))
: target_(target),
clearer_(clearer) {
DCHECK(getter); // otherwise, use CustomWriteOnlyAccessor
if (setter_) {
Error e;
default_value_ = Get(&e);
CustomAccessor(C *target,
T(C::*getter)(Error *error),
bool(C::*setter)(const T &value, Error *error))
: CustomAccessor(target, getter, setter, NULL) {}
~CustomAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) {
if (clearer_) {
} else {
Set(default_value_, error);
T Get(Error *error) {
return (target_->*getter_)(error);
bool Set(const T &value, Error *error) {
if (setter_) {
return (target_->*setter_)(value, error);
} else {
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
return false;
C *const target_;
// |default_value_| is non-const because it can't be initialized in
// the initializer list.
T default_value_;
T(C::*const getter_)(Error *error);
bool(C::*const setter_)(const T &value, Error *error); // NOLINT - "casting"
void(C::*const clearer_)(Error *error);
// CustomWriteOnlyAccessor<> allows a custom writer method to be provided.
// Get returns an error automatically. Clear resets the value to a
// default value.
template<class C, class T>
class CustomWriteOnlyAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
// |target| is the object on which to call |setter| and |clearer|.
// |target| and |setter| must be non-NULL. |setter| should return true
// if the value was changed, and false otherwise.
// Either |clearer| or |default_value|, but not both, must be non-NULL.
// Whichever is non-NULL is used to clear the property.
CustomWriteOnlyAccessor(C *target,
bool(C::*setter)(const T &value, Error *error),
void(C::*clearer)(Error *error),
const T *default_value)
: target_(target),
default_value_() {
DCHECK(clearer || default_value);
DCHECK(!clearer || !default_value);
if (default_value) {
default_value_ = *default_value;
~CustomWriteOnlyAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) {
if (clearer_) {
} else {
Set(default_value_, error);
T Get(Error *error) {
error->Populate(Error::kPermissionDenied, "Property is write-only");
return T();
bool Set(const T &value, Error *error) {
return (target_->*setter_)(value, error);
C *const target_;
bool(C::*const setter_)(const T &value, Error *error); // NOLINT - "casting"
void(C::*const clearer_)(Error *error);
// |default_value_| is non-const because it can't be initialized in
// the initializer list.
T default_value_;
// CustomReadOnlyAccessor<> allows a custom getter method to be provided.
// Set and Clear return errors automatically.
template<class C, class T>
class CustomReadOnlyAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
// |target| is the object on which to call the |getter| method.
// |getter| is a const method. If a non-const method needs to be used,
// use the CustomAccessor with a NULL setter instead.
CustomReadOnlyAccessor(C *target, T(C::*getter)(Error *error) const)
: target_(target), getter_(getter) {
~CustomReadOnlyAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) {
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
T Get(Error *error) {
return (target_->*getter_)(error);
bool Set(const T &value, Error *error) {
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
return false;
C *const target_;
T(C::*const getter_)(Error *error) const;
// CustomMappedAccessor<> passes an argument to the getter and setter
// so that a generic method can be used, for example one that accesses the
// property in a map.
template<class C, class T, class A>
class CustomMappedAccessor : public AccessorInterface<T> {
// |target| is the object on which to call the methods |getter| and |setter|.
// |setter| is allowed to be NULL, in which case we will simply reject
// attempts to set via the accessor. |setter| should return true if the
// value was changed, and false otherwise.
// |argument| is passed to the getter and setter methods to disambiguate
// between different properties in |target|.
// It is an error to pass NULL for any of |target|, |clearer| or |getter|.
CustomMappedAccessor(C *target,
void(C::*clearer)(const A &argument, Error *error),
T(C::*getter)(const A &argument, Error *error),
bool(C::*setter)(const A &argument, const T &value,
Error *error),
const A &argument)
: target_(target),
argument_(argument) {
~CustomMappedAccessor() override {}
void Clear(Error *error) {
(target_->*clearer_)(argument_, error);
T Get(Error *error) {
return (target_->*getter_)(argument_, error);
bool Set(const T &value, Error *error) {
if (setter_) {
return (target_->*setter_)(argument_, value, error);
} else {
error->Populate(Error::kInvalidArguments, "Property is read-only");
return false;
C *const target_;
void(C::*const clearer_)(const A &argument, Error *error);
T(C::*const getter_)(const A &argument, Error *error);
bool(C::*const setter_)(const A &argument, // NOLINT - "casting"
const T &value, Error *error);
A argument_;
} // namespace shill