blob: e3013ad27e8c07257ea81c55e5e27ba311e4dc7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/key_value_store.h"
#include "shill/property_store.h"
namespace shill {
class StoreInterface;
// Holder for static IP parameters. Includes methods for reading and
// displaying values over a control API, methods for loading and
// storing this to a persistent store, as well as applying these
// parameters to an IPConfig object.
class StaticIPParameters {
virtual ~StaticIPParameters();
// Take a property store and add static IP parameters to them.
void PlumbPropertyStore(PropertyStore *store);
// Load static IP parameters from a persistent store with id |storage_id|.
void Load(StoreInterface *storage, const std::string &storage_id);
// Save static IP parameters to a persistent store with id |storage_id|.
void Save(StoreInterface *storage, const std::string &storage_id);
// Apply static IP parameters to an IPConfig properties object, and save
// their original values.
void ApplyTo(IPConfig::Properties *props);
// Restore IP parameters from |saved_args_| to |props|, then clear
// |saved_args_|.
void RestoreTo(IPConfig::Properties *props);
// Remove any saved parameters from a previous call to ApplyTo().
void ClearSavedParameters();
// Return whether configuration parameters contain an address property.
bool ContainsAddress() const;
friend class StaticIPParametersTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, IPConfigUpdatedFailureWithStatic);
FRIEND_TEST(StaticIpParametersTest, SavedParameters);
struct Property {
enum Type {
// Properties of type "Strings" are stored as a comma-separated list
// in the control interface and in the profile, but are stored as a
// vector of strings in the IPConfig properties.
const char *name;
Type type;
static const char kConfigKeyPrefix[];
static const char kSavedConfigKeyPrefix[];
static const Property kProperties[];
// These functions try to retrieve the argument |property| out of the
// KeyValueStore in |args_|. If that value exists, overwrite |value_out|
// with its contents, and save the previous value into |saved_args_|.
void ApplyInt(const std::string &property, int32 *value_out);
void ApplyString(const std::string &property, std::string *value_out);
void ApplyStrings(const std::string &property,
std::vector<std::string> *value_out);
void ClearMappedProperty(const size_t &index, Error *error);
void ClearMappedSavedProperty(const size_t &index, Error *error);
int32 GetMappedInt32Property(const size_t &index, Error *error);
int32 GetMappedSavedInt32Property(const size_t &index, Error *error);
std::string GetMappedStringProperty(const size_t &index, Error *error);
std::string GetMappedSavedStringProperty(const size_t &index, Error *error);
bool SetMappedInt32Property(
const size_t &index, const int32 &value, Error *error);
bool SetMappedSavedInt32Property(
const size_t &index, const int32 &value, Error *error);
bool SetMappedStringProperty(
const size_t &index, const std::string &value, Error *error);
bool SetMappedSavedStringProperty(
const size_t &index, const std::string &value, Error *error);
KeyValueStore args_;
KeyValueStore saved_args_;
} // namespace shill