blob: cf2ad2ce6ae6f5b6facdd7323ea808a07edde7d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include "shill/accessor_interface.h"
namespace shill {
class ModemInfo;
// MobileOperator contains information related to the current cellular
// carrier based on data read from the Modem and provides a common place to
// access this information from.
class MobileOperator {
enum OperatorCodeType {
// Observer interface used to notify interested classes that data has been
// updated.
class Observer {
virtual void OnHomeProviderInfoChanged(const MobileOperator *handler) = 0;
virtual void OnServingOperatorInfoChanged(
const MobileOperator *handler) = 0;
virtual void OnApnListChanged(const MobileOperator *handler) = 0;
virtual void OnOnlinePaymentUrlTemplateChanged(
const MobileOperator *handler) = 0;
explicit MobileOperator(ModemInfo *modem_info);
// Add/remove observers to subscribe to notifications.
void AddObserver(Observer *observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer *observer);
// This should be called, when operator data is received OTA. The result of
// this operation dictates the serving operator, APN list and the online
// payment URL. This method will do its best to fill in the operator
// information from the databases.
// If |operator_code| is missing, and no best match is found based on
// |operator_name|, the contents of the serving operator will be cleared. If
// neither |operator_code| nor |operator_name| match an entry in the
// databases, the serving operator will be updated based on these arguments.
void OtaOperatorInfoReceived(const std::string &operator_code,
const std::string &operator_name,
OperatorCodeType type);
// This should be called, when operator data is received from the SIM card.
// The result of this operation dictates the home provider.
// If |operator_code| is missing, and no best match is found based on
// |operator_name|, the contents of the home provider will be cleared. If
// neither |operator_code| nor |operator_name| match an entry in the
// databases, the home provider will be updated based on these arguments.
// For this method, |operator_code| is always in the MCCMNC format, as SIMs
// don't report SIDs. If an SID is passed for |operator_code|, the method
// will interpret it as an MCCMNC value.
void SimOperatorInfoReceived(const std::string &operator_code,
const std::string &operator_name);
// Provider information. A user's home provider is the carrier they purchased
// their data plan from, whereas the serving operator is the current cellular
// operator that is feeding their data. These two are usually the same,
// except in the cases of roaming and CDMA. The format of the returned
// dictionary is:
// {
// "name": <operator-name>,
// "code": <operator-code>,
// "country": <operator-country>
// }
// The keys correspond to shill::kOperatorNameKey, shill::kOperatorCodeKey,
// and shill::kOperatorCountryKey respectively, as defined in
// service_constants.h. If any of the above keys is not known, there will be
// no entry in the dictionary for it.
const Stringmap &home_provider() const { return home_provider_; }
const Stringmap &serving_operator() const { return serving_operator_; }
// Known access points related to the current serving operator. Possible keys
// are defined in service_constants.h as shill::kApn*.
const Stringmaps &apn_list() const { return apn_list_; }
// The online payment URL, when available, is used by Chrome to access the
// carrier's service activation portal it is only available for select
// carriers. Possible keys are:
// {
// "url": <the url>,
// "method": <HTTP method>,
// "postdata": <argument template for the url>
// }
// The argument template is used to construct the POST arguments for the URL
// using information such as ICCID, IMEI, etc.
// TODO(armansito): Define constants for the above keys in
// service_constants.h (Also see TODO in
const Stringmap &online_payment_url_template() const {
return online_payment_url_template_;
bool home_provider_requires_roaming() const {
return home_provider_requires_roaming_;
// These methods notify observers of events.
void NotifyHomeProviderInfoChanged();
void NotifyServingOperatorInfoChanged();
void NotifyApnListChanged();
void NotifyOnlinePaymentUrlTemplateChanged();
// It is OK to use a raw pointer here, as:
// 1. ModemInfo is not owned by MobileOperator.
// 2. ModemInfo has a longer life-time than MobileOperator.
ModemInfo *modem_info_;
Stringmap home_provider_;
Stringmap serving_operator_;
Stringmaps apn_list_;
Stringmap online_payment_url_template_;
bool home_provider_requires_roaming_;
ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
} // namespace shill