blob: f2e133a00e8b4c95efa2b5125bec5a0ac34adc08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/cellular.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class Manager;
class CellularService : public Service {
static const char kStorageAPN[];
static const char kStorageLastGoodAPN[];
// Online payment portal.
class OLP {
void CopyFrom(const OLP &olp);
bool Equals(const OLP &olp) const;
const std::string &GetURL() const;
void SetURL(const std::string &url);
const std::string &GetMethod() const;
void SetMethod(const std::string &method);
const std::string &GetPostData() const;
void SetPostData(const std::string &post_data);
const Stringmap &ToDict() const;
Stringmap dict_;
CellularService(ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager,
const CellularRefPtr &device);
virtual ~CellularService();
// Inherited from Service.
virtual void Connect(Error *error);
virtual void Disconnect(Error *error);
virtual void ActivateCellularModem(const std::string &carrier,
Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual bool TechnologyIs(const Technology::Identifier type) const;
virtual std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const;
void SetStorageIdentifier(const std::string &identifier);
void SetActivationState(const std::string &state);
const std::string &activation_state() const { return activation_state_; }
void SetOLP(const OLP &olp);
const OLP &olp() const { return olp_; }
void SetUsageURL(const std::string &url);
const std::string &usage_url() const { return usage_url_; }
void SetServingOperator(const Cellular::Operator &oper);
const Cellular::Operator &serving_operator() const;
// Sets network technology to |technology| and broadcasts the property change.
void SetNetworkTechnology(const std::string &technology);
const std::string &network_technology() const { return network_technology_; }
// Sets roaming state to |state| and broadcasts the property change.
void SetRoamingState(const std::string &state);
const std::string &roaming_state() const { return roaming_state_; }
// Overrride Load and Save from parent Service class. We will call
// the parent method.
virtual bool Load(StoreInterface *storage);
virtual bool Save(StoreInterface *storage);
Stringmap *GetUserSpecifiedApn();
Stringmap *GetLastGoodApn();
virtual void SetLastGoodApn(const Stringmap &apn_info);
virtual void ClearLastGoodApn();
friend class CellularServiceTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityGSMTest, SetupApnTryList);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, TryApns);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Connect);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, SetApn);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, ClearApn);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, LastGoodApn);
void HelpRegisterDerivedStringmap(
const std::string &name,
Stringmap(CellularService::*get)(Error *error),
void(CellularService::*set)(const Stringmap &value, Error *error));
virtual std::string GetDeviceRpcId(Error *error);
Stringmap GetApn(Error *error);
void SetApn(const Stringmap &value, Error *error);
static void SaveApn(StoreInterface *storage,
const std::string &storage_group,
const Stringmap *apn_info,
const std::string &keytag);
static void SaveApnField(StoreInterface *storage,
const std::string &storage_group,
const Stringmap *apn_info,
const std::string &keytag,
const std::string &apntag);
static void LoadApn(StoreInterface *storage,
const std::string &storage_group,
const std::string &keytag,
Stringmap *apn_info);
static bool LoadApnField(StoreInterface *storage,
const std::string &storage_group,
const std::string &keytag,
const std::string &apntag,
Stringmap *apn_info);
// Properties
std::string activation_state_;
Cellular::Operator serving_operator_;
std::string network_technology_;
std::string roaming_state_;
OLP olp_;
std::string usage_url_;
Stringmap apn_info_;
Stringmap last_good_apn_info_;
std::string storage_identifier_;
CellularRefPtr cellular_;
} // namespace shill