blob: 442f22fb766eb4c8107e83669de59ba21a24b053 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/power_manager.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/power_manager_proxy_interface.h"
#include "shill/proxy_factory.h"
using std::map;
using std::string;
namespace shill {
const int PowerManager::kSuspendTimeoutMilliseconds = 15 * 1000;
PowerManager::PowerManager(EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
ProxyFactory *proxy_factory)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
power_state_(kUnknown) {}
PowerManager::~PowerManager() {
void PowerManager::AddStateChangeCallback(const string &key,
const PowerStateCallback &callback) {
SLOG(Power, 2) << __func__ << " key " << key;
AddCallback(key, callback, &state_change_callbacks_);
void PowerManager::AddSuspendDelayCallback(
const string &key, const SuspendDelayCallback &callback) {
SLOG(Power, 2) << __func__ << " key " << key;
AddCallback(key, callback, &suspend_delay_callbacks_);
void PowerManager::RemoveStateChangeCallback(const string &key) {
SLOG(Power, 2) << __func__ << " key " << key;
RemoveCallback(key, &state_change_callbacks_);
void PowerManager::RemoveSuspendDelayCallback(const string &key) {
SLOG(Power, 2) << __func__ << " key " << key;
RemoveCallback(key, &suspend_delay_callbacks_);
void PowerManager::OnSuspendImminent(int suspend_id) {
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << "(" << suspend_id << ")";
// Change the power state to suspending as soon as this signal is received so
// that the manager can suppress auto-connect, for example. Schedules a
// suspend timeout in case the suspend attempt failed or got interrupted, and
// there's no proper notification from the power manager.
power_state_ = kSuspending;
base::Bind(&PowerManager::OnSuspendTimeout, base::Unretained(this)));
OnEvent(suspend_id, &suspend_delay_callbacks_);
void PowerManager::OnPowerStateChanged(SuspendState new_power_state) {
LOG(INFO) << "Power state changed: "
<< power_state_ << "->" << new_power_state;
power_state_ = new_power_state;
OnEvent(new_power_state, &state_change_callbacks_);
bool PowerManager::RegisterSuspendDelay(base::TimeDelta timeout,
int *delay_id_out) {
return power_manager_proxy_->RegisterSuspendDelay(timeout, delay_id_out);
bool PowerManager::UnregisterSuspendDelay(int delay_id) {
return power_manager_proxy_->UnregisterSuspendDelay(delay_id);
bool PowerManager::ReportSuspendReadiness(int delay_id, int suspend_id) {
return power_manager_proxy_->ReportSuspendReadiness(delay_id, suspend_id);
void PowerManager::OnSuspendTimeout() {
LOG(ERROR) << "Suspend timed out -- assuming power-on state.";
template<class Callback>
void PowerManager::AddCallback(const string &key, const Callback &callback,
map<const string, Callback> *callback_map) {
CHECK(callback_map != NULL);
if (ContainsKey(*callback_map, key)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Inserting duplicate key " << key;
LOG(INFO) << "Removing previous callback for key " << key;
RemoveCallback(key, callback_map);
(*callback_map)[key] = callback;
template<class Callback>
void PowerManager::RemoveCallback(const string &key,
map<const string, Callback> *callback_map) {
CHECK(callback_map != NULL);
DCHECK(ContainsKey(*callback_map, key)) << "Removing unknown key " << key;
typename map<const std::string, Callback>::iterator it =
if (it != callback_map->end()) {
template<class Param, class Callback>
void PowerManager::OnEvent(const Param &param,
map<const string, Callback> *callback_map) const {
CHECK(callback_map != NULL);
for (typename map<const string, Callback>::const_iterator it =
it != callback_map->end(); ++it) {
} // namespace shill