blob: 06680fdee9cb838b5199f602ac2a216401799ff2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/memory/singleton.h>
#include <dbus-c++/connection.h>
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/dhcp_config.h"
namespace shill {
class DHCPListenerInterface;
class Device;
// DHCPProvider is a singleton providing the main DHCP configuration
// entrypoint. Once the provider is initialized through its Init method, DHCP
// configurations for devices can be obtained through its CreateConfig
// method. For example, a single DHCP configuration request can be initiated as:
// DHCPProvider::GetInstance()->CreateConfig(device)->Request();
class DHCPProvider {
// This is a singleton -- use DHCPProvider::GetInstance()->Foo()
static DHCPProvider *GetInstance();
// Initializes the provider singleton. This method hooks up a D-Bus signal
// listener to |connection| that catches signals from spawned DHCP clients and
// dispatches them to the appropriate DHCP configuration instance.
void Init(DBus::Connection *connection);
// Creates a new DHCPConfig for |device|. The DHCP configuration for the
// device can then be initiated through DHCPConfig::Request and
// DHCPConfig::Renew.
DHCPConfigRefPtr CreateConfig(DeviceConstRefPtr device);
// Returns the DHCP configuration associated with DHCP client |pid|. Return
// NULL if |pid| is not bound to a configuration.
DHCPConfigRefPtr GetConfig(unsigned int pid);
// Binds a |pid| to a DHCP |config|. When a DHCP config spawns a new DHCP
// client, it binds itself to that client's |pid|.
void BindPID(unsigned int pid, DHCPConfigRefPtr config);
// Unbinds a |pid|. This method is used by a DHCP config to signal the
// provider that the DHCP client has been terminated. This may result in
// destruction of the DHCP config instance if its reference count goes to 0.
void UnbindPID(unsigned int pid);
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<DHCPProvider>;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, DHCPConfigRefPtr> PIDConfigMap;
// Private to ensure that this behaves as a singleton.
virtual ~DHCPProvider();
// A single listener is used to catch signals from all DHCP clients and
// dispatch them to the appropriate proxy.
scoped_ptr<DHCPListenerInterface> listener_;
// A map that binds PIDs to DHCP configuration instances.
PIDConfigMap configs_;
} // namespace shill