blob: 9fa0d07e1a3c220c42beba00d4d49aa30eb06ecc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h> // for open
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/flag_helper.h>
#include <chromeos/syslog_logging.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include "chrome_collector.h"
#include "kernel_collector.h"
#include "kernel_warning_collector.h"
#include "udev_collector.h"
#include "unclean_shutdown_collector.h"
#include "user_collector.h"
static const char kCrashCounterHistogram[] = "Logging.CrashCounter";
static const char kUserCrashSignal[] =
static const char kKernelCrashDetected[] = "/var/run/kernel-crash-detected";
static const char kUncleanShutdownDetected[] =
// Enumeration of kinds of crashes to be used in the CrashCounter histogram.
enum CrashKinds {
kCrashKindUncleanShutdown = 1,
kCrashKindUser = 2,
kCrashKindKernel = 3,
kCrashKindUdev = 4,
kCrashKindKernelWarning = 5,
static MetricsLibrary s_metrics_lib;
using base::FilePath;
using base::StringPrintf;
static bool IsFeedbackAllowed() {
return s_metrics_lib.AreMetricsEnabled();
static bool TouchFile(const FilePath &file_path) {
return base::WriteFile(file_path, "", 0) == 0;
static void SendCrashMetrics(CrashKinds type, const char* name) {
// TODO(kmixter): We can remove this histogram as part of
s_metrics_lib.SendEnumToUMA(kCrashCounterHistogram, type, kCrashKindMax);
static void CountKernelCrash() {
SendCrashMetrics(kCrashKindKernel, "kernel");
static void CountUdevCrash() {
SendCrashMetrics(kCrashKindUdev, "udevcrash");
static void CountUncleanShutdown() {
SendCrashMetrics(kCrashKindUncleanShutdown, "uncleanshutdown");
static void CountUserCrash() {
SendCrashMetrics(kCrashKindUser, "user");
std::string command = StringPrintf(
"/usr/bin/dbus-send --type=signal --system / \"%s\" &",
// Announce through D-Bus whenever a user crash happens. This is
// used by the metrics daemon to log active use time between
// crashes.
// This could be done more efficiently by explicit fork/exec or
// using a dbus library directly. However, this should run
// relatively rarely and longer term we may need to implement a
// better way to do this that doesn't rely on D-Bus.
// We run in the background in case dbus daemon itself is crashed
// and not responding. This allows us to not block and potentially
// deadlock on a dbus-daemon crash. If dbus-daemon crashes without
// restarting, each crash will fork off a lot of dbus-send
// processes. Such a system is in a unusable state and will need
// to be restarted anyway.
int status = system(command.c_str());
LOG_IF(WARNING, status != 0) << "dbus-send running failed";
static void CountChromeCrash() {
// For now, consider chrome crashes the same as user crashes for reporting
// purposes.
static int Initialize(KernelCollector *kernel_collector,
UserCollector *user_collector,
UncleanShutdownCollector *unclean_shutdown_collector,
const bool unclean_check,
const bool clean_shutdown) {
CHECK(!clean_shutdown) << "Incompatible options";
bool was_kernel_crash = false;
bool was_unclean_shutdown = false;
if (kernel_collector->is_enabled()) {
was_kernel_crash = kernel_collector->Collect();
if (unclean_check) {
was_unclean_shutdown = unclean_shutdown_collector->Collect();
// Touch a file to notify the metrics daemon that a kernel
// crash has been detected so that it can log the time since
// the last kernel crash.
if (IsFeedbackAllowed()) {
if (was_kernel_crash) {
} else if (was_unclean_shutdown) {
// We only count an unclean shutdown if it did not come with
// an associated kernel crash.
// Must enable the unclean shutdown collector *after* collecting.
return 0;
static int HandleUserCrash(UserCollector *user_collector,
const std::string& user, const bool crash_test) {
// Handle a specific user space crash.
CHECK(!user.empty()) << "--user= must be set";
// Make it possible to test what happens when we crash while
// handling a crash.
if (crash_test) {
*(volatile char *)0 = 0;
return 0;
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during user collection.
// Handle the crash, get the name of the process from procfs.
bool handled = user_collector->HandleCrash(user, nullptr);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
static int HandleChromeCrash(ChromeCollector *chrome_collector,
const std::string& chrome_dump_file,
const std::string& pid,
const std::string& uid,
const std::string& exe) {
CHECK(!chrome_dump_file.empty()) << "--chrome= must be set";
CHECK(!pid.empty()) << "--pid= must be set";
CHECK(!uid.empty()) << "--uid= must be set";
CHECK(!exe.empty()) << "--exe= must be set";
bool handled = chrome_collector->HandleCrash(FilePath(chrome_dump_file),
pid, uid, exe);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
static int HandleUdevCrash(UdevCollector *udev_collector,
const std::string& udev_event) {
// Handle a crash indicated by a udev event.
CHECK(!udev_event.empty()) << "--udev= must be set";
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during user collection.
bool handled = udev_collector->HandleCrash(udev_event);
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
static int HandleKernelWarning(KernelWarningCollector
*kernel_warning_collector) {
// Accumulate logs to help in diagnosing failures during collection.
bool handled = kernel_warning_collector->Collect();
if (!handled)
return 1;
return 0;
// Interactive/diagnostics mode for generating kernel crash signatures.
static int GenerateKernelSignature(KernelCollector *kernel_collector,
const std::string& kernel_signature_file) {
std::string kcrash_contents;
std::string signature;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(FilePath(kernel_signature_file),
&kcrash_contents)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read file.\n");
return 1;
if (!kernel_collector->ComputeKernelStackSignature(
true)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Signature could not be generated.\n");
return 1;
printf("Kernel crash signature is \"%s\".\n", signature.c_str());
return 0;
// Ensure stdout, stdin, and stderr are open file descriptors. If
// they are not, any code which writes to stderr/stdout may write out
// to files opened during execution. In particular, when
// crash_reporter is run by the kernel coredump pipe handler (via
// kthread_create/kernel_execve), it will not have file table entries
// 1 and 2 (stdout and stderr) populated. We populate them here.
static void OpenStandardFileDescriptors() {
int new_fd = -1;
// We open /dev/null to fill in any of the standard [0, 2] file
// descriptors. We leave these open for the duration of the
// process. This works because open returns the lowest numbered
// invalid fd.
do {
new_fd = open("/dev/null", 0);
CHECK_GE(new_fd, 0) << "Unable to open /dev/null";
} while (new_fd >= 0 && new_fd <= 2);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
DEFINE_bool(init, false, "Initialize crash logging");
DEFINE_bool(clean_shutdown, false, "Signal clean shutdown");
DEFINE_string(generate_kernel_signature, "",
"Generate signature from given kcrash file");
DEFINE_bool(crash_test, false, "Crash test");
DEFINE_string(user, "", "User crash info (pid:signal:exec_name)");
DEFINE_bool(unclean_check, true, "Check for unclean shutdown");
DEFINE_string(udev, "", "Udev event description (type:device:subsystem)");
DEFINE_bool(kernel_warning, false, "Report collected kernel warning");
DEFINE_string(chrome, "", "Chrome crash dump file");
DEFINE_string(pid, "", "PID of crashing process");
DEFINE_string(uid, "", "UID of crashing process");
DEFINE_string(exe, "", "Executable name of crashing process");
DEFINE_bool(core2md_failure, false, "Core2md failure test");
DEFINE_bool(directory_failure, false, "Spool directory failure test");
DEFINE_string(filter_in, "",
"Ignore all crashes but this for testing");
FilePath my_path = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(FilePath(argv[0]));
chromeos::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "Chromium OS Crash Reporter");
chromeos::OpenLog(my_path.BaseName().value().c_str(), true);
KernelCollector kernel_collector;
kernel_collector.Initialize(CountKernelCrash, IsFeedbackAllowed);
UserCollector user_collector;
true, // generate_diagnostics
UncleanShutdownCollector unclean_shutdown_collector;
UdevCollector udev_collector;
udev_collector.Initialize(CountUdevCrash, IsFeedbackAllowed);
ChromeCollector chrome_collector;
chrome_collector.Initialize(CountChromeCrash, IsFeedbackAllowed);
KernelWarningCollector kernel_warning_collector;
kernel_warning_collector.Initialize(CountUdevCrash, IsFeedbackAllowed);
if (FLAGS_init) {
return Initialize(&kernel_collector,
if (FLAGS_clean_shutdown) {
return 0;
if (!FLAGS_generate_kernel_signature.empty()) {
return GenerateKernelSignature(&kernel_collector,
if (!FLAGS_udev.empty()) {
return HandleUdevCrash(&udev_collector, FLAGS_udev);
if (FLAGS_kernel_warning) {
return HandleKernelWarning(&kernel_warning_collector);
if (!FLAGS_chrome.empty()) {
return HandleChromeCrash(&chrome_collector,
return HandleUserCrash(&user_collector, FLAGS_user, FLAGS_crash_test);