blob: 043d38c09e1c2d1ac8ecc58c8b712b3f472ee5b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "crash-reporter/crash_collector.h"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h" // for FRIEND_TEST
class FilePath;
class SystemLogging;
// User crash collector.
class UserCollector : public CrashCollector {
// Initialize the user crash collector for detection of crashes,
// given a crash counting function, the path to this executable,
// metrics collection enabled oracle, and system logger facility.
// Crash detection/reporting is not enabled until Enable is called.
// |generate_diagnostics| is used to indicate whether or not to try
// to generate a minidump from crashes.
void Initialize(CountCrashFunction count_crash,
const std::string &our_path,
IsFeedbackAllowedFunction is_metrics_allowed,
bool generate_diagnostics);
virtual ~UserCollector();
// Enable collection.
bool Enable() { return SetUpInternal(true); }
// Disable collection.
bool Disable() { return SetUpInternal(false); }
// Handle a specific user crash. Returns true on success.
bool HandleCrash(const std::string &crash_attributes,
const char *force_exec);
// Set (override the default) core file pattern.
void set_core_pattern_file(const std::string &pattern) {
core_pattern_file_ = pattern;
// Set (override the default) core pipe limit file.
void set_core_pipe_limit_file(const std::string &path) {
core_pipe_limit_file_ = path;
friend class UserCollectorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, CopyOffProcFilesBadPath);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, CopyOffProcFilesBadPid);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, CopyOffProcFilesOK);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetExecutableBaseNameFromPid);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetFirstLineWithPrefix);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetIdFromStatus);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetStateFromStatus);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetProcessPath);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetSymlinkTarget);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetUserInfoFromName);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ParseCrashAttributes);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpChromeOverridesDeveloperImage);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpDeveloperImageOverridesConsent);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpUseConsentProductionImage);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ValidateProcFiles);
// Enumeration to pass to GetIdFromStatus. Must match the order
// that the kernel lists IDs in the status file.
enum IdKind {
kIdReal = 0, // uid and gid
kIdEffective = 1, // euid and egid
kIdSet = 2, // suid and sgid
kIdFileSystem = 3, // fsuid and fsgid
static const int kForkProblem = 255;
std::string GetPattern(bool enabled) const;
bool SetUpInternal(bool enabled);
FilePath GetProcessPath(pid_t pid);
bool GetSymlinkTarget(const FilePath &symlink,
FilePath *target);
bool GetExecutableBaseNameFromPid(uid_t pid,
std::string *base_name);
// Returns, via |line|, the first line in |lines| that starts with |prefix|.
// Returns true if a line is found, or false otherwise.
bool GetFirstLineWithPrefix(const std::vector<std::string> &lines,
const char *prefix, std::string *line);
// Returns the identifier of |kind|, via |id|, found in |status_lines| on
// the line starting with |prefix|. |status_lines| contains the lines in
// the status file. Returns true if the identifier can be determined.
bool GetIdFromStatus(const char *prefix,
IdKind kind,
const std::vector<std::string> &status_lines,
int *id);
// Returns the process state, via |state|, found in |status_lines|, which
// contains the lines in the status file. Returns true if the process state
// can be determined.
bool GetStateFromStatus(const std::vector<std::string> &status_lines,
std::string *state);
void LogCollectionError(const std::string &error_message);
void EnqueueCollectionErrorLog(pid_t pid, const std::string &exec_name);
bool CopyOffProcFiles(pid_t pid, const FilePath &container_dir);
// Validates the proc files at |container_dir| and returns true if they
// are usable for the core-to-minidump conversion later. For instance, if
// a process is reaped by the kernel before the copying of its proc files
// takes place, some proc files like /proc/<pid>/maps may contain nothing
// and thus become unusable.
bool ValidateProcFiles(const FilePath &container_dir);
// Determines the crash directory for given pid based on pid's owner,
// and creates the directory if necessary with appropriate permissions.
// Returns true whether or not directory needed to be created, false on
// any failure.
bool GetCreatedCrashDirectory(pid_t pid,
FilePath *crash_file_path,
bool *out_of_capacity);
bool CopyStdinToCoreFile(const FilePath &core_path);
bool RunCoreToMinidump(const FilePath &core_path,
const FilePath &procfs_directory,
const FilePath &minidump_path,
const FilePath &temp_directory);
bool ConvertCoreToMinidump(pid_t pid,
const FilePath &container_dir,
const FilePath &core_path,
const FilePath &minidump_path);
bool ConvertAndEnqueueCrash(int pid, const std::string &exec_name,
bool *out_of_capacity);
bool ParseCrashAttributes(const std::string &crash_attributes,
pid_t *pid, int *signal,
std::string *kernel_supplied_name);
bool ShouldDump(bool has_owner_consent,
bool is_developer,
bool handle_chrome_crashes,
const std::string &exec,
std::string *reason);
bool generate_diagnostics_;
std::string core_pattern_file_;
std::string core_pipe_limit_file_;
std::string our_path_;
bool initialized_;
static const char *kUserId;
static const char *kGroupId;