blob: 380bb604a71038c3d6cf5c79cf0636c3eadadeb9 [file] [log] [blame]
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# files that live under /system/etc/...
copy_from := \
etc/dbus.conf \
ifeq ($(TARGET_PRODUCT),full)
copy_from += etc/vold.fstab
# the /system/etc/ is needed to enable emulator support
# in the system image. In theory, we don't need these for -user builds
# which are device-specific. However, these builds require at the moment
# to run the dex pre-optimization *in* the emulator. So keep the file until
# we are capable of running dex preopt on the host.
copy_from += etc/
copy_to := $(addprefix $(TARGET_OUT)/,$(copy_from))
copy_from := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/,$(copy_from))
$(copy_to) : PRIVATE_MODULE := system_etcdir
$(copy_to) : $(TARGET_OUT)/% : $(LOCAL_PATH)/% | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(copy_to)
# files that live under /...
# Only copy init.rc if the target doesn't have its own.
file := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/init.rc
$(file) : $(LOCAL_PATH)/init.rc | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
file := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/ueventd.rc
$(file) : $(LOCAL_PATH)/ueventd.rc | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
# Just like /system/etc/, the /init.godlfish.rc is here
# to allow -user builds to properly run the dex pre-optimization pass in
# the emulator.
file := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/init.goldfish.rc
$(file) : $(LOCAL_PATH)/etc/init.goldfish.rc | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
file := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/ueventd.goldfish.rc
$(file) : $(LOCAL_PATH)/etc/ueventd.goldfish.rc | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
# create some directories (some are mount points)
DIRS := $(addprefix $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/, \
sbin \
dev \
proc \
sys \
system \
data \
) \
@echo Directory: $@
@mkdir -p $@