blob: 9600b44a5edbc8ef6294ad7a935187c46bdec040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/crash_collector.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h> // For file creation modes.
#include <pwd.h> // For struct passwd.
#include <sys/types.h> // for mode_t.
#include <sys/wait.h> // For waitpid.
#include <unistd.h> // For execv and fork.
#include <set>
#include "base/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "chromeos/process.h"
static const char kDefaultUserName[] = "chronos";
static const char kLsbRelease[] = "/etc/lsb-release";
static const char kShellPath[] = "/bin/sh";
static const char kSystemCrashPath[] = "/var/spool/crash";
static const char kUserCrashPath[] = "/home/chronos/user/crash";
// Directory mode of the user crash spool directory.
static const mode_t kUserCrashPathMode = 0755;
// Directory mode of the system crash spool directory.
static const mode_t kSystemCrashPathMode = 01755;
static const uid_t kRootOwner = 0;
static const uid_t kRootGroup = 0;
// Maximum crash reports per crash spool directory. Note that this is
// a separate maximum from the maximum rate at which we upload these
// diagnostics. The higher this rate is, the more space we allow for
// core files, minidumps, and kcrash logs, and equivalently the more
// processor and I/O bandwidth we dedicate to handling these crashes when
// many occur at once. Also note that if core files are configured to
// be left on the file system, we stop adding crashes when either the
// number of core files or minidumps reaches this number.
const int CrashCollector::kMaxCrashDirectorySize = 32;
: forced_crash_directory_(NULL),
lsb_release_(kLsbRelease) {
CrashCollector::~CrashCollector() {
void CrashCollector::Initialize(
CrashCollector::CountCrashFunction count_crash_function,
CrashCollector::IsFeedbackAllowedFunction is_feedback_allowed_function) {
CHECK(count_crash_function != NULL);
CHECK(is_feedback_allowed_function != NULL);
count_crash_function_ = count_crash_function;
is_feedback_allowed_function_ = is_feedback_allowed_function;
int CrashCollector::WriteNewFile(const FilePath &filename,
const char *data,
int size) {
int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(filename.value().c_str(),
if (fd < 0) {
return -1;
int rv = file_util::WriteFileDescriptor(fd, data, size);
return rv;
std::string CrashCollector::Sanitize(const std::string &name) {
std::string result = name;
for (size_t i = 0; i < name.size(); ++i) {
if (!isalnum(result[i]) && result[i] != '_')
result[i] = '_';
return result;
std::string CrashCollector::FormatDumpBasename(const std::string &exec_name,
time_t timestamp,
pid_t pid) {
struct tm tm;
localtime_r(&timestamp, &tm);
std::string sanitized_exec_name = Sanitize(exec_name);
return StringPrintf("%s.%04d%02d%02d.%02d%02d%02d.%d",
tm.tm_year + 1900,
tm.tm_mon + 1,
FilePath CrashCollector::GetCrashPath(const FilePath &crash_directory,
const std::string &basename,
const std::string &extension) {
return crash_directory.Append(StringPrintf("%s.%s",
FilePath CrashCollector::GetCrashDirectoryInfo(
uid_t process_euid,
uid_t default_user_id,
gid_t default_user_group,
mode_t *mode,
uid_t *directory_owner,
gid_t *directory_group) {
if (process_euid == default_user_id) {
*mode = kUserCrashPathMode;
*directory_owner = default_user_id;
*directory_group = default_user_group;
return FilePath(kUserCrashPath);
} else {
*mode = kSystemCrashPathMode;
*directory_owner = kRootOwner;
*directory_group = kRootGroup;
return FilePath(kSystemCrashPath);
bool CrashCollector::GetUserInfoFromName(const std::string &name,
uid_t *uid,
gid_t *gid) {
char storage[256];
struct passwd passwd_storage;
struct passwd *passwd_result = NULL;
if (getpwnam_r(name.c_str(), &passwd_storage, storage, sizeof(storage),
&passwd_result) != 0 || passwd_result == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find user named " << name;
return false;
*uid = passwd_result->pw_uid;
*gid = passwd_result->pw_gid;
return true;
bool CrashCollector::GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(uid_t euid,
FilePath *crash_directory,
bool *out_of_capacity) {
uid_t default_user_id;
gid_t default_user_group;
if (out_of_capacity != NULL) *out_of_capacity = false;
// For testing.
if (forced_crash_directory_ != NULL) {
*crash_directory = FilePath(forced_crash_directory_);
return true;
if (!GetUserInfoFromName(kDefaultUserName,
&default_user_group)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find default user info";
return false;
mode_t directory_mode;
uid_t directory_owner;
gid_t directory_group;
*crash_directory =
if (!file_util::PathExists(*crash_directory)) {
// Create the spool directory with the appropriate mode (regardless of
// umask) and ownership.
mode_t old_mask = umask(0);
if (mkdir(crash_directory->value().c_str(), directory_mode) < 0 ||
directory_group) < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create appropriate crash directory";
return false;
if (!file_util::PathExists(*crash_directory)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create crash directory "
<< crash_directory->value().c_str();
return false;
if (!CheckHasCapacity(*crash_directory)) {
if (out_of_capacity != NULL) *out_of_capacity = true;
return false;
return true;
// Return true if the given crash directory has not already reached
// maximum capacity.
bool CrashCollector::CheckHasCapacity(const FilePath &crash_directory) {
DIR* dir = opendir(crash_directory.value().c_str());
if (!dir) {
return false;
struct dirent ent_buf;
struct dirent* ent;
bool full = false;
std::set<std::string> basenames;
while (readdir_r(dir, &ent_buf, &ent) == 0 && ent != NULL) {
if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0) ||
(strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0))
std::string filename(ent->d_name);
size_t last_dot = filename.rfind(".");
std::string basename;
// If there is a valid looking extension, use the base part of the
// name. If the only dot is the first byte (aka a dot file), treat
// it as unique to avoid allowing a directory full of dot files
// from accumulating.
if (last_dot != std::string::npos && last_dot != 0)
basename = filename.substr(0, last_dot);
basename = filename;
if (basenames.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(kMaxCrashDirectorySize)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Crash directory " << crash_directory.value()
<< " already full with " << kMaxCrashDirectorySize
<< " pending reports";
full = true;
return !full;
bool CrashCollector::IsCommentLine(const std::string &line) {
size_t found = line.find_first_not_of(" ");
return found != std::string::npos && line[found] == '#';
bool CrashCollector::ReadKeyValueFile(
const FilePath &path,
const char separator,
std::map<std::string, std::string> *dictionary) {
std::string contents;
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(path, &contents)) {
return false;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
StringVector lines;
SplitString(contents, '\n', &lines);
bool any_errors = false;
for (StringVector::iterator line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end();
++line) {
// Allow empty strings.
if (line->empty())
// Allow comment lines.
if (IsCommentLine(*line))
StringVector sides;
SplitString(*line, separator, &sides);
if (sides.size() != 2) {
any_errors = true;
dictionary->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(sides[0], sides[1]));
return !any_errors;
bool CrashCollector::GetLogContents(const FilePath &config_path,
const std::string &exec_name,
const FilePath &output_file) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> log_commands;
if (!ReadKeyValueFile(config_path, ':', &log_commands)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unable to read log configuration file "
<< config_path.value();
return false;
if (log_commands.find(exec_name) == log_commands.end())
return false;
chromeos::ProcessImpl diag_process;
std::string shell_command = log_commands[exec_name];
diag_process.AddStringOption("-c", shell_command);
int result = diag_process.Run();
if (result != 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Running shell command " << shell_command << "failed with: "
<< result;
return false;
return true;
void CrashCollector::AddCrashMetaData(const std::string &key,
const std::string &value) {
extra_metadata_.append(StringPrintf("%s=%s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str()));
void CrashCollector::WriteCrashMetaData(const FilePath &meta_path,
const std::string &exec_name,
const std::string &payload_path) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> contents;
if (!ReadKeyValueFile(FilePath(std::string(lsb_release_)), '=', &contents)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Problem parsing " << lsb_release_;
// Even though there was some failure, take as much as we could read.
std::string version("unknown");
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator i;
if ((i = contents.find("CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION")) != contents.end()) {
version = i->second;
int64 payload_size = -1;
file_util::GetFileSize(FilePath(payload_path), &payload_size);
std::string meta_data = StringPrintf("%sexec_name=%s\n"
// We must use WriteNewFile instead of file_util::WriteFile as we
// do not want to write with root access to a symlink that an attacker
// might have created.
if (WriteNewFile(meta_path, meta_data.c_str(), meta_data.size()) < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write " << meta_path.value();