blob: 376eaf2dbe4d0cafb8e92ba18d14e0f9f1ed40fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "incfs-mounts"
#include "MountRegistry.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <charconv>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "incfs.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "split.h"
using namespace std::literals;
namespace android::incfs {
// /proc/self/mountinfo may have some special characters in paths replaced with their
// octal codes in the following pattern: '\xxx', e.g. \040 for space character.
// This function translates those patterns back into corresponding characters.
static void fixProcPath(std::string& path) {
static const auto kPrefix = "\\"sv;
static const auto kPatternLength = 4;
auto pos = std::search(path.begin(), path.end(), kPrefix.begin(), kPrefix.end());
if (pos == path.end()) {
auto dest = pos;
do {
if (path.end() - pos < kPatternLength || !std::equal(kPrefix.begin(), kPrefix.end(), pos)) {
*dest++ = *pos++;
} else {
int charCode;
auto res = std::from_chars(&*(pos + kPrefix.size()), &*(pos + kPatternLength), charCode,
if ( == std::errc{}) {
*dest++ = char(charCode);
} else {
// Didn't convert, let's keep it as is.
dest = std::copy(pos, pos + kPatternLength, dest);
pos += kPatternLength;
} while (pos != path.end());
path.erase(dest, path.end());
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>> MountRegistry::Mounts::Mount::binds()
const {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>> result;
for (auto it : mBase->binds) {
result.emplace_back(it->second.subdir, it->first);
return result;
void MountRegistry::Mounts::swap(MountRegistry::Mounts& other) {
void MountRegistry::Mounts::clear() {
std::pair<int, MountRegistry::BindMap::const_iterator> MountRegistry::Mounts::rootIndex(
std::string_view path) const {
auto it = rootByBindPoint.lower_bound(path);
if (it != rootByBindPoint.end() && it->first == path) {
return {it->second.rootIndex, it};
if (it != rootByBindPoint.begin()) {
if (path::startsWith(path, it->first) && path.size() > it->first.size()) {
const auto index = it->second.rootIndex;
if (index >= int(roots.size()) || roots[index].empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[incfs] Root for path '" << path << "' #" << index
<< " is not valid";
return {-1, {}};
return {index, it};
return {-1, {}};
std::string_view MountRegistry::Mounts::rootFor(std::string_view path) const {
auto [index, _] = rootIndex(path::normalize(path));
if (index < 0) {
return {};
return roots[index].path;
auto MountRegistry::Mounts::rootAndSubpathFor(std::string_view path) const
-> std::pair<const Root*, std::string> {
auto normalPath = path::normalize(path);
auto [index, bindIt] = rootIndex(normalPath);
if (index < 0) {
return {};
const auto& bindSubdir = bindIt->second.subdir;
const auto pastBindSubdir = path::relativize(bindIt->first, normalPath);
const auto& root = roots[index];
return {&root, path::join(bindSubdir, pastBindSubdir)};
void MountRegistry::Mounts::addRoot(std::string_view root, std::string_view backingDir) {
const auto index = roots.size();
auto absolute = path::normalize(root);
auto it = rootByBindPoint.insert_or_assign(absolute, Bind{std::string(), int(index)}).first;
roots.push_back({std::move(absolute), path::normalize(backingDir), {it}});
void MountRegistry::Mounts::removeRoot(std::string_view root) {
auto absolute = path::normalize(root);
auto it = rootByBindPoint.find(absolute);
if (it == rootByBindPoint.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] Trying to remove non-existent root '" << root << '\'';
const auto index = it->second.rootIndex;
if (index >= int(roots.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[incfs] Root '" << root << "' has index " << index
<< " out of bounds (total roots count is " << roots.size();
for (auto bindIt : roots[index].binds) {
if (index + 1 == int(roots.size())) {
// Run a small GC job here as we may be able to remove some obsolete
// entries.
while (roots.back().empty()) {
} else {
void MountRegistry::Mounts::addBind(std::string_view what, std::string_view where) {
auto whatAbsolute = path::normalize(what);
auto [root, rootIt] = rootIndex(whatAbsolute);
if (root < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[incfs] No root found for bind from " << what << " to " << where;
const auto& currentBind = rootIt->first;
auto whatSubpath = path::relativize(currentBind, whatAbsolute);
const auto& subdir = rootIt->second.subdir;
auto realSubdir = path::join(subdir, whatSubpath);
auto it = rootByBindPoint
.insert_or_assign(path::normalize(where), Bind{std::move(realSubdir), root})
void MountRegistry::Mounts::removeBind(std::string_view what) {
auto absolute = path::normalize(what);
auto [root, rootIt] = rootIndex(absolute);
if (root < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] Trying to remove non-existent bind point '" << what << '\'';
if (roots[root].path == absolute) {
auto& binds = roots[root].binds;
auto itBind = std::find(binds.begin(), binds.end(), rootIt);
std::swap(binds.back(), *itBind);
MountRegistry::MountRegistry(std::string_view filesystem)
: mFilesystem(filesystem.empty() ? INCFS_NAME : filesystem),
mMountInfo(::open("/proc/self/mountinfo", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)) {
if (!mMountInfo.ok()) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to open the /proc/mounts file";
mMounts.loadFrom(mMountInfo, mFilesystem);
MountRegistry::~MountRegistry() = default;
std::string MountRegistry::rootFor(std::string_view path) {
auto lock = ensureUpToDate();
return std::string(mMounts.rootFor(path));
auto MountRegistry::detailsFor(std::string_view path) -> Details {
auto lock = ensureUpToDate();
auto [root, subpath] = mMounts.rootAndSubpathFor(path);
if (!root) {
return {};
return {root->path, root->backing, subpath};
std::pair<std::string, std::string> MountRegistry::rootAndSubpathFor(std::string_view path) {
auto lock = ensureUpToDate();
auto [root, subpath] = mMounts.rootAndSubpathFor(path);
if (!root) {
return {};
return {std::string(root->path), std::move(subpath)};
MountRegistry::Mounts MountRegistry::copyMounts() {
auto lock = ensureUpToDate();
return mMounts;
void MountRegistry::reload() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> MountRegistry::ensureUpToDate() {
pollfd pfd = {.fd = mMountInfo.get(), .events = POLLERR | POLLPRI};
const auto res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(&pfd, 1, 0));
if (res == 0) {
// timeout - nothing to do, up to date
return std::unique_lock{mDataMutex};
// reload even if poll() fails: (1) it usually doesn't and (2) it's better to be safe.
std::unique_lock lock(mDataMutex);
mMounts.loadFrom(mMountInfo, mFilesystem);
return lock;
template <class Callback>
static bool forEachLine(base::borrowed_fd fd, Callback&& cb) {
static constexpr auto kBufSize = 128 * 1024;
char buffer[kBufSize];
const char* nextLine = buffer;
char* nextRead = buffer;
int64_t pos = 0;
for (;;) {
const auto read = pread(fd.get(), nextRead, std::end(buffer) - nextRead, pos);
if (read == 0) {
if (read < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
return false;
pos += read;
const auto readEnd = nextRead + read;
auto chunk = std::string_view{nextLine, size_t(readEnd - nextLine)};
do {
auto lineEnd = chunk.find('\n');
if (lineEnd == chunk.npos) {
cb(chunk.substr(0, lineEnd));
chunk.remove_prefix(lineEnd + 1);
} while (!chunk.empty());
const auto remainingSize = readEnd - chunk.end();
memmove(buffer, chunk.end(), remainingSize);
nextLine = buffer;
nextRead = buffer + remainingSize;
if (nextLine < nextRead) {
cb({nextLine, size_t(nextRead - nextLine)});
return true;
static std::string fixBackingDir(std::string_view dir, std::string_view mountDir) {
if (!dir.starts_with("/proc/"sv)) {
return std::string(dir);
// HACK:
// Vold uses a secure way of mounting incremental storages, where it passes in
// a virtual symlink in /proc/self/fd/... instead of the original path. Unfortunately,
// this symlink string gets preserved by the system and we can't resolve it later.
// But it's the only place that uses this symlink, and we know exactly how the
// mount and backing directory paths look in that case - so can recover one from
// another.
if (path::endsWith(mountDir, "mount"sv)) {
return path::join(path::dirName(mountDir), "backing_store"sv);
// Well, hack didn't work. Still may not return a /proc/ path
return {};
bool MountRegistry::Mounts::loadFrom(base::borrowed_fd fd, std::string_view filesystem) {
struct MountInfo {
std::string backing;
std::set<std::string, std::less<>> roots;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> bindPoints;
std::unordered_map<std::string, MountInfo> mountsByGroup(16);
std::vector<std::string_view> items(12);
const auto parsed = forEachLine(fd, [&](std::string_view line) {
if (line.empty()) {
Split(line, ' ', &items);
if (items.size() < 10) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] bad line in mountinfo: '" << line << '\'';
// Note: there are optional fields in the line, starting at [6]. Anything after that should
// be indexed from the end.
const auto name = items.rbegin()[2];
if (!name.starts_with(filesystem)) {
const auto groupId = items[2];
auto subdir = items[3];
auto mountPoint = std::string(items[4]);
mountPoint = path::normalize(mountPoint);
auto& mount = mountsByGroup[std::string(groupId)];
auto backingDir = fixBackingDir(items.rbegin()[1], mountPoint);
if (!backingDir.empty()) {
if (mount.backing.empty()) {
mount.backing = std::move(backingDir);
} else if (mount.backing != backingDir) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] root '"
<< (!mount.roots.empty() ? *mount.roots.begin() : "<unknown>")
<< "' mounted in multiple places with different backing dirs, '"
<< mount.backing << "' vs new '" << backingDir
<< "'; updating to the new one";
mount.backing = std::move(backingDir);
if (subdir == "/"sv) {
subdir = ""sv;
mount.bindPoints.emplace_back(std::string(subdir), std::move(mountPoint));
if (!parsed) {
return false;
// preserve the allocated capacity, but clear existing data
for (auto& root : roots) {
int index = 0;
for (auto& [_, mount] : mountsByGroup) {
if (mount.roots.empty()) {
// the mount has no root, and without root we have no good way of accessing the
// control files - so the only valid reaction here is to ignore it
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] mount '" << mount.backing << "' has no root, but "
<< mount.bindPoints.size() << " bind(s), ignoring";
if (mount.backing.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[incfs] mount '" << *mount.roots.begin()
<< "' has no backing dir, but " << mount.bindPoints.size()
<< " bind(s), ignoring";
Root& root = roots[index];
auto& binds = root.binds;
for (auto& [subdir, bind] : mount.bindPoints) {
auto it = rootByBindPoint
.insert_or_assign(std::move(bind), Bind{std::move(subdir), index})
root.backing = std::move(mount.backing);
// a trick here: given that as of now we either have exactly one root, or the preferred one
// is always at the front, let's pick that one here.
root.path = std::move(mount.roots.extract(mount.roots.begin()).value());
LOG(INFO) << "[incfs] Loaded " << filesystem << " mount info: " << roots.size()
<< " instances, " << rootByBindPoint.size() << " mount points";
if (base::VERBOSE >= base::GetMinimumLogSeverity()) {
for (auto&& [root, backing, binds] : roots) {
LOG(INFO) << "[incfs] '" << root << '\'';
LOG(INFO) << "[incfs] backing: '" << backing << '\'';
for (auto&& bind : binds) {
LOG(INFO) << "[incfs] bind : '" << bind->second.subdir << "'->'" << bind->first
<< '\'';
return true;
auto MountRegistry::Mounts::load(base::borrowed_fd mountInfo, std::string_view filesystem)
-> Mounts {
Mounts res;
res.loadFrom(mountInfo, filesystem);
return res;
} // namespace android::incfs