blob: f4b90876df4913b87b8712b2cc96138ac190e086 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "prefetcher/minijail.h"
#include "common/cmd_utils.h"
#include "prefetcher/prefetcher_daemon.h"
#include "prefetcher/session_manager.h"
#include "prefetcher/session.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <deque>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace iorap::prefetcher {
// Gate super-spammy IPC logging behind a property.
// This is beyond merely annoying, enabling this logging causes prefetching to be about 1000x slower.
static bool LogVerboseIpc() {
static bool initialized = false;
static bool verbose_ipc;
if (initialized == false) {
initialized = true;
verbose_ipc =
::android::base::GetBoolProperty("iorapd.readahead.verbose_ipc", /*default*/false);
return verbose_ipc;
static const bool kInstallMiniJail =
::android::base::GetBoolProperty("iorapd.readahead.minijail", /*default*/true);
static constexpr const char kCommandFileName[] = "/system/bin/iorap.prefetcherd";
static constexpr size_t kPipeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; // matches /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size
using ArgString = const char*;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ReadAheadKind ps) {
switch (ps) {
case ReadAheadKind::kFadvise:
os << "fadvise";
case ReadAheadKind::kMmapLocked:
os << "mmap";
case ReadAheadKind::kMlock:
os << "mlock";
os << "<invalid>";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, CommandChoice choice) {
switch (choice) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath:
os << "kRegisterFilePath";
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath:
os << "kUnregisterFilePath";
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead:
os << "kReadAhead";
case CommandChoice::kExit:
os << "kExit";
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
os << "kCreateSession";
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
os << "kDestroySession";
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession:
os << "kDumpSession";
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
os << "kDumpEverything";
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession:
os << "kCreateFdSession";
CHECK(false) << "forgot to handle this choice";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Command& command) {
os << "Command{";
os << "choice=" << command.choice << ",";
bool has_session_id = true;
bool has_id = true;
switch (command.choice) {
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
case CommandChoice::kExit:
has_session_id = false;
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession:
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession:
has_id = false;
if (has_session_id) {
os << "sid=" << command.session_id << ",";
if (has_id) {
os << "id=" << << ",";
switch (command.choice) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath:
os << "file_path=";
if (command.file_path) {
os << *(command.file_path);
} else {
os << "(nullopt)";
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath:
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead:
os << "read_ahead_kind=" << command.read_ahead_kind << ",";
os << "length=" << command.length << ",";
os << "offset=" << command.offset << ",";
case CommandChoice::kExit:
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession:
os << "fd=";
if (command.fd.has_value()) {
os << command.fd.value();
} else {
os << "(nullopt)";
os << ",";
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
os << "description=";
if (command.file_path) {
os << "'" << *(command.file_path) << "'";
} else {
os << "(nullopt)";
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
CHECK(false) << "forgot to handle this choice";
os << "}";
return os;
template <typename T>
struct ParseResult {
T value;
char* next_token;
size_t stream_size;
ParseResult() : value{}, next_token{nullptr}, stream_size{} {
constexpr operator bool() const {
return next_token != nullptr;
// Very spammy: Keep it off by default. Set to true if changing this code.
static constexpr bool kDebugParsingRead = false;
#define DEBUG_PREAD if (kDebugParsingRead) LOG(VERBOSE) << "ParsingRead "
// Parse a strong type T from a buffer stream.
// If there's insufficient space left to parse the value, an empty ParseResult is returned.
template <typename T>
ParseResult<T> ParsingRead(char* stream, size_t stream_size) {
if (stream == nullptr) {
DEBUG_PREAD << "stream was null";
return {};
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, std::string>) {
ParseResult<uint32_t> length = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(stream, stream_size);
if (!length) {
DEBUG_PREAD << "could not find length";
// Not enough bytes left?
return {};
ParseResult<std::string> string_result;
stream = length.next_token;
stream_size = length.stream_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length.value; ++i) {
ParseResult<char> char_result = ParsingRead<char>(stream, stream_size);
stream = char_result.next_token;
stream_size = char_result.stream_size;
if (!char_result) {
DEBUG_PREAD << "too few chars in stream, expected length: " << length.value;
// Not enough bytes left?
return {};
string_result.value += char_result.value;
DEBUG_PREAD << "string preliminary is : " << string_result.value;
DEBUG_PREAD << "parsed string to: " << string_result.value;
string_result.next_token = stream;
return string_result;
} else {
if (sizeof(T) > stream_size) {
return {};
ParseResult<T> result;
result.next_token = stream + sizeof(T);
result.stream_size = stream_size - sizeof(T);
memcpy(&result.value, stream, sizeof(T));
return result;
// Convenience overload to chain multiple ParsingRead together.
template <typename T, typename U>
ParseResult<T> ParsingRead(ParseResult<U> result) {
return ParsingRead<T>(result.next_token, result.stream_size);
class CommandParser {
CommandParser(PrefetcherForkParameters params) {
params_ = params;
std::vector<Command> ParseSocketCommands(bool& eof) {
eof = false;
std::vector<Command> commands_vec;
std::vector<char> buf_vector;
buf_vector.resize(1024*1024); // 1MB.
char* buf = &buf_vector[0];
// Binary only parsing. The higher level code can parse text
// with ifstream if it really wants to.
char* stream = &buf[0];
size_t stream_size = buf_vector.size();
while (true) {
if (stream_size == 0) {
// TODO: reply with an overflow command.
LOG(WARNING) << "prefetcher_daemon command overflow, dropping all commands.";
stream = &buf[0];
stream_size = buf_vector.size();
memset(&buf[0], /*c*/0, buf_vector.size());
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon block recvmsg for commands (fd=" << params_.input_fd << ")";
ssize_t count;
struct msghdr hdr;
memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));
union {
struct cmsghdr cmh;
char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))];
} control_un;
memset(&control_un, 0, sizeof(control_un));
/* Set 'control_un' to describe ancillary data that we want to receive */
control_un.cmh.cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)); /* fd is sizeof(int) */
control_un.cmh.cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
control_un.cmh.cmsg_type = SCM_CREDENTIALS;
// the regular message data will be read into stream
struct iovec iov;
memset(&iov, 0, sizeof(iov));
iov.iov_base = stream;
iov.iov_len = stream_size;
/* Set hdr fields to describe 'control_un' */
hdr.msg_control = control_un.control;
hdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(control_un.control);
hdr.msg_iov = &iov;
hdr.msg_iovlen = 1;
hdr.msg_name = nullptr; /* no peer address */
hdr.msg_namelen = 0;
count = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(recvmsg(params_.input_fd, &hdr, /*flags*/0));
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon recvmsg " << count << " for stream size:" << stream_size;
if (count < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to recvmsg from input fd";
// TODO: let the daemon be restarted by higher level code?
} else if (count == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "prefetcher_daemon input_fd end-of-file; terminating";
eof = true;
// TODO: let the daemon be restarted by higher level code?
/* Extract fd from ancillary data if present */
struct cmsghdr* hp;
hp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&hdr);
if (hp &&
// FIXME: hp->cmsg_len returns an absurdly large value. is it overflowing?
// (hp->cmsg_len == CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int))) &&
(hp->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET) &&
(hp->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS)) {
int passed_fd = *(int*) CMSG_DATA(hp);
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon received FD " << passed_fd;
// tack the FD into our dequeue.
// we assume the FDs are sent in-order same as the regular iov are sent in-order.
longbuf_fds_.insert(longbuf_fds_.end(), passed_fd);
} else if (hp != nullptr) {
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon::read got CMSG but it wasn't matching SCM_RIGHTS,"
<< "cmsg_len=" << hp->cmsg_len << ","
<< "cmsg_level=" << hp->cmsg_level << ","
<< "cmsg_type=" << hp->cmsg_type;
longbuf_.insert(longbuf_.end(), stream, stream + count);
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon updated longbuf size: " << longbuf_.size();
// reconstruct a stream of [iov_Command chdr_fd?]* back into [Command]*
if (longbuf_.size() == 0) {
std::vector<char> v(longbuf_.begin(),
std::vector<int> v_fds{longbuf_fds_.begin(), longbuf_fds_.end()};
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_ size: " << v.size();
std::stringstream dump;
dump << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
dump << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(v[i]);
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_ dump: " << dump.str();
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_fds_ size: " << v_fds.size();
std::stringstream dump;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v_fds.size(); ++i) {
dump << v_fds[i] << ", ";
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_fds_ dump: " << dump.str();
size_t v_fds_off = 0;
size_t consumed_fds_total = 0;
size_t v_off = 0;
size_t consumed_bytes = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t consumed_total = 0;
while (true) {
std::optional<Command> maybe_command;
maybe_command = Command::Read(&v[v_off], v.size() - v_off, &consumed_bytes);
consumed_total += consumed_bytes;
// Normal every time we get to the end of a buffer.
if (!maybe_command) {
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "failed to read command, v_off=" << v_off << ",v_size:" << v.size();
if (maybe_command->RequiresFd()) {
if (v_fds_off < v_fds.size()) {
maybe_command->fd = v_fds[v_fds_off++];
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Append the FD to " << *maybe_command;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to acquire FD for " << *maybe_command;
// in the next pass ignore what we already consumed.
v_off += consumed_bytes;
// true as long we don't hit the 'break' above.
DCHECK_EQ(v_off, consumed_total);
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "success to read command, v_off=" << v_off << ",v_size:" << v.size()
<< "," << *maybe_command;
// Pretty-print a single command for debugging/testing.
LOG(VERBOSE) << *maybe_command;
// add to the commands we parsed.
// erase however many were consumed
longbuf_.erase(longbuf_.begin(), longbuf_.begin() + consumed_total);
// erase however many FDs were consumed.
longbuf_fds_.erase(longbuf_fds_.begin(), longbuf_fds_.begin() + consumed_fds_total);
return commands_vec;
std::vector<Command> ParseCommands(bool& eof) {
eof = false;
std::vector<Command> commands_vec;
std::vector<char> buf_vector;
char* buf = &buf_vector[0];
// Binary only parsing. The higher level code can parse text
// with ifstream if it really wants to.
char* stream = &buf[0];
size_t stream_size = buf_vector.size();
while (true) {
if (stream_size == 0) {
// TODO: reply with an overflow command.
LOG(WARNING) << "prefetcher_daemon command overflow, dropping all commands.";
stream = &buf[0];
stream_size = buf_vector.size();
memset(&buf[0], /*c*/0, buf_vector.size());
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon block read for commands (fd=" << params_.input_fd << ")";
ssize_t count = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(params_.input_fd, stream, stream_size));
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon::read " << count << " for stream size:" << stream_size;
if (count < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read from input fd";
// TODO: let the daemon be restarted by higher level code?
} else if (count == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "prefetcher_daemon input_fd end-of-file; terminating";
eof = true;
// TODO: let the daemon be restarted by higher level code?
longbuf_.insert(longbuf_.end(), stream, stream + count);
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon updated longbuf size: " << longbuf_.size();
std::optional<Command> maybe_command;
if (longbuf_.size() == 0) {
std::vector<char> v(longbuf_.begin(),
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_ size: " << v.size();
std::stringstream dump;
dump << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
dump << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(v[i]);
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon longbuf_ dump: " << dump.str();
size_t v_off = 0;
size_t consumed_bytes = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t consumed_total = 0;
while (true) {
maybe_command = Command::Read(&v[v_off], v.size() - v_off, &consumed_bytes);
consumed_total += consumed_bytes;
// Normal every time we get to the end of a buffer.
if (!maybe_command) {
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "failed to read command, v_off=" << v_off << ",v_size:" << v.size();
// in the next pass ignore what we already consumed.
v_off += consumed_bytes;
// true as long we don't hit the 'break' above.
DCHECK_EQ(v_off, consumed_total);
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "success to read command, v_off=" << v_off << ",v_size:" << v.size()
<< "," << *maybe_command;
// Pretty-print a single command for debugging/testing.
LOG(VERBOSE) << *maybe_command;
// add to the commands we parsed.
// erase however many were consumed
longbuf_.erase(longbuf_.begin(), longbuf_.begin() + consumed_total);
return commands_vec;
bool IsTextMode() const {
return params_.format_text;
PrefetcherForkParameters params_;
// A buffer long enough to contain a lot of buffers.
// This handles reads that only contain a partial command.
std::deque<char> longbuf_;
// File descriptor buffers.
std::deque<int> longbuf_fds_;
static constexpr bool kDebugCommandRead = true;
#define DEBUG_READ if (kDebugCommandRead) LOG(VERBOSE) << "Command::Read "
std::optional<Command> Command::Read(char* buf, size_t buf_size, /*out*/size_t* consumed_bytes) {
*consumed_bytes = 0;
if (buf == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
Command cmd{}; // zero-initialize any unused fields
ParseResult<CommandChoice> parsed_choice = ParsingRead<CommandChoice>(buf, buf_size);
cmd.choice = parsed_choice.value;
if (!parsed_choice) {
DEBUG_READ << "no choice";
return std::nullopt;
switch (parsed_choice.value) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath: {
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_session_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_choice);
if (!parsed_session_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed session id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_session_id);
if (!parsed_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<std::string> parsed_file_path = ParsingRead<std::string>(parsed_id);
if (!parsed_file_path) {
DEBUG_READ << "no file path";
return std::nullopt;
*consumed_bytes = parsed_file_path.next_token - buf;
cmd.session_id = parsed_session_id.value; = parsed_id.value;
cmd.file_path = parsed_file_path.value;
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath: {
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_session_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_choice);
if (!parsed_session_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed session id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_session_id);
if (!parsed_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed id";
return std::nullopt;
*consumed_bytes = parsed_id.next_token - buf;
cmd.session_id = parsed_session_id.value; = parsed_id.value;
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead: {
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_session_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_choice);
if (!parsed_session_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed session id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_session_id);
if (!parsed_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<ReadAheadKind> parsed_kind = ParsingRead<ReadAheadKind>(parsed_id);
if (!parsed_kind) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed kind";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<uint64_t> parsed_length = ParsingRead<uint64_t>(parsed_kind);
if (!parsed_length) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed length";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<uint64_t> parsed_offset = ParsingRead<uint64_t>(parsed_length);
if (!parsed_offset) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed offset";
return std::nullopt;
*consumed_bytes = parsed_offset.next_token - buf;
cmd.session_id = parsed_session_id.value; = parsed_id.value;
cmd.read_ahead_kind = parsed_kind.value;
cmd.length = parsed_length.value;
cmd.offset = parsed_offset.value;
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession: {
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_session_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_choice);
if (!parsed_session_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed session id";
return std::nullopt;
ParseResult<std::string> parsed_description = ParsingRead<std::string>(parsed_session_id);
if (!parsed_description) {
DEBUG_READ << "no description";
return std::nullopt;
*consumed_bytes = parsed_description.next_token - buf;
cmd.session_id = parsed_session_id.value;
cmd.file_path = parsed_description.value;
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession: {
ParseResult<uint32_t> parsed_session_id = ParsingRead<uint32_t>(parsed_choice);
if (!parsed_session_id) {
DEBUG_READ << "no parsed session id";
return std::nullopt;
*consumed_bytes = parsed_session_id.next_token - buf;
cmd.session_id = parsed_session_id.value;
case CommandChoice::kExit:
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
*consumed_bytes = parsed_choice.next_token - buf;
// Only need to parse the choice.
LOG(FATAL) << "unrecognized command number " << static_cast<uint32_t>(parsed_choice.value);
return cmd;
bool Command::Write(char* buf, size_t buf_size, /*out*/size_t* produced_bytes) const {
*produced_bytes = 0;
if (buf == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "null buf, is this expected?";
return false;
bool has_enough_space = false;
size_t space_requirement = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
space_requirement = sizeof(choice);
switch (choice) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath:
space_requirement += sizeof(session_id);
space_requirement += sizeof(id);
space_requirement += sizeof(uint32_t); // string length
if (!file_path) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Missing file path for kRegisterFilePath";
return false;
space_requirement += file_path->size(); // string contents
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath:
space_requirement += sizeof(session_id);
space_requirement += sizeof(id);
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead:
space_requirement += sizeof(session_id);
space_requirement += sizeof(id);
space_requirement += sizeof(read_ahead_kind);
space_requirement += sizeof(length);
space_requirement += sizeof(offset);
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession:
space_requirement += sizeof(session_id);
space_requirement += sizeof(uint32_t); // string length
if (!file_path) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Missing file path for kCreateSession";
return false;
space_requirement += file_path->size(); // string contents
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession:
space_requirement += sizeof(session_id);
case CommandChoice::kExit:
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
// Only need space for the choice.
LOG(FATAL) << "unrecognized command number " << static_cast<uint32_t>(choice);
if (buf_size < space_requirement) {
return false;
*produced_bytes = space_requirement;
// Always write out the choice.
size_t buf_offset = 0;
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &choice, sizeof(choice));
buf_offset += sizeof(choice);
switch (choice) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath:
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &session_id, sizeof(session_id));
buf_offset += sizeof(session_id);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &id, sizeof(id));
buf_offset += sizeof(id);
uint32_t string_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(file_path->size());
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &string_length, sizeof(string_length));
buf_offset += sizeof(string_length);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], file_path->c_str(), file_path->size());
buf_offset += file_path->size();
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath:
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &session_id, sizeof(session_id));
buf_offset += sizeof(session_id);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &id, sizeof(id));
buf_offset += sizeof(id);
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead:
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &session_id, sizeof(session_id));
buf_offset += sizeof(session_id);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &id, sizeof(id));
buf_offset += sizeof(id);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &read_ahead_kind, sizeof(read_ahead_kind));
buf_offset += sizeof(read_ahead_kind);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &length, sizeof(length));
buf_offset += sizeof(length);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &offset, sizeof(offset));
buf_offset += sizeof(offset);
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession:
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession:
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &session_id, sizeof(session_id));
buf_offset += sizeof(session_id);
uint32_t string_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(file_path->size());
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &string_length, sizeof(string_length));
buf_offset += sizeof(string_length);
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], file_path->c_str(), file_path->size());
buf_offset += file_path->size();
DCHECK_EQ(buf_offset, space_requirement) << *this << ",file_path_size:" << file_path->size();
DCHECK_EQ(buf_offset, *produced_bytes) << *this;
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession:
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession:
memcpy(&buf[buf_offset], &session_id, sizeof(session_id));
buf_offset += sizeof(session_id);
case CommandChoice::kExit:
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything:
// Only need to write out the choice.
LOG(FATAL) << "should have fallen out in the above switch"
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(choice);
DCHECK_EQ(buf_offset, space_requirement) << *this;
DCHECK_EQ(buf_offset, *produced_bytes) << *this;
return true;
class PrefetcherDaemon::Impl {
std::optional<PrefetcherForkParameters> StartPipesViaFork() {
int pipefds[2];
if (pipe(&pipefds[0]) != 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create read/write pipes";
long pipe_size = static_cast<long>(fcntl(pipefds[0], F_GETPIPE_SZ));
if (pipe_size < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to F_GETPIPE_SZ:";
LOG(VERBOSE) << "StartPipesViaFork: default pipe size: " << pipe_size;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// Default pipe size is usually 64KB.
// Increase to 1MB so that iorapd has to rarely run during prefetching.
if (fcntl(pipefds[i], F_SETPIPE_SZ, kPipeBufferSize) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to increase pipe size to max";
pipefd_read_ = pipefds[0];
pipefd_write_ = pipefds[1];
PrefetcherForkParameters params;
params.input_fd = pipefd_read_;
params.output_fd = pipefd_write_;
params.format_text = false;
params.use_sockets = false;
bool res = StartViaFork(params);
if (res) {
return params;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<PrefetcherForkParameters> StartSocketViaFork() {
int socket_fds[2];
if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, /*protocol*/0, &socket_fds[0]) != 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create read/write socketpair";
pipefd_read_ = socket_fds[0]; // iorapd writer, iorap.prefetcherd reader
pipefd_write_ = socket_fds[1]; // iorapd reader, iorap.prefetcherd writer
PrefetcherForkParameters params;
params.input_fd = pipefd_read_;
params.output_fd = pipefd_write_;
params.format_text = false;
params.use_sockets = true;
bool res = StartViaFork(params);
if (res) {
return params;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
bool StartViaFork(PrefetcherForkParameters params) {
params_ = params;
forked_ = true;
child_ = fork();
if (child_ == -1) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to fork PrefetcherDaemon";
} else if (child_ > 0) { // we are the caller of this function
LOG(DEBUG) << "forked into iorap.prefetcherd, pid = " << child_;
return true;
} else {
// we are the child that was forked.
std::stringstream argv; // for logging
std::vector<std::string> argv_vec;
std::stringstream s;
s << "--input-fd";
std::stringstream s2;
s2 << params.input_fd;
argv << " --input-fd" << " " << params.input_fd;
std::stringstream s;
s << "--output-fd";
std::stringstream s2;
s2 << params.output_fd;
argv << " --output-fd" << " " << params.output_fd;
if (params.use_sockets) {
std::stringstream s;
s << "--use-sockets";
argv << " --use-sockets";
std::stringstream s;
s << "--verbose";
argv << " --verbose";
std::unique_ptr<ArgString[]> argv_ptr = common::VecToArgv(kCommandFileName, argv_vec);
LOG(DEBUG) << "fork+exec: " << kCommandFileName << " "
<< argv.str();
execve(kCommandFileName, (char **)argv_ptr.get(), /*envp*/nullptr);
// This should never return.
return false;
// TODO: Not very useful since this can never return 'true'
// -> in the child we would've already execd which loses all this code.
bool IsDaemon() {
// In the child the pid is always 0.
return child_ > 0;
bool Main(PrefetcherForkParameters params) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon::Main " << params;
CommandParser command_parser{params};
Command next_command{};
std::vector<Command> many_commands;
// Ensure alogd is pre-initialized before installing minijail.
LOG(DEBUG) << "Installing minijail";
// Install seccomp filter using libminijail.
if (kInstallMiniJail) {
while (true) {
bool eof = false;
if (params.use_sockets) {
// use recvmsg(2). supports receiving FDs.
many_commands = command_parser.ParseSocketCommands(/*out*/eof);
} else {
// use read(2). does not support receiving FDs.
many_commands = command_parser.ParseCommands(/*out*/eof);
if (eof) {
LOG(WARNING) << "PrefetcherDaemon got EOF, terminating";
return true;
for (auto& command : many_commands) {
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon got command: " << command;
if (command.choice == CommandChoice::kExit) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "PrefetcherDaemon got kExit command, terminating";
return true;
if (!ReceiveCommand(command)) {
// LOG(WARNING) << "PrefetcherDaemon command processing failure: " << command;
// ReceiveCommand should dup to keep the FD. Avoid leaks.
if (command.fd.has_value()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon::Main got exit, terminating";
return true;
// Terminate.
Impl(PrefetcherDaemon* daemon) {
session_manager_ = SessionManager::CreateManager(SessionKind::kInProcessDirect);
DCHECK(session_manager_ != nullptr);
~Impl() {
// Don't do anything if we never called 'StartViaFork'
if (forked_) {
if (!IsDaemon()) {
int status;
waitpid(child_, /*out*/&status, /*options*/0);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "execve should have avoided this path";
// DCHECK(false) << "not possible because the execve would avoid this path";
bool SendCommand(const Command& command) {
// Only parent is the sender.
char buf[1024];
size_t stream_size;
if (!command.Write(buf, sizeof(buf), /*out*/&stream_size)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to serialize command: " << command;
return false;
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "pre-write(fd=" << pipefd_write_ << ", buf=" << buf
<< ", size=" << stream_size<< ")";
if (params_.use_sockets) {
/* iov contains the normal message (Command) */
struct iovec iov;
memset(&iov, 0, sizeof(iov));
iov.iov_base = &buf[0];
iov.iov_len = stream_size;
struct msghdr msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
/* point to iov to transmit */
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
/* no dest address; socket is connected */
msg.msg_name = nullptr;
msg.msg_namelen = 0;
// append a CMSG with SCM_RIGHTS if we have an FD.
if (command.fd.has_value()) {
union {
struct cmsghdr cmh;
char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))]; /* sized to hold an fd (int) */
} control_un;
memset(&control_un, 0, sizeof(control_un));
msg.msg_control = &control_un.control[0];
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control_un.control);
struct cmsghdr *hp;
hp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
hp->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int));
hp->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
hp->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
*((int *) CMSG_DATA(hp)) = *(command.fd);
DCHECK(command.RequiresFd()) << command;
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "append FD to sendmsg: " << *(command.fd);
// TODO: add CMSG for the FD passage.
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(sendmsg(pipefd_write_, &msg, /*flags*/0)) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to sendmsg command: " << command;
return false;
} else {
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(pipefd_write_, buf, stream_size)) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write command: " << command;
return false;
if (LogVerboseIpc()) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "write(fd=" << pipefd_write_ << ", buf=" << buf
<< ", size=" << stream_size<< ")";
// TODO: also read the reply?
return true;
bool ReceiveCommand(const Command& command) {
// Only child is the command receiver.
// DCHECK(IsDaemon());
switch (command.choice) {
case CommandChoice::kRegisterFilePath: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (!session) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Could not find session for command: " << command;
return false;
CHECK(command.file_path.has_value()) << command;
return session->RegisterFilePath(, *command.file_path);
case CommandChoice::kUnregisterFilePath: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (!session) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Could not find session for command: " << command;
return false;
return session->UnregisterFilePath(;
case CommandChoice::kReadAhead: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (!session) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Could not find session for command: " << command;
return false;
return session->ReadAhead(, command.read_ahead_kind, command.length, command.offset);
// TODO: unreadahead
case CommandChoice::kExit: {
LOG(WARNING) << "kExit should be handled earlier.";
return true;
case CommandChoice::kCreateSession: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (session != nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: session for ID already exists: " << command;
return false;
CHECK(command.file_path.has_value()) << command;
if (session_manager_->CreateSession(command.session_id, /*description*/*command.file_path)
== nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Failure to kCreateSession: " << command;
return false;
return true;
case CommandChoice::kDestroySession: {
if (!session_manager_->DestroySession(command.session_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Failure to kDestroySession: " << command;
return false;
return true;
case CommandChoice::kDumpSession: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (!session) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Could not find session for command: " << command;
return false;
// TODO: Consider doing dumpsys support somehow?
session->Dump(LOG_STREAM(DEBUG), /*multiline*/true);
return true;
case CommandChoice::kDumpEverything: {
session_manager_->Dump(LOG_STREAM(DEBUG), /*multiline*/true);
case CommandChoice::kCreateFdSession: {
std::shared_ptr<Session> session = session_manager_->FindSession(command.session_id);
if (session != nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: session for ID already exists: " << command;
return false;
CHECK(command.file_path.has_value()) << command;
CHECK(command.fd.has_value()) << command;
LOG(VERBOSE) << "ReceiveCommand: kCreateFdSession fd=" << *(command.fd);
// TODO: Maybe use CreateFdSession instead?
session =
if (session == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReceiveCommand: Failure to kCreateFdSession: " << command;
return false;
return session->ProcessFd(*command.fd);
return true;
pid_t child_;
bool forked_;
int pipefd_read_;
int pipefd_write_;
PrefetcherForkParameters params_;
// do not ever use an indirect session manager here, as it would cause a lifetime cycle.
std::unique_ptr<SessionManager> session_manager_; // direct only.
: impl_{new Impl{this}} {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PrefetcherDaemon() constructor";
bool PrefetcherDaemon::StartViaFork(PrefetcherForkParameters params) {
return impl_->StartViaFork(std::move(params));
std::optional<PrefetcherForkParameters> PrefetcherDaemon::StartPipesViaFork() {
return impl_->StartPipesViaFork();
std::optional<PrefetcherForkParameters> PrefetcherDaemon::StartSocketViaFork() {
return impl_->StartSocketViaFork();
bool PrefetcherDaemon::Main(PrefetcherForkParameters params) {
return impl_->Main(params);
bool PrefetcherDaemon::SendCommand(const Command& command) {
return impl_->SendCommand(command);
PrefetcherDaemon::~PrefetcherDaemon() {
// required for unique_ptr for incomplete types.
} // namespace iorap::prefetcher