blob: ef86f99d761b0fd9b69df3f04ee752682d5b95e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "ServiceManagement"
#include <android/dlext.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <hidl/HidlBinderSupport.h>
#include <hidl/HidlInternal.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <hwbinder/Parcel.h>
#include <vndksupport/linker.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.1/IServiceManager.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.1/BpHwServiceManager.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.1/BnHwServiceManager.h>
#define RE_COMPONENT "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"
static const std::regex gLibraryFileNamePattern("(" RE_PATH "@[0-9]+[.][0-9]+)-impl(.*?).so");
using android::base::WaitForProperty;
using IServiceManager1_0 = android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
using IServiceManager1_1 = android::hidl::manager::V1_1::IServiceManager;
using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification;
using android::hidl::manager::V1_1::BpHwServiceManager;
using android::hidl::manager::V1_1::BnHwServiceManager;
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace details {
extern Mutex gDefaultServiceManagerLock;
extern sp<android::hidl::manager::V1_1::IServiceManager> gDefaultServiceManager;
} // namespace details
static const char* kHwServicemanagerReadyProperty = "hwservicemanager.ready";
void waitForHwServiceManager() {
using std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s;
while (!WaitForProperty(kHwServicemanagerReadyProperty, "true", 1s)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Waited for hwservicemanager.ready for a second, waiting another...";
bool endsWith(const std::string &in, const std::string &suffix) {
return in.size() >= suffix.size() &&
in.substr(in.size() - suffix.size()) == suffix;
bool startsWith(const std::string &in, const std::string &prefix) {
return in.size() >= prefix.size() &&
in.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
std::string binaryName() {
std::ifstream ifs("/proc/self/cmdline");
std::string cmdline;
if (!ifs.is_open()) {
return "";
ifs >> cmdline;
size_t idx = cmdline.rfind('/');
if (idx != std::string::npos) {
cmdline = cmdline.substr(idx + 1);
return cmdline;
void tryShortenProcessName(const std::string &packageName) {
std::string processName = binaryName();
if (!startsWith(processName, packageName)) {
// e.x. -> foo@1.0
size_t lastDot = packageName.rfind('.');
size_t secondDot = packageName.rfind('.', lastDot - 1);
if (secondDot == std::string::npos) {
std::string newName = processName.substr(secondDot + 1,
16 /* TASK_COMM_LEN */ - 1);
ALOGI("Removing namespace from process name %s to %s.",
processName.c_str(), newName.c_str());
int rc = pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), newName.c_str());
ALOGI_IF(rc != 0, "Removing namespace from process name %s failed.",
namespace details {
void onRegistration(const std::string &packageName,
const std::string& /* interfaceName */,
const std::string& /* instanceName */) {
} // details
sp<IServiceManager1_0> defaultServiceManager() {
return defaultServiceManager1_1();
sp<IServiceManager1_1> defaultServiceManager1_1() {
AutoMutex _l(details::gDefaultServiceManagerLock);
if (details::gDefaultServiceManager != nullptr) {
return details::gDefaultServiceManager;
if (access("/dev/hwbinder", F_OK|R_OK|W_OK) != 0) {
// HwBinder not available on this device or not accessible to
// this process.
return nullptr;
while (details::gDefaultServiceManager == nullptr) {
details::gDefaultServiceManager =
fromBinder<IServiceManager1_1, BpHwServiceManager, BnHwServiceManager>(
if (details::gDefaultServiceManager == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Waited for hwservicemanager, but got nullptr.";
return details::gDefaultServiceManager;
std::vector<std::string> search(const std::string &path,
const std::string &prefix,
const std::string &suffix) {
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> dir(opendir(path.c_str()), closedir);
if (!dir) return {};
std::vector<std::string> results{};
dirent* dp;
while ((dp = readdir(dir.get())) != nullptr) {
std::string name = dp->d_name;
if (startsWith(name, prefix) &&
endsWith(name, suffix)) {
return results;
bool matchPackageName(const std::string& lib, std::string* matchedName, std::string* implName) {
std::smatch match;
if (std::regex_match(lib, match, gLibraryFileNamePattern)) {
*matchedName = match.str(1) + "::I*";
*implName = match.str(2);
return true;
return false;
static void registerReference(const hidl_string &interfaceName, const hidl_string &instanceName) {
sp<IServiceManager1_0> binderizedManager = defaultServiceManager();
if (binderizedManager == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not registerReference for "
<< interfaceName << "/" << instanceName
<< ": null binderized manager.";
auto ret = binderizedManager->registerPassthroughClient(interfaceName, instanceName);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not registerReference for "
<< interfaceName << "/" << instanceName
<< ": " << ret.description();
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Successfully registerReference for "
<< interfaceName << "/" << instanceName;
using InstanceDebugInfo = hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager::InstanceDebugInfo;
static inline void fetchPidsForPassthroughLibraries(
std::map<std::string, InstanceDebugInfo>* infos) {
static const std::string proc = "/proc/";
std::map<std::string, std::set<pid_t>> pids;
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> dir(opendir(proc.c_str()), closedir);
if (!dir) return;
dirent* dp;
while ((dp = readdir(dir.get())) != nullptr) {
pid_t pid = strtoll(dp->d_name, nullptr, 0);
if (pid == 0) continue;
std::string mapsPath = proc + dp->d_name + "/maps";
std::ifstream ifs{mapsPath};
if (!ifs.is_open()) continue;
for (std::string line; std::getline(ifs, line);) {
// The last token of line should look like
// vendor/lib64/hw/
// Use some simple filters to ignore bad lines before extracting libFileName
// and checking the key in info to make parsing faster.
if (line.back() != 'o') continue;
if (line.rfind('@') == std::string::npos) continue;
auto spacePos = line.rfind(' ');
if (spacePos == std::string::npos) continue;
auto libFileName = line.substr(spacePos + 1);
auto it = infos->find(libFileName);
if (it == infos->end()) continue;
for (auto& pair : *infos) {
pair.second.clientPids =
std::vector<pid_t>{pids[pair.first].begin(), pids[pair.first].end()};
struct PassthroughServiceManager : IServiceManager1_1 {
static void openLibs(
const std::string& fqName,
const std::function<bool /* continue */ (void* /* handle */, const std::string& /* lib */,
const std::string& /* sym */)>& eachLib) {
//fqName looks like
size_t idx = fqName.find("::");
if (idx == std::string::npos ||
idx + strlen("::") + 1 >= fqName.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid interface name passthrough lookup: " << fqName;
std::string packageAndVersion = fqName.substr(0, idx);
std::string ifaceName = fqName.substr(idx + strlen("::"));
const std::string prefix = packageAndVersion + "-impl";
const std::string sym = "HIDL_FETCH_" + ifaceName;
constexpr int dlMode = RTLD_LAZY;
void* handle = nullptr;
dlerror(); // clear
static std::string halLibPathVndkSp = android::base::StringPrintf(
HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VNDK_SP_FOR_VERSION, details::getVndkVersionStr().c_str());
std::vector<std::string> paths = {HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_ODM, HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VENDOR,
const char* env = std::getenv("TREBLE_TESTING_OVERRIDE");
const bool trebleTestingOverride = env && !strcmp(env, "true");
if (trebleTestingOverride) {
// Load HAL implementations that are statically linked
handle = dlopen(nullptr, dlMode);
if (handle == nullptr) {
const char* error = dlerror();
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dlopen self: "
<< (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
} else if (!eachLib(handle, "SELF", sym)) {
const char* vtsRootPath = std::getenv("VTS_ROOT_PATH");
if (vtsRootPath && strlen(vtsRootPath) > 0) {
const std::string halLibraryPathVtsOverride =
std::string(vtsRootPath) + HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM;
paths.insert(paths.begin(), halLibraryPathVtsOverride);
for (const std::string& path : paths) {
std::vector<std::string> libs = search(path, prefix, ".so");
for (const std::string &lib : libs) {
const std::string fullPath = path + lib;
handle = dlopen(fullPath.c_str(), dlMode);
} else {
handle = android_load_sphal_library(fullPath.c_str(), dlMode);
if (handle == nullptr) {
const char* error = dlerror();
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dlopen " << lib << ": "
<< (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
if (!eachLib(handle, lib, sym)) {
Return<sp<IBase>> get(const hidl_string& fqName,
const hidl_string& name) override {
sp<IBase> ret = nullptr;
openLibs(fqName, [&](void* handle, const std::string &lib, const std::string &sym) {
IBase* (*generator)(const char* name);
*(void **)(&generator) = dlsym(handle, sym.c_str());
if(!generator) {
const char* error = dlerror();
LOG(ERROR) << "Passthrough lookup opened " << lib
<< " but could not find symbol " << sym << ": "
<< (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
return true;
ret = (*generator)(name.c_str());
if (ret == nullptr) {
return true; // this module doesn't provide this instance name
registerReference(fqName, name);
return false;
return ret;
Return<bool> add(const hidl_string& /* name */,
const sp<IBase>& /* service */) override {
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot register services with passthrough service manager.";
return false;
Return<Transport> getTransport(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
const hidl_string& /* name */) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot getTransport with passthrough service manager.";
return Transport::EMPTY;
Return<void> list(list_cb /* _hidl_cb */) override {
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot list services with passthrough service manager.";
return Void();
Return<void> listByInterface(const hidl_string& /* fqInstanceName */,
listByInterface_cb /* _hidl_cb */) override {
// TODO: add this functionality
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot list services with passthrough service manager.";
return Void();
Return<bool> registerForNotifications(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
const hidl_string& /* name */,
const sp<IServiceNotification>& /* callback */) override {
// This makes no sense.
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot register for notifications with passthrough service manager.";
return false;
Return<void> debugDump(debugDump_cb _hidl_cb) override {
using Arch = ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture;
using std::literals::string_literals::operator""s;
static std::string halLibPathVndkSp64 = android::base::StringPrintf(
HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VNDK_SP_64BIT_FOR_VERSION, details::getVndkVersionStr().c_str());
static std::string halLibPathVndkSp32 = android::base::StringPrintf(
HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VNDK_SP_32BIT_FOR_VERSION, details::getVndkVersionStr().c_str());
static std::vector<std::pair<Arch, std::vector<const char*>>> sAllPaths{
halLibPathVndkSp64.c_str(), HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM_64BIT}},
halLibPathVndkSp32.c_str(), HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM_32BIT}}};
std::map<std::string, InstanceDebugInfo> map;
for (const auto &pair : sAllPaths) {
Arch arch = pair.first;
for (const auto &path : pair.second) {
std::vector<std::string> libs = search(path, "", ".so");
for (const std::string &lib : libs) {
std::string matchedName;
std::string implName;
if (matchPackageName(lib, &matchedName, &implName)) {
std::string instanceName{"* ("s + path + ")"s};
if (!implName.empty()) instanceName += " ("s + implName + ")"s;
map.emplace(path + lib, InstanceDebugInfo{.interfaceName = matchedName,
.instanceName = instanceName,
.clientPids = {},
.arch = arch});
hidl_vec<InstanceDebugInfo> vec;
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto&& pair : map) {
vec[idx++] = std::move(pair.second);
return Void();
Return<void> registerPassthroughClient(const hidl_string &, const hidl_string &) override {
// This makes no sense.
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot call registerPassthroughClient on passthrough service manager. "
<< "Call it on defaultServiceManager() instead.";
return Void();
Return<bool> unregisterForNotifications(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
const hidl_string& /* name */,
const sp<IServiceNotification>& /* callback */) override {
// This makes no sense.
LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot unregister for notifications with passthrough service manager.";
return false;
sp<IServiceManager1_0> getPassthroughServiceManager() {
return getPassthroughServiceManager1_1();
sp<IServiceManager1_1> getPassthroughServiceManager1_1() {
static sp<PassthroughServiceManager> manager(new PassthroughServiceManager());
return manager;
namespace details {
void preloadPassthroughService(const std::string &descriptor) {
[&](void* /* handle */, const std::string& /* lib */, const std::string& /* sym */) {
// do nothing
return true; // open all libs
struct Waiter : IServiceNotification {
Waiter(const std::string& interface, const std::string& instanceName,
const sp<IServiceManager1_1>& sm) : mInterfaceName(interface),
mInstanceName(instanceName), mSm(sm) {
void onFirstRef() override {
// If this process only has one binder thread, and we're calling wait() from
// that thread, it will block forever because we hung up the one and only
// binder thread on a condition variable that can only be notified by an
// incoming binder call.
if (ProcessState::self()->getMaxThreads() <= 1 &&
IPCThreadState::self()->isLooperThread()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Can't efficiently wait for " << mInterfaceName << "/"
<< mInstanceName << ", because we are called from "
<< "the only binder thread in this process.";
Return<bool> ret = mSm->registerForNotifications(mInterfaceName, mInstanceName, this);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Transport error, " << ret.description()
<< ", during notification registration for " << mInterfaceName << "/"
<< mInstanceName << ".";
if (!ret) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not register for notifications for " << mInterfaceName << "/"
<< mInstanceName << ".";
mRegisteredForNotifications = true;
~Waiter() {
if (mRegisteredForNotifications) {
if (!mSm->unregisterForNotifications(mInterfaceName, mInstanceName, this).
withDefault(false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not unregister service notification for "
<< mInterfaceName << "/" << mInstanceName << ".";
Return<void> onRegistration(const hidl_string& /* fqName */,
const hidl_string& /* name */,
bool /* preexisting */) override {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
if (mRegistered) {
return Void();
mRegistered = true;
return Void();
void wait() {
using std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s;
if (!mRegisteredForNotifications) {
// As an alternative, just sleep for a second and return
LOG(WARNING) << "Waiting one second for " << mInterfaceName << "/" << mInstanceName;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
while(true) {
mCondition.wait_for(lock, 1s, [this]{
return mRegistered;
if (mRegistered) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Waited one second for " << mInterfaceName << "/" << mInstanceName
<< ". Waiting another...";
// Be careful when using this; after calling reset(), you must always try to retrieve
// the corresponding service before blocking on the waiter; otherwise, you might run
// into a race-condition where the service has just (re-)registered, you clear the state
// here, and subsequently calling waiter->wait() will block forever.
void reset() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
mRegistered = false;
const std::string mInterfaceName;
const std::string mInstanceName;
const sp<IServiceManager1_1>& mSm;
std::mutex mMutex;
std::condition_variable mCondition;
bool mRegistered = false;
bool mRegisteredForNotifications = false;
void waitForHwService(
const std::string &interface, const std::string &instanceName) {
sp<Waiter> waiter = new Waiter(interface, instanceName, defaultServiceManager1_1());
// Prints relevant error/warning messages for error return values from
// details::canCastInterface(), both transaction errors (!castReturn.isOk())
// as well as actual cast failures (castReturn.isOk() && castReturn = false).
// Returns 'true' if the error is non-fatal and it's useful to retry
bool handleCastError(const Return<bool>& castReturn, const std::string& descriptor,
const std::string& instance) {
if (castReturn.isOk()) {
if (castReturn) {
details::logAlwaysFatal("Successful cast value passed into handleCastError.");
// This should never happen, and there's not really a point in retrying.
ALOGE("getService: received incompatible service (bug in hwservicemanager?) for "
"%s/%s.", descriptor.c_str(), instance.c_str());
return false;
if (castReturn.isDeadObject()) {
ALOGW("getService: found dead hwbinder service for %s/%s.", descriptor.c_str(),
return true;
// This can happen due to:
// 1) No SELinux permissions
// 2) Other transaction failure (no buffer space, kernel error)
// The first isn't recoverable, but the second is.
// Since we can't yet differentiate between the two, and clients depend
// on us not blocking in case 1), treat this as a fatal error for now.
ALOGW("getService: unable to call into hwbinder service for %s/%s.",
descriptor.c_str(), instance.c_str());
return false;
sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> getRawServiceInternal(const std::string& descriptor,
const std::string& instance,
bool retry, bool getStub) {
using Transport = ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager::Transport;
using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase;
using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
const sp<IServiceManager1_1> sm = defaultServiceManager1_1();
if (sm == nullptr) {
ALOGE("getService: defaultServiceManager() is null");
return nullptr;
Return<Transport> transportRet = sm->getTransport(descriptor, instance);
if (!transportRet.isOk()) {
ALOGE("getService: defaultServiceManager()->getTransport returns %s",
return nullptr;
Transport transport = transportRet;
const bool vintfHwbinder = (transport == Transport::HWBINDER);
const bool vintfPassthru = (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH);
const char* env = std::getenv("TREBLE_TESTING_OVERRIDE");
const bool trebleTestingOverride = env && !strcmp(env, "true");
const bool vintfLegacy = (transport == Transport::EMPTY) && trebleTestingOverride;
const bool trebleTestingOverride = false;
const bool vintfLegacy = false;
const char* env = std::getenv("TREBLE_TESTING_OVERRIDE");
const bool trebleTestingOverride = env && !strcmp(env, "true");
const bool vintfLegacy = (transport == Transport::EMPTY);
sp<Waiter> waiter = new Waiter(descriptor, instance, sm);
while (!getStub && (vintfHwbinder || vintfLegacy)) {
waiter->reset(); // don't reorder this -- see comments on reset()
Return<sp<IBase>> ret = sm->get(descriptor, instance);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGE("getService: defaultServiceManager()->get returns %s for %s/%s.",
ret.description().c_str(), descriptor.c_str(), instance.c_str());
sp<IBase> base = ret;
if (base != nullptr) {
Return<bool> canCastRet =
details::canCastInterface(base.get(), descriptor.c_str(), true /* emitError */);
if (canCastRet.isOk() && canCastRet) {
return base; // still needs to be wrapped by Bp class.
if (!handleCastError(canCastRet, descriptor, instance)) break;
// In case of legacy or we were not asked to retry, don't.
if (vintfLegacy || !retry) break;
ALOGI("getService: Trying again for %s/%s...", descriptor.c_str(), instance.c_str());
if (getStub || vintfPassthru || vintfLegacy) {
const sp<IServiceManager> pm = getPassthroughServiceManager();
if (pm != nullptr) {
sp<IBase> base = pm->get(descriptor, instance).withDefault(nullptr);
if (!getStub || trebleTestingOverride) {
base = wrapPassthrough(base);
return base;
return nullptr;
}; // namespace details
}; // namespace hardware
}; // namespace android