blob: 58c4c3f95725e75966494762ab3efdcf3da5b4ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error C API is no longer supported
* An index that may optionally be placed in shared memory.
* Must be Plain Old Data (POD), so no virtual methods are allowed.
* If in shared memory, exactly one process must explicitly call the constructor via placement new.
* \see #audio_utils_fifo_sync
struct audio_utils_fifo_index {
friend class audio_utils_fifo_reader;
friend class audio_utils_fifo_writer;
audio_utils_fifo_index() : mIndex(0) { }
~audio_utils_fifo_index() { }
// Linux futex is 32 bits regardless of platform.
// It would make more sense to declare this as atomic_uint32_t, but there is no such type name.
std::atomic_uint_least32_t mIndex; // accessed by both sides using atomic operations
static_assert(sizeof(mIndex) == sizeof(uint32_t), "mIndex must be 32 bits");
// TODO Abstract out atomic operations to here
// TODO Replace friend by setter and getter, and abstract the futex
/** Indicates whether an index is also used for synchronization. */
enum audio_utils_fifo_sync {
/** Index is not also used for synchronization; timeouts are done via clock_nanosleep(). */
/** Index is also used for synchronization as futex, and is mapped by one process. */
/** Index is also used for synchronization as futex, and is mapped by one or more processes. */
* Base class for single-writer, single-reader or multi-reader, optionally blocking FIFO.
* The base class manipulates frame indices only, and has no knowledge of frame sizes or the buffer.
* At most one reader, called the "throttling reader", can block the writer.
* The "fill level", or unread frame count, is defined with respect to the throttling reader.
class audio_utils_fifo_base {
* Construct FIFO base class
* \param frameCount Maximum usable frames to be stored in the FIFO > 0 && <= INT32_MAX,
* aka "capacity".
* If release()s always use the same count, and the count is a divisor of
* (effective) \p frameCount, then the obtain()s won't ever be fragmented.
* \param writerRear Writer's rear index. Passed by reference because it must be non-NULL.
* \param throttleFront Pointer to the front index of at most one reader that throttles the
* writer, or NULL for no throttling.
audio_utils_fifo_base(uint32_t frameCount, audio_utils_fifo_index& writerRear,
audio_utils_fifo_index *throttleFront = NULL);
/*virtual*/ ~audio_utils_fifo_base();
/** Return a new index as the sum of a validated index and a specified increment.
* \param index Caller should supply a validated mFront or mRear.
* \param increment Value to be added to the index <= mFrameCount.
* \return The sum of index plus increment.
uint32_t sum(uint32_t index, uint32_t increment);
/** Return the difference between two indices: rear - front.
* \param rear Caller should supply an unvalidated mRear.
* \param front Caller should supply an unvalidated mFront.
* \param lost If non-NULL, set to the approximate number of frames lost before
* re-synchronization when -EOVERFLOW occurs, or set to zero when no frames lost.
* \return The zero or positive difference <= mFrameCount, or a negative error code.
int32_t diff(uint32_t rear, uint32_t front, size_t *lost = NULL);
// These fields are const after initialization
/** Maximum usable frames to be stored in the FIFO > 0 && <= INT32_MAX, aka "capacity" */
const uint32_t mFrameCount;
/** Equal to roundup(mFrameCount) */
const uint32_t mFrameCountP2;
* Equal to mFrameCountP2 - mFrameCount, the number of "wasted" frames after the end of mBuffer.
* Only the indices are wasted, not any memory.
const uint32_t mFudgeFactor;
/** Reference to writer's rear index. */
audio_utils_fifo_index& mWriterRear;
/** Indicates how synchronization is done for mWriterRear. */
audio_utils_fifo_sync mWriterRearSync;
* Pointer to the front index of at most one reader that throttles the writer,
* or NULL for no throttling.
audio_utils_fifo_index* mThrottleFront;
/** Indicates how synchronization is done for mThrottleFront. */
audio_utils_fifo_sync mThrottleFrontSync;
* Same as audio_utils_fifo_base, but understands frame sizes and knows about the buffer but does
* not own it.
class audio_utils_fifo : audio_utils_fifo_base {
friend class audio_utils_fifo_reader;
friend class audio_utils_fifo_writer;
* Construct a FIFO object: multi-process.
* \param frameCount Maximum usable frames to be stored in the FIFO > 0 && <= INT32_MAX,
* aka "capacity".
* If writes and reads always use the same count, and the count is a divisor
* of \p frameCount, then the writes and reads won't do a partial transfer.
* \param frameSize Size of each frame in bytes > 0,
* \p frameSize * \p frameCount <= INT32_MAX.
* \param buffer Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer of \p frameCount frames.
* \param writerRear Writer's rear index. Passed by reference because it must be non-NULL.
* \param throttleFront Pointer to the front index of at most one reader that throttles the
* writer, or NULL for no throttling.
audio_utils_fifo(uint32_t frameCount, uint32_t frameSize, void *buffer,
audio_utils_fifo_index& writerRear, audio_utils_fifo_index *throttleFront = NULL);
* Construct a FIFO object: single-process.
* \param frameCount Maximum usable frames to be stored in the FIFO > 0 && <= INT32_MAX,
* aka "capacity".
* If writes and reads always use the same count, and the count is a divisor
* of \p frameCount, then the writes and reads won't do a partial transfer.
* \param frameSize Size of each frame in bytes > 0,
* \p frameSize * \p frameCount <= INT32_MAX.
* \param buffer Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer of \p frameCount frames.
* \param throttlesWriter Whether there is one reader that throttles the writer.
audio_utils_fifo(uint32_t frameCount, uint32_t frameSize, void *buffer,
bool throttlesWriter = true);
/*virtual*/ ~audio_utils_fifo();
// These fields are const after initialization
const uint32_t mFrameSize; // size of each frame in bytes
void * const mBuffer; // pointer to caller-allocated buffer of size mFrameCount frames
// only used for single-process constructor
audio_utils_fifo_index mSingleProcessSharedRear;
// only used for single-process constructor when throttlesWriter == true
audio_utils_fifo_index mSingleProcessSharedFront;
* Describes one virtually contiguous fragment of a logically contiguous slice.
* Compare to struct iovec for readv(2) and writev(2).
struct audio_utils_iovec {
/** Offset of fragment in frames, relative to mBuffer, undefined if mLength == 0 */
uint32_t mOffset;
/** Length of fragment in frames, 0 means fragment is empty */
uint32_t mLength;
* Based on frameworks/av/include/media/AudioBufferProvider.h
class audio_utils_fifo_provider {
virtual ~audio_utils_fifo_provider();
* Obtain access to a logically contiguous slice of a stream, represented by \p iovec.
* For the reader(s), the slice is initialized and has read-only access.
* For the writer, the slice is uninitialized and has read/write access.
* It is permitted to call obtain() multiple times without an intervening release().
* Each call resets the notion of most recently obtained slice.
* \param iovec Non-NULL pointer to a pair of fragment descriptors.
* On entry, the descriptors may be uninitialized.
* On exit, the descriptors are initialized and refer to each of the two fragments.
* iovec[0] describes the initial fragment of the slice, and
* iovec[1] describes the remaining non-virtually-contiguous fragment.
* Empty iovec[0] implies that iovec[1] is also empty.
* \param count The maximum number of frames to obtain.
* See the high/low setpoints for something which is close to, but not the same as,
* a minimum.
* \param timeout Indicates the maximum time to block for at least one frame.
* NULL and {0, 0} both mean non-blocking.
* Time is expressed as relative CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
* As an optimization, if \p timeout->tv_sec is the maximum positive value for
* time_t (LONG_MAX), then the implementation treats it as infinite timeout.
* \return Actual number of frames available, if greater than or equal to zero.
* Guaranteed to be <= \p count.
* \retval -EIO corrupted indices, no recovery is possible
* \retval -EOVERFLOW reader doesn't throttle writer, and frames were lost because reader
* isn't keeping up with writer; see \p lost
* \retval -ETIMEDOUT count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* timeout expired, and no frames were available after the timeout.
* \retval -EINTR count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0}, timeout
* was interrupted by a signal, and no frames were available after signal.
* \retval -EWOULDBLOCK count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* futex wait failed due to benign race, and unable to converge after
* retrying. Should usually handle like -EINTR.
* Applications should treat all of these as equivalent to zero available frames,
* except they convey extra information as to the cause.
virtual ssize_t obtain(audio_utils_iovec iovec[2], size_t count,
const struct timespec *timeout = NULL) = 0;
* Release access to a portion of the most recently obtained slice.
* It is permitted to call release() multiple times without an intervening obtain().
* \param count Number of frames to release. The total number of frames released must not
* exceed the number of frames most recently obtained.
virtual void release(size_t count) = 0;
* Determine the number of frames that could be obtained or read/written without blocking.
* There's an inherent race condition: the value may soon be obsolete so shouldn't be trusted.
* available() may be called after obtain(), but doesn't affect the number of releasable frames.
* \return Number of available frames, if greater than or equal to zero.
* \retval -EIO corrupted indices, no recovery is possible
* \retval -EOVERFLOW reader doesn't throttle writer, and frames were lost because reader
* isn't keeping up with writer
virtual ssize_t available() = 0;
/** Number of frames obtained at most recent obtain(), less total number of frames released. */
uint32_t mObtained;
/** Number of times to retry a futex wait that fails with EWOULDBLOCK. */
static const int kRetries = 2;
* Used to write to a FIFO. There should be exactly one writer per FIFO.
* The writer is multi-thread safe with respect to reader(s),
* but not with respect to multiple threads calling the writer API.
class audio_utils_fifo_writer : public audio_utils_fifo_provider {
* Single-process and multi-process use same constructor here,
* but different FIFO constructors.
* \param fifo Associated FIFO. Passed by reference because it must be non-NULL.
explicit audio_utils_fifo_writer(audio_utils_fifo& fifo);
virtual ~audio_utils_fifo_writer();
* Write to FIFO. Resets the number of releasable frames to zero.
* \param buffer Pointer to source buffer containing \p count frames of data.
* \param count Desired number of frames to write.
* \param timeout Indicates the maximum time to block for at least one frame.
* NULL and {0, 0} both mean non-blocking.
* Time is expressed as relative CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
* As an optimization, if \p timeout->tv_sec is the maximum positive value for
* time_t (LONG_MAX), then the implementation treats it as infinite timeout.
* \return Actual number of frames written, if greater than or equal to zero.
* Guaranteed to be <= \p count.
* The actual transfer count may be zero if the FIFO is full,
* or partial if the FIFO was almost full.
* \retval -EIO corrupted indices, no recovery is possible
* \retval -ETIMEDOUT count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* timeout expired, and no frames were available after the timeout.
* \retval -EINTR count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0}, timeout
* was interrupted by a signal, and no frames were available after signal.
* \retval -EWOULDBLOCK count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* futex wait failed due to benign race, and unable to converge after
* retrying. Should usually handle like -EINTR.
ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t count, const struct timespec *timeout = NULL);
// Implement audio_utils_fifo_provider
virtual ssize_t obtain(audio_utils_iovec iovec[2], size_t count,
const struct timespec *timeout = NULL);
virtual void release(size_t count);
virtual ssize_t available();
* Set the current effective buffer size.
* Any filled frames already written or released to the buffer are unaltered, and pending
* releasable frames from obtain() may be release()ed. However subsequent write() and obtain()
* will be limited such that the total filled frame count is <= the effective buffer size.
* The default effective buffer size is mFifo.mFrameCount.
* Reducing the effective buffer size may update the hysteresis levels; see getHysteresis().
* \param frameCount effective buffer size in frames. Capped to range [0, mFifo.mFrameCount].
void resize(uint32_t frameCount);
* Get the current effective buffer size.
* \return effective buffer size in frames
uint32_t size() const;
* Set the hysteresis levels for the writer to wake blocked readers.
* A non-empty write() or release() will wake readers
* only if the fill level was < \p lowLevelArm before the write() or release(),
* and then the fill level became > \p highLevelTrigger afterwards.
* The default value for \p lowLevelArm is mFifo.mFrameCount, which means always armed.
* The default value for \p highLevelTrigger is zero,
* which means every write() or release() will wake the readers.
* For hysteresis, \p lowLevelArm must be <= \p highLevelTrigger + 1.
* Increasing \p lowLevelArm will arm for wakeup, regardless of the current fill level.
* \param lowLevelArm Arm for wakeup when fill level < this value.
* Capped to range [0, effective buffer size].
* \param highLevelTrigger Trigger wakeup when armed and fill level > this value.
* Capped to range [0, effective buffer size].
void setHysteresis(uint32_t lowLevelArm, uint32_t highLevelTrigger);
* Get the hysteresis levels for waking readers.
* \param lowLevelArm Set to the current low level arm value in frames.
* \param highLevelTrigger Set to the current high level trigger value in frames.
void getHysteresis(uint32_t *lowLevelArm, uint32_t *highLevelTrigger) const;
audio_utils_fifo& mFifo;
// Accessed by writer only using ordinary operations
uint32_t mLocalRear; // frame index of next frame slot available to write, or write index
// TODO needs a state transition diagram for threshold and arming process
// TODO make a separate class and associate with the synchronization object
uint32_t mLowLevelArm; // arm if filled < arm level before release()
uint32_t mHighLevelTrigger; // trigger if armed and filled > trigger level after release()
bool mArmed; // whether currently armed
uint32_t mEffectiveFrames; // current effective buffer size, <= mFifo.mFrameCount
* Used to read from a FIFO. There can be one or more readers per FIFO,
* and at most one of those readers can throttle the writer.
* All other readers must keep up with the writer or they will lose frames.
* Each reader is multi-thread safe with respect to the writer and any other readers,
* but not with respect to multiple threads calling the reader API.
class audio_utils_fifo_reader : public audio_utils_fifo_provider {
* Single-process and multi-process use same constructor here,
* but different FIFO constructors.
* \param fifo Associated FIFO. Passed by reference because it must be non-NULL.
* \param throttlesWriter Whether this reader throttles the writer.
* At most one reader can specify throttlesWriter == true.
explicit audio_utils_fifo_reader(audio_utils_fifo& fifo, bool throttlesWriter = true);
virtual ~audio_utils_fifo_reader();
* Read from FIFO. Resets the number of releasable frames to zero.
* \param buffer Pointer to destination buffer to be filled with up to \p count frames of data.
* \param count Desired number of frames to read.
* \param timeout Indicates the maximum time to block for at least one frame.
* NULL and {0, 0} both mean non-blocking.
* Time is expressed as relative CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
* As an optimization, if \p timeout->tv_sec is the maximum positive value for
* time_t (LONG_MAX), then the implementation treats it as infinite timeout.
* \param lost If non-NULL, set to the approximate number of frames lost before
* re-synchronization when -EOVERFLOW occurs, or set to zero when no frames lost.
* \return Actual number of frames read, if greater than or equal to zero.
* Guaranteed to be <= \p count.
* The actual transfer count may be zero if the FIFO is empty,
* or partial if the FIFO was almost empty.
* \retval -EIO corrupted indices, no recovery is possible
* \retval -EOVERFLOW reader doesn't throttle writer, and frames were lost because reader
* isn't keeping up with writer; see \p lost
* \retval -ETIMEDOUT count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* timeout expired, and no frames were available after the timeout.
* \retval -EINTR count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0}, timeout
* was interrupted by a signal, and no frames were available after signal.
* \retval -EWOULDBLOCK count is greater than zero, timeout is non-NULL and not {0, 0},
* futex wait failed due to benign race, and unable to converge after
* retrying. Should usually handle like -EINTR.
ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count, const struct timespec *timeout = NULL,
size_t *lost = NULL);
// Implement audio_utils_fifo_provider
virtual ssize_t obtain(audio_utils_iovec iovec[2], size_t count,
const struct timespec *timeout = NULL);
virtual void release(size_t count);
virtual ssize_t available();
* Same as audio_utils_fifo_provider::obtain, except has an additional parameter \p lost.
* \param iovec See audio_utils_fifo_provider::obtain.
* \param count See audio_utils_fifo_provider::obtain.
* \param timeout See audio_utils_fifo_provider::obtain.
* \param lost If non-NULL, set to the approximate number of frames lost before
* re-synchronization when -EOVERFLOW occurs, or set to zero when no frames lost.
* \return See audio_utils_fifo_provider::obtain for 'Returns' and 'Return values'.
ssize_t obtain(audio_utils_iovec iovec[2], size_t count, const struct timespec *timeout,
size_t *lost);
* Determine the number of frames that could be obtained or read without blocking.
* There's an inherent race condition: the value may soon be obsolete so shouldn't be trusted.
* available() may be called after obtain(), but doesn't affect the number of releasable frames.
* \param lost If non-NULL, set to the approximate number of frames lost before
* re-synchronization when -EOVERFLOW occurs, or set to zero when no frames lost.
* \return Number of available frames, if greater than or equal to zero.
* \retval -EIO corrupted indices, no recovery is possible
* \retval -EOVERFLOW reader doesn't throttle writer, and frames were lost because reader
* isn't keeping up with writer; see \p lost
ssize_t available(size_t *lost);
* Set the hysteresis levels for a throttling reader to wake a blocked writer.
* A non-empty read() or release() by a throttling reader will wake the writer
* only if the fill level was > \p highLevelArm before the read() or release(),
* and then the fill level became < \p lowLevelTrigger afterwards.
* The default value for \p highLevelArm is -1, which means always armed.
* The default value for \p lowLevelTrigger is mFifo.mFrameCount,
* which means every read() or release() will wake the writer.
* For hysteresis, \p highLevelArm must be >= \p lowLevelTrigger - 1.
* Decreasing \p highLevelArm will arm for wakeup, regardless of the current fill level.
* Note that the throttling reader is not directly aware of the writer's effective buffer size,
* so any change in effective buffer size must be communicated indirectly.
* \param highLevelArm Arm for wakeup when fill level > this value.
* Capped to range [-1, mFifo.mFrameCount].
* \param lowLevelTrigger Trigger wakeup when armed and fill level < this value.
* Capped to range [0, mFifo.mFrameCount].
void setHysteresis(int32_t highLevelArm, uint32_t lowLevelTrigger);
* Get the hysteresis levels for waking readers.
* \param highLevelArm Set to the current high level arm value in frames.
* \param lowLevelTrigger Set to the current low level trigger value in frames.
void getHysteresis(int32_t *highLevelArm, uint32_t *lowLevelTrigger) const;
audio_utils_fifo& mFifo;
// Accessed by reader only using ordinary operations
uint32_t mLocalFront; // frame index of first frame slot available to read, or read index
// Points to shared front index if this reader throttles writer, or NULL if we don't throttle
// FIXME consider making it a boolean
audio_utils_fifo_index* mThrottleFront;
// TODO not used yet, needs state transition diagram
int32_t mHighLevelArm; // arm if filled > arm level before release()
uint32_t mLowLevelTrigger; // trigger if armed and filled < trigger level after release()
bool mArmed; // whether currently armed