blob: cd6d0864cee792bf0a6e019ac47f5a58f22c859b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains the Near Field Communication (NFC) Reader/Writer mode
* related API function external definitions.
#ifndef RW_API_H
#define RW_API_H
#include "nfc_api.h"
#include "tags_defs.h"
#define RW_T1T_BLD_ADD(a, k, y) (a) = (((k) & 0xF) << 3) | ((y) & 0x7);
#define RW_T1T_BLD_ADDS(a, s) (a) = (((s) & 0xF) << 4);
#define RW_T1T_FIRST_EVT 0x20
#define RW_T2T_FIRST_EVT 0x40
#define RW_T3T_FIRST_EVT 0x60
#define RW_T4T_FIRST_EVT 0x80
#define RW_I93_FIRST_EVT 0xA0
enum {
/* Note: the order of these events can not be changed */
/* Type 1 tag events for tRW_CBACK */
RW_T1T_RID_EVT = RW_T1T_FIRST_EVT, /* Read ID command completd */
RW_T1T_RALL_CPLT_EVT, /* Read All command completed */
RW_T1T_READ_CPLT_EVT, /* Read byte completed */
RW_T1T_WRITE_E_CPLT_EVT, /* Write byte after erase completed */
RW_T1T_WRITE_NE_CPLT_EVT, /* Write byte with no erase completed */
RW_T1T_RSEG_CPLT_EVT, /* Read segment completed */
RW_T1T_READ8_CPLT_EVT, /* Read block completed */
RW_T1T_WRITE_E8_CPLT_EVT, /* Write block after erase completed */
RW_T1T_WRITE_NE8_CPLT_EVT, /* Write block with no erase completed */
RW_T1T_TLV_DETECT_EVT, /* Lock/Mem/Prop tlv detection complete */
RW_T1T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT, /* NDEF detection complete */
RW_T1T_NDEF_READ_EVT, /* NDEF read completed */
RW_T1T_NDEF_WRITE_EVT, /* NDEF write complete */
RW_T1T_SET_TAG_RO_EVT, /* Tag is set as read only */
RW_T1T_RAW_FRAME_EVT, /* Response of raw frame sent */
RW_T1T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT, /* Response to RW_T1tPresenceCheck */
RW_T1T_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT, /* Tag Formated */
RW_T1T_INTF_ERROR_EVT, /* RF Interface error event */
/* Type 2 tag events */
RW_T2T_READ_CPLT_EVT = RW_T2T_FIRST_EVT, /* Read completed */
RW_T2T_WRITE_CPLT_EVT, /* Write completed */
RW_T2T_SELECT_CPLT_EVT, /* Sector select completed */
RW_T2T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT, /* NDEF detection complete */
RW_T2T_TLV_DETECT_EVT, /* Lock/Mem/Prop tlv detection complete */
RW_T2T_NDEF_READ_EVT, /* NDEF read completed */
RW_T2T_NDEF_WRITE_EVT, /* NDEF write complete */
RW_T2T_SET_TAG_RO_EVT, /* Tag is set as read only */
RW_T2T_RAW_FRAME_EVT, /* Response of raw frame sent */
RW_T2T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT, /* Response to RW_T2tPresenceCheck */
RW_T2T_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT, /* Tag Formated */
RW_T2T_INTF_ERROR_EVT, /* RF Interface error event */
/* Type 3 tag events for tRW_CBACK */
RW_T3T_CHECK_CPLT_EVT = RW_T3T_FIRST_EVT, /* Read completed */
RW_T3T_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT, /* Write completed */
RW_T3T_CHECK_EVT, /* Segment of data received from type 3 tag */
RW_T3T_RAW_FRAME_EVT, /* SendRawFrame response */
RW_T3T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT, /* NDEF detection complete */
RW_T3T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT, /* Response to RW_T3tPresenceCheck */
RW_T3T_POLL_EVT, /* Response to RW_T3tPoll */
RW_T3T_GET_SYSTEM_CODES_EVT, /* Response to RW_T3tGetSystemCodes */
RW_T3T_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT, /* Tag Formated (Felica-Lite only) */
RW_T3T_SET_READ_ONLY_CPLT_EVT, /* Tag is set as Read only */
RW_T3T_INTF_ERROR_EVT, /* RF Interface error event */
/* Type 4 tag events for tRW_CBACK */
RW_T4T_FIRST_EVT, /* Result of NDEF detection procedure */
/* Mandatory NDEF file is selected */
RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_EVT, /* Segment of data received from type 4 tag */
RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT, /* Read operation completed */
RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_FAIL_EVT, /* Read operation failed */
RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT, /* Update operation completed */
RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_FAIL_EVT, /* Update operation failed */
RW_T4T_SET_TO_RO_EVT, /* Tag is set as read only */
RW_T4T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT, /* Response to RW_T4tPresenceCheck */
RW_T4T_RAW_FRAME_EVT, /* Response of raw frame sent */
RW_T4T_INTF_ERROR_EVT, /* RF Interface error event */
RW_T4T_NDEF_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT, /* Format operation completed */
/* ISO 15693 tag events for tRW_CBACK */
RW_I93_FIRST_EVT, /* Result of NDEF detection procedure */
RW_I93_NDEF_READ_EVT, /* Segment of data received from tag */
RW_I93_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT, /* Read operation completed */
RW_I93_NDEF_READ_FAIL_EVT, /* Read operation failed */
RW_I93_NDEF_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT, /* Update operation completed */
RW_I93_NDEF_UPDATE_FAIL_EVT, /* Update operation failed */
RW_I93_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT, /* Format procedure complete */
RW_I93_SET_TAG_RO_EVT, /* Set read-only procedure complete */
RW_I93_INVENTORY_EVT, /* Response of Inventory */
RW_I93_DATA_EVT, /* Response of Read, Get Multi Security */
RW_I93_SYS_INFO_EVT, /* Response of System Information */
RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT, /* Command complete */
RW_I93_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT, /* Response to RW_I93PresenceCheck */
RW_I93_RAW_FRAME_EVT, /* Response of raw frame sent */
RW_I93_INTF_ERROR_EVT, /* RF Interface error event */
typedef uint8_t tRW_EVENT;
/* Tag is read only */
#define RW_NDEF_FL_READ_ONLY 0x01
/* Tag formated for NDEF */
#define RW_NDEF_FL_FORMATED 0x02
/* NDEF supported by the tag */
/* Unable to find if tag is ndef capable/formated/read only */
#define RW_NDEF_FL_UNKNOWN 0x08
/* Tag supports format operation */
/* Tag can be soft locked */
/* Tag can be hard locked */
/* Tag is one time programmable */
#define RW_NDEF_FL_OTP 0x80
typedef uint8_t tRW_NDEF_FLAG;
/* options for RW_T4tPresenceCheck */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status;
uint16_t msg_len; /* Length of the NDEF message */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status; /* Status of the POLL request */
uint8_t rc; /* RC (request code) used in the POLL request */
uint8_t response_num; /* Number of SENSF_RES responses */
uint8_t response_bufsize; /* Size of SENSF_RES responses */
uint8_t* response_buf; /* Buffer of responses (length + SENSF_RES) see
$ of NCI specs */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status; /* Status of the Get System Codes request */
uint8_t num_system_codes; /* Number of system codes */
uint16_t* p_system_codes; /* Table of system codes */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of NDEF detection */
tNFC_PROTOCOL protocol; /* protocol used to detect NDEF */
uint32_t max_size; /* max number of bytes available for NDEF data */
uint32_t cur_size; /* current size of stored NDEF data (in bytes) */
flags; /* Flags to indicate NDEF capability,formated,formatable and read
only */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of NDEF detection */
tNFC_PROTOCOL protocol; /* protocol used to detect TLV */
num_bytes; /* number of reserved/lock bytes based on the type of tlv */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status;
NFC_HDR* p_data;
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status;
uint8_t sw1;
uint8_t sw2;
} tRW_T4T_SW;
typedef struct /* RW_I93_INVENTORY_EVT */
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of Inventory command */
uint8_t dsfid; /* DSFID */
uint8_t uid[I93_UID_BYTE_LEN]; /* UID[0]:MSB, ... UID[7]:LSB */
typedef struct /* RW_I93_DATA_EVT */
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of Read/Get security status command */
uint8_t command; /* sent command */
NFC_HDR* p_data; /* block data of security status */
} tRW_I93_DATA;
typedef struct /* RW_I93_SYS_INFO_EVT */
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of Get Sys Info command */
uint8_t info_flags; /* information flags */
uint8_t uid[I93_UID_BYTE_LEN]; /* UID[0]:MSB, ... UID[7]:LSB */
uint8_t dsfid; /* DSFID if I93_INFO_FLAG_DSFID */
uint8_t afi; /* AFI if I93_INFO_FLAG_AFI */
uint16_t num_block; /* number of blocks if I93_INFO_FLAG_MEM_SIZE */
uint8_t block_size; /* block size in byte if I93_INFO_FLAG_MEM_SIZE */
uint8_t IC_reference; /* IC Reference if I93_INFO_FLAG_IC_REF */
typedef struct /* RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT */
tNFC_STATUS status; /* status of sent command */
uint8_t command; /* sent command */
uint8_t error_code; /* error code; I93_ERROR_CODE_XXX */
typedef struct {
tNFC_STATUS status;
NFC_HDR* p_data;
typedef union {
tNFC_STATUS status;
tRW_T3T_POLL t3t_poll; /* Response to t3t poll command */
tRW_T3T_SYSTEM_CODES t3t_sc; /* Received system codes from t3 tag */
tRW_DETECT_TLV_DATA tlv; /* The information of detected TLV data */
tRW_DETECT_NDEF_DATA ndef; /* The information of detected NDEF data */
tRW_READ_DATA data; /* The received data from a tag */
tRW_RAW_FRAME raw_frame; /* Response of raw frame sent */
tRW_T4T_SW t4t_sw; /* Received status words from a tag */
tRW_I93_INVENTORY i93_inventory; /* ISO 15693 Inventory response */
tRW_I93_DATA i93_data; /* ISO 15693 Data response */
tRW_I93_SYS_INFO i93_sys_info; /* ISO 15693 System Information */
tRW_I93_CMD_CMPL i93_cmd_cmpl; /* ISO 15693 Command complete */
typedef void(tRW_CBACK)(tRW_EVENT event, tRW_DATA* p_data);
** Function RW_T1tRid
** Description This function send a RID command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tRid(void);
** Function RW_T1tReadAll
** Description This function send a RALL command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tReadAll(void);
** Function RW_T1tRead
** Description This function send a READ command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tRead(uint8_t block, uint8_t byte);
** Function RW_T1tWriteErase
** Description This function send a WRITE-E command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteErase(uint8_t block, uint8_t byte,
uint8_t new_byte);
** Function RW_T1tWriteNoErase
** Description This function send a WRITE-NE command for Reader/Writer
** mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteNoErase(uint8_t block, uint8_t byte,
uint8_t new_byte);
** Function RW_T1tReadSeg
** Description This function send a RSEG command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tReadSeg(uint8_t segment);
** Function RW_T1tRead8
** Description This function send a READ8 command for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tRead8(uint8_t block);
** Function RW_T1tWriteErase8
** Description This function send a WRITE-E8 command for Reader/Writer
** mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteErase8(uint8_t block, uint8_t* p_new_dat);
** Function RW_T1tWriteNoErase8
** Description This function send a WRITE-NE8 command for Reader/Writer
** mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteNoErase8(uint8_t block, uint8_t* p_new_dat);
** Function RW_T1tLocateTlv
** Description This function is called to find the start of the given TLV
** Parameters: void
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if detection was started. Otherwise, error
** status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tLocateTlv(uint8_t tlv_type);
** Function RW_T1tDetectNDef
** Description This function can be called to detect if there is an NDEF
** message on the tag.
** Parameters: void
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if detection was started. Otherwise, error
** status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tDetectNDef(void);
** Function RW_T1tReadNDef
** Description This function can be called to read the NDEF message on the
** tag.
** Parameters: p_buffer: The buffer into which to read the NDEF message
** buf_len: The length of the buffer
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if read was started. Otherwise, error status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tReadNDef(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t buf_len);
** Function RW_T1tWriteNDef
** Description This function can be called to write an NDEF message to the
** tag.
** Parameters: msg_len: The length of the buffer
** p_msg: The NDEF message to write
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if write was started. Otherwise, error
** status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteNDef(uint16_t msg_len, uint8_t* p_msg);
** Function RW_T1tSetTagReadOnly
** Description This function can be called to set the tag in to read only
** state
** Parameters: b_hard_lock: To hard lock or just soft lock the tag
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if set readonly operation started.
** Otherwise, error status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tSetTagReadOnly(bool b_hard_lock);
** Function RW_T1tPresenceCheck
** Description
** Check if the tag is still in the field.
** The RW_T1T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT w/ status is used to indicate presence
** or non-presence.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tPresenceCheck(void);
** Function RW_T1tFormatNDef
** Description
** Format Tag content
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, Command sent to format Tag
** NFC_STATUS_REJECTED: Invalid HR0 and cannot format the tag
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tFormatNDef(void);
** Function RW_T2tLocateTlv
** Description This function is called to find the start of the given TLV
** Returns Pointer to the TLV, if successful. Otherwise, NULL.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tLocateTlv(uint8_t tlv_type);
** Function RW_T2tRead
** Description This function issues the Type 2 Tag READ command. When the
** operation is complete the callback function will be called
** with a RW_T2T_READ_EVT.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tRead(uint16_t block);
** Function RW_T2tWrite
** Description This function issues the Type 2 Tag WRITE command. When the
** operation is complete the callback function will be called
** with a RW_T2T_WRITE_EVT.
** p_write_data points to the array of 4 bytes to be written
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tWrite(uint16_t block, uint8_t* p_write_data);
** Function RW_T2tSectorSelect
** Description This function issues the Type 2 Tag SECTOR-SELECT command
** packet 1. If a NACK is received as the response, the
** callback function will be called with a
** RW_T2T_SECTOR_SELECT_EVT. If an ACK is received as the
** response, the command packet 2 with the given sector number
** is sent to the peer device. When the response for packet 2
** is received, the callback function will be called with a
** A sector is 256 contiguous blocks (1024 bytes).
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tSectorSelect(uint8_t sector);
** Function RW_T2tDetectNDef
** Description This function will find NDEF message if any in the Tag
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tDetectNDef(bool skip_dyn_locks);
** Function RW_T2tReadNDef
** Description This function can be called to read the NDEF message on the
** tag.
** Parameters: p_buffer: The buffer into which to read the NDEF message
** buf_len: The length of the buffer
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if read was started. Otherwise, error status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tReadNDef(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t buf_len);
** Function RW_T2tWriteNDef
** Description This function can be called to write an NDEF message to the
** tag.
** Parameters: msg_len: The length of the buffer
** p_msg: The NDEF message to write
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if write was started. Otherwise, error
** status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tWriteNDef(uint16_t msg_len, uint8_t* p_msg);
** Function RW_T2tSetTagReadOnly
** Description This function can be called to set the tag in to read only
** state
** Parameters: b_hard_lock: To indicate hard lock the tag or not
** Returns NCI_STATUS_OK, if set readonly operation started.
** Otherwise, error status.
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tSetTagReadOnly(bool b_hard_lock);
** Function RW_T2tPresenceCheck
** Description
** Check if the tag is still in the field.
** The RW_T2T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT w/ status is used to indicate presence
** or non-presence.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tPresenceCheck(void);
** Function RW_T2tFormatNDef
** Description
** Format Tag content
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, Command sent to format Tag
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: otherwise
tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tFormatNDef(void);
** Function RW_T3tDetectNDef
** Description
** This function is used to perform NDEF detection on a Type 3 tag, and
** retrieve the tag's NDEF attribute information (block 0).
** Before using this API, the application must call RW_SelectTagType to
** indicate that a Type 3 tag has been activated, and to provide the
** tag's Manufacture ID (IDm) .
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: ndef detection procedure started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tDetectNDef(void);
** Function RW_T3tFormatNDef
** Description
** Format a type-3 tag for NDEF.
** Only Felica-Lite tags are supported by this API. The
** RW_T3T_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT is used to notify the status of the operation.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: ndef detection procedure started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tFormatNDef(void);
** Function RW_T3tSetReadOnly
** Description
** Set a type-3 tag to Read Only
** Only Felica-Lite tags are supported by this API.
** RW_T3tDetectNDef() must be called before using this
** The RW_T3T_SET_READ_ONLY_CPLT_EVT event will be returned.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T3T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tSetReadOnly(bool b_hard_lock);
** Function RW_T3tCheckNDef
** Description
** Retrieve NDEF contents from a Type3 tag.
** The RW_T3T_CHECK_EVT event is used to notify the application for each
** segment of NDEF data received. The RW_T3T_CHECK_CPLT_EVT event is used
** to notify the application all segments have been received.
** Before using this API, the RW_T3tDetectNDef function must be called to
** verify that the tag contains NDEF data, and to retrieve the NDEF
** attributes.
** Internally, this command will be separated into multiple Tag 3 Check
** commands (if necessary) - depending on the tag's Nbr (max number of
** blocks per read) attribute.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: check command started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tCheckNDef(void);
** Function RW_T3tUpdateNDef
** Description
** Write NDEF contents to a Type3 tag.
** The RW_T3T_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT callback event will be used to notify the
** application of the response.
** Before using this API, the RW_T3tDetectNDef function must be called to
** verify that the tag contains NDEF data, and to retrieve the NDEF
** attributes.
** Internally, this command will be separated into multiple Tag 3 Update
** commands (if necessary) - depending on the tag's Nbw (max number of
** blocks per write) attribute.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: check command started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_REFUSED: tag is read-only
** NFC_STATUS_BUFFER_FULL: len exceeds tag's maximum size
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tUpdateNDef(uint32_t len, uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_T3tCheck
** Description
** Read (non-NDEF) contents from a Type3 tag.
** The RW_READ_EVT event is used to notify the application for each
** segment of NDEF data received. The RW_READ_CPLT_EVT event is used to
** notify the application all segments have been received.
** Before using this API, the application must call RW_SelectTagType to
** indicate that a Type 3 tag has been activated, and to provide the
** tag's Manufacture ID (IDm) .
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: check command started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tCheck(uint8_t num_blocks, tT3T_BLOCK_DESC* t3t_blocks);
** Function RW_T3tUpdate
** Description
** Write (non-NDEF) contents to a Type3 tag.
** The RW_WRITE_CPLT_EVT event is used to notify the application all
** segments have been received.
** Before using this API, the application must call RW_SelectTagType to
** indicate that a Type 3 tag has been activated, and to provide the tag's
** Manufacture ID (IDm) .
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: check command started
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tUpdate(uint8_t num_blocks, tT3T_BLOCK_DESC* t3t_blocks,
uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_T3tSendRawFrame
** Description
** This function is called to send a raw data frame to the peer device.
** When type 3 tag receives response from peer, the callback function
** will be called with a RW_T3T_RAW_FRAME_EVT [Table 6].
** Before using this API, the application must call RW_SelectTagType to
** indicate that a Type 3 tag has been activated.
** The raw frame should be a properly formatted Type 3 tag message.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tSendRawFrame(uint16_t len, uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_T3tPoll
** Description
** Send POLL command
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tPoll(uint16_t system_code, tT3T_POLL_RC rc,
uint8_t tsn);
** Function RW_T3tPresenceCheck
** Description
** Check if the tag is still in the field.
** The RW_T3T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT w/ status is used to indicate presence
** or non-presence.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tPresenceCheck(void);
** Function RW_T3tGetSystemCodes
** Description
** Get systems codes supported by the activated tag:
** Poll for wildcard (FFFF):
** - If felica-lite code then poll for ndef (12fc)
** - Otherwise send RequestSystmCode command to get
** system codes.
** Before using this API, the application must call RW_SelectTagType to
** indicate that a Type 3 tag has been activated.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T3tGetSystemCodes(void);
** Function RW_T4tFormatNDef
** Description
** Format a type-4 tag for NDEF.
** Only Desifire tags are supported by this API. The
** RW_T4T_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT is used to notify the status of the operation.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK: if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tFormatNDef(void);
** Function RW_T4tDetectNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF detection procedure
** RW_T4T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tDetectNDef(void);
** Function RW_T4tReadNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF read procedure
** Note: RW_T4tDetectNDef() must be called before using this
** The following event will be returned
** RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_EVT for each segmented NDEF message
** RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT for the last segment or
** complete NDEF
** RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_FAIL_EVT for failure
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tReadNDef(void);
** Function RW_T4tUpdateNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF update procedure
** Note: RW_T4tDetectNDef() must be called before using this
** Updating data must not be removed until returning
** event
** The following event will be returned
** RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT for complete
** RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_FAIL_EVT for failure
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tUpdateNDef(uint16_t length, uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_T4tPresenceCheck
** Description
** Check if the tag is still in the field.
** The RW_T4T_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT w/ status is used to indicate presence
** or non-presence.
** option is RW_T4T_CHK_EMPTY_I_BLOCK, use empty I block for presence
** check.
** Returns
** NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tPresenceCheck(uint8_t option);
** Function RW_T4tSetNDefReadOnly
** Description This function performs NDEF read-only procedure
** Note: RW_T4tDetectNDef() must be called before using this
** The RW_T4T_SET_TO_RO_EVT event will be returned.
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tSetNDefReadOnly(void);
** Function RW_I93Inventory
** Description This function send Inventory command with/without AFI
** If UID is provided then set UID[0]:MSB, ... UID[7]:LSB
** RW_I93_RESPONSE_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93Inventory(bool including_afi, uint8_t afi,
uint8_t* p_uid);
** Function RW_I93StayQuiet
** Description This function send Inventory command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93StayQuiet(void);
** Function RW_I93ReadSingleBlock
** Description This function send Read Single Block command
** RW_I93_RESPONSE_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93ReadSingleBlock(uint16_t block_number);
** Function RW_I93WriteSingleBlock
** Description This function send Write Single Block command
** Application must get block size first by calling
** RW_I93GetSysInfo().
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93WriteSingleBlock(uint16_t block_number,
uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_I93LockBlock
** Description This function send Lock Block command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93LockBlock(uint8_t block_number);
** Function RW_I93ReadMultipleBlocks
** Description This function send Read Multiple Blocks command
** RW_I93_RESPONSE_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93ReadMultipleBlocks(uint16_t first_block_number,
uint16_t number_blocks);
** Function RW_I93WriteMultipleBlocks
** Description This function send Write Multiple Blocks command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93WriteMultipleBlocks(uint16_t first_block_number,
uint16_t number_blocks,
uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_I93Select
** Description This function send Select command
** UID[0]: 0xE0, MSB
** UID[1]: IC Mfg Code
** ...
** UID[7]: LSB
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93Select(uint8_t* p_uid);
** Function RW_I93ResetToReady
** Description This function send Reset To Ready command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93ResetToReady(void);
** Function RW_I93WriteAFI
** Description This function send Write AFI command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93WriteAFI(uint8_t afi);
** Function RW_I93LockAFI
** Description This function send Lock AFI command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93LockAFI(void);
** Function RW_I93WriteDSFID
** Description This function send Write DSFID command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93WriteDSFID(uint8_t dsfid);
** Function RW_I93LockDSFID
** Description This function send Lock DSFID command
** RW_I93_CMD_CMPL_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93LockDSFID(void);
** Function RW_I93GetSysInfo
** Description This function send Get System Information command
** If UID is provided then set UID[0]:MSB, ... UID[7]:LSB
** RW_I93_RESPONSE_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93GetSysInfo(uint8_t* p_uid);
** Function RW_I93GetMultiBlockSecurityStatus
** Description This function send Get Multiple Block Security Status
** command
** RW_I93_RESPONSE_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS if out of buffer
** NFC_STATUS_BUSY if busy
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93GetMultiBlockSecurityStatus(
uint16_t first_block_number, uint16_t number_blocks);
** Function RW_I93DetectNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF detection procedure
** RW_I93_NDEF_DETECT_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93DetectNDef(void);
** Function RW_I93ReadNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF read procedure
** Note: RW_I93DetectNDef() must be called before using this
** The following event will be returned
** RW_I93_NDEF_READ_EVT for each segmented NDEF message
** RW_I93_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT for the last segment or
** complete NDEF
** RW_I93_NDEF_READ_FAIL_EVT for failure
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if I93 is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93ReadNDef(void);
** Function RW_I93UpdateNDef
** Description This function performs NDEF update procedure
** Note: RW_I93DetectNDef() must be called before using this
** Updating data must not be removed until returning
** event
** The following event will be returned
** RW_I93_NDEF_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT for complete
** RW_I93_NDEF_UPDATE_FAIL_EVT for failure
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if I93 is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93UpdateNDef(uint16_t length, uint8_t* p_data);
** Function RW_I93FormatNDef
** Description This function performs formatting procedure
** RW_I93_FORMAT_CPLT_EVT will be returned
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93FormatNDef(void);
** Function RW_I93SetTagReadOnly
** Description This function performs NDEF read-only procedure
** Note: RW_I93DetectNDef() must be called before using this
** Updating data must not be removed until returning
** event
** The RW_I93_SET_TAG_RO_EVT event will be returned.
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if I93 is busy or other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93SetTagReadOnly(void);
** Function RW_I93PresenceCheck
** Description Check if the tag is still in the field.
** The RW_I93_PRESENCE_CHECK_EVT w/ status is used to indicate
** presence or non-presence.
** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK, if raw data frame sent
** NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS: unable to allocate a buffer for this
** operation
** NFC_STATUS_FAILED: other error
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_I93PresenceCheck(void);
** Function RW_SendRawFrame
** Description This function sends a raw frame to the peer device.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_SendRawFrame(uint8_t* p_raw_data, uint16_t data_len);
** Function RW_SetActivatedTagType
** Description This function sets tag type for Reader/Writer mode.
** Returns tNFC_STATUS
extern tNFC_STATUS RW_SetActivatedTagType(tNFC_ACTIVATE_DEVT* p_activate_params,
tRW_CBACK* p_cback);
#endif /* RW_API_H */