blob: 5ca18d1c5cacc07f40dfca5968f698d112fbc6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "aidl_typenames.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "aidl_language_y.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "type_java.h"
#include "type_namespace.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
int isatty(int fd)
return (fd == 0);
using android::aidl::IoDelegate;
using android::base::Join;
using android::base::Split;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
void yylex_init(void **);
void yylex_destroy(void *);
void yyset_in(FILE *f, void *);
int yyparse(Parser*);
YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer(char *, size_t, void *);
void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE, void *);
AidlToken::AidlToken(const std::string& text, const std::string& comments)
: text_(text),
comments_(comments) {}
static const string kNullable("nullable");
static const string kUtf8("utf8");
static const string kUtf8InCpp("utf8InCpp");
static const set<string> kAnnotationNames{kNullable, kUtf8, kUtf8InCpp};
AidlAnnotation::AidlAnnotation(const string& name, string& error) : name_(name) {
if (kAnnotationNames.find(name_) == kAnnotationNames.end()) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "'" << name_ << "' is not a recognized annotation. ";
stream << "It must be one of:";
for (const string& kv : kAnnotationNames) {
stream << " " << kv;
stream << ".";
error = stream.str();
static bool HasAnnotation(const set<unique_ptr<AidlAnnotation>>& annotations, const string& name) {
for (const auto& a : annotations) {
if (a->GetName() == name) {
return true;
return false;
bool AidlAnnotatable::IsNullable() const {
return HasAnnotation(annotations_, kNullable);
bool AidlAnnotatable::IsUtf8() const {
return HasAnnotation(annotations_, kUtf8);
bool AidlAnnotatable::IsUtf8InCpp() const {
return HasAnnotation(annotations_, kUtf8InCpp);
string AidlAnnotatable::ToString() const {
vector<string> ret;
for (const auto& a : annotations_) {
std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end());
return Join(ret, " ");
AidlTypeSpecifier::AidlTypeSpecifier(const string& unresolved_name, bool is_array,
vector<unique_ptr<AidlTypeSpecifier>>* type_params,
unsigned line, const string& comments)
: unresolved_name_(unresolved_name),
comments_(comments) {}
string AidlTypeSpecifier::ToString() const {
string ret = GetName();
if (IsGeneric()) {
vector<string> arg_names;
for (const auto& ta : GetTypeParameters()) {
ret += "<" + Join(arg_names, ",") + ">";
if (IsArray()) {
ret += "[]";
return ret;
string AidlTypeSpecifier::Signature() const {
string ret = ToString();
string annotations = AidlAnnotatable::ToString();
if (annotations != "") {
ret = annotations + " " + ret;
return ret;
bool AidlTypeSpecifier::Resolve(android::aidl::AidlTypenames& typenames) {
pair<string, bool> result = typenames.ResolveTypename(unresolved_name_);
if (result.second) {
fully_qualified_name_ = result.first;
return result.second;
AidlVariableDeclaration::AidlVariableDeclaration(AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name,
unsigned line)
: AidlVariableDeclaration(type, name, line, nullptr /*default_value*/) {}
AidlVariableDeclaration::AidlVariableDeclaration(AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name,
unsigned line, AidlConstantValue* default_value)
: type_(type), name_(name), line_(line), default_value_(default_value) {}
bool AidlVariableDeclaration::CheckValid() const {
if (default_value_ == nullptr) return true;
const string given_type = type_->GetName();
const string value_type = AidlConstantValue::ToString(default_value_->GetType());
if (given_type != value_type) {
cerr << "Declaration " << name_ << " is of type " << given_type << " but value is of type "
<< value_type << " on line " << line_ << endl;
return false;
return true;
string AidlVariableDeclaration::ToString() const {
string ret = type_->ToString() + " " + name_;
if (default_value_ != nullptr) {
ret += " = " + default_value_->ToString();
return ret;
string AidlVariableDeclaration::Signature() const {
return type_->Signature() + " " + name_;
AidlArgument::AidlArgument(AidlArgument::Direction direction, AidlTypeSpecifier* type,
std::string name, unsigned line)
: AidlVariableDeclaration(type, name, line),
direction_specified_(true) {}
AidlArgument::AidlArgument(AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name, unsigned line)
: AidlVariableDeclaration(type, name, line),
direction_specified_(false) {}
string AidlArgument::GetDirectionSpecifier() const {
string ret;
if (direction_specified_) {
switch(direction_) {
case AidlArgument::IN_DIR:
ret += "in ";
case AidlArgument::OUT_DIR:
ret += "out ";
case AidlArgument::INOUT_DIR:
ret += "inout ";
return ret;
string AidlArgument::ToString() const {
return GetDirectionSpecifier() + AidlVariableDeclaration::ToString();
std::string AidlArgument::Signature() const {
return GetDirectionSpecifier() + AidlVariableDeclaration::Signature();
string AidlConstantValue::ToString(Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Type::INTEGER:
return "int";
case Type::STRING:
return "String";
case Type::ERROR:
LOG(FATAL) << "aidl internal error: error type failed to halt program";
LOG(FATAL) << "aidl internal error: unknown constant type: " << static_cast<int>(type);
return ""; // not reached
AidlConstantValue::AidlConstantValue(Type type, const std::string& checked_value)
: type_(type), value_(checked_value) {}
AidlConstantValue* AidlConstantValue::LiteralInt(int32_t value) {
return new AidlConstantValue(Type::INTEGER, std::to_string(value));
AidlConstantValue* AidlConstantValue::ParseHex(const std::string& value, unsigned line) {
uint32_t unsigned_value;
if (!android::base::ParseUint<uint32_t>(value.c_str(), &unsigned_value)) {
cerr << "Found invalid int value '" << value << "' on line " << line << endl;
return new AidlConstantValue(Type::ERROR, "");
return LiteralInt(unsigned_value);
AidlConstantValue* AidlConstantValue::ParseString(const std::string& value, unsigned line) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) {
const char& c = value[i];
if (c <= 0x1f || // control characters are < 0x20
c >= 0x7f || // DEL is 0x7f
c == '\\') { // Disallow backslashes for future proofing.
cerr << "Found invalid character at index " << i << " in string constant '" << value
<< "' beginning on line " << line << endl;
return new AidlConstantValue(Type::ERROR, "");
return new AidlConstantValue(Type::STRING, value);
string AidlConstantValue::ToString() const {
CHECK(type_ != Type::ERROR) << "aidl internal error: error should be checked " << value_;
return value_;
AidlConstantDeclaration::AidlConstantDeclaration(AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name,
AidlConstantValue* value, unsigned line)
: type_(type), name_(name), value_(value), line_(line) {}
bool AidlConstantDeclaration::CheckValid() const {
// Error message logged above
if (value_->GetType() == AidlConstantValue::Type::ERROR) return false;
if (type_->ToString() != AidlConstantValue::ToString(value_->GetType())) {
cerr << "Constant " << name_ << " is of type " << type_->ToString() << " but value is of type "
<< AidlConstantValue::ToString(value_->GetType()) << " on line " << line_ << endl;
return false;
return true;
AidlMethod::AidlMethod(bool oneway, AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>* args, unsigned line,
const std::string& comments, int id)
: oneway_(oneway),
id_(id) {
has_id_ = true;
delete args;
for (const unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& a : arguments_) {
if (a->IsIn()) { in_arguments_.push_back(a.get()); }
if (a->IsOut()) { out_arguments_.push_back(a.get()); }
AidlMethod::AidlMethod(bool oneway, AidlTypeSpecifier* type, std::string name,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>* args, unsigned line,
const std::string& comments)
: AidlMethod(oneway, type, name, args, line, comments, 0) {
has_id_ = false;
string AidlMethod::Signature() const {
vector<string> arg_signatures;
for (const auto& arg : GetArguments()) {
return GetType().Signature() + " " + GetName() + "(" + Join(arg_signatures, ", ") + ")";
Parser::Parser(const IoDelegate& io_delegate, android::aidl::AidlTypenames* typenames)
: io_delegate_(io_delegate), typenames_(typenames) {
AidlDefinedType::AidlDefinedType(std::string name, unsigned line, const std::string& comments,
const std::vector<std::string>& package)
: name_(name), line_(line), comments_(comments), package_(package) {}
std::string AidlDefinedType::GetPackage() const {
return Join(package_, '.');
std::string AidlDefinedType::GetCanonicalName() const {
if (package_.empty()) {
return GetName();
return GetPackage() + "." + GetName();
AidlParcelable::AidlParcelable(AidlQualifiedName* name, unsigned line,
const std::vector<std::string>& package,
const std::string& cpp_header)
: AidlDefinedType(name->GetDotName(), line, "" /*comments*/, package),
cpp_header_(cpp_header) {
// Strip off quotation marks if we actually have a cpp header.
if (cpp_header_.length() >= 2) {
cpp_header_ = cpp_header_.substr(1, cpp_header_.length() - 2);
void AidlParcelable::Write(CodeWriter* writer) const {
writer->Write("parcelable %s ;\n", GetName().c_str());
AidlQualifiedName* name, unsigned line, const std::vector<std::string>& package,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlVariableDeclaration>>* variables)
: AidlParcelable(name, line, package, "" /*cpp_header*/), variables_(std::move(*variables)) {}
void AidlStructuredParcelable::Write(CodeWriter* writer) const {
writer->Write("parcelable %s {\n", GetName().c_str());
for (const auto& field : GetFields()) {
writer->Write("%s;\n", field->Signature().c_str());
AidlInterface::AidlInterface(const std::string& name, unsigned line,
const std::string& comments, bool oneway,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlMember>>* members,
const std::vector<std::string>& package)
: AidlDefinedType(name, line, comments, package),
oneway_(oneway) {
for (auto& member : *members) {
AidlMember* local = member.release();
AidlMethod* method = local->AsMethod();
AidlConstantDeclaration* constant = local->AsConstantDeclaration();
CHECK(method == nullptr || constant == nullptr);
if (method) {
} else if (constant) {
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Member is neither method nor constant!";
delete members;
void AidlInterface::Write(CodeWriter* writer) const {
writer->Write("interface %s {\n", GetName().c_str());
for (const auto& method : GetMethods()) {
writer->Write("%s;\n", method->Signature().c_str());
AidlDefinedType* AidlDocument::ReleaseDefinedType() {
if (defined_types_.size() == 0) {
return nullptr;
if (defined_types_.size() > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AIDL only supports compiling one defined type per file.";
return nullptr;
return defined_types_[0].release();
AidlQualifiedName::AidlQualifiedName(std::string term,
std::string comments)
: terms_({term}),
comments_(comments) {
if (term.find('.') != string::npos) {
terms_ = Split(term, ".");
for (const auto& term: terms_) {
if (term.empty()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Malformed qualified identifier: '" << term << "'";
void AidlQualifiedName::AddTerm(const std::string& term) {
AidlImport::AidlImport(const std::string& from,
const std::string& needed_class, unsigned line)
: from_(from),
line_(line) {}
Parser::~Parser() {
if (raw_buffer_) {
yy_delete_buffer(buffer_, scanner_);
bool Parser::ParseFile(const string& filename) {
// Make sure we can read the file first, before trashing previous state.
unique_ptr<string> new_buffer = io_delegate_.GetFileContents(filename);
if (!new_buffer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error while opening file for parsing: '" << filename << "'";
return false;
// Throw away old parsing state if we have any.
if (raw_buffer_) {
yy_delete_buffer(buffer_, scanner_);
raw_buffer_ = std::move(new_buffer);
// We're going to scan this buffer in place, and yacc demands we put two
// nulls at the end.
raw_buffer_->append(2u, '\0');
filename_ = filename;
error_ = 0;
buffer_ = yy_scan_buffer(&(*raw_buffer_)[0], raw_buffer_->length(), scanner_);
if (yy::parser(this).parse() != 0 || error_ != 0)
return false;
if (document_.get() == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Parser succeeded but yielded no document!";
return false;
return true;
std::vector<std::string> Parser::Package() const {
if (!package_) {
return {};
return package_->GetTerms();
void Parser::AddImport(AidlQualifiedName* name, unsigned line) {
imports_.emplace_back(new AidlImport(this->FileName(),
name->GetDotName(), line));
delete name;
bool Parser::Resolve() {
bool success = true;
for (AidlTypeSpecifier* typespec : unresolved_typespecs_) {
if (!typespec->Resolve(*typenames_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve '" << typespec->GetUnresolvedName() << "' at "
<< this->FileName() << ":" << typespec->GetLine();
success = false;
// don't stop to show more errors if any
return success;