blob: 369700ac71fce9f2a4187d14f81d78ecfcc5ded0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "aidl_language_y.h"
#define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns(yyleng);
%option noyywrap
%option nounput
%option noinput
%option reentrant
%option bison-bridge
%option bison-locations
identifier [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
whitespace ([ \t\r]+)
intvalue [0-9]+[lL]?
hexvalue 0[x|X][0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?
floatvalue [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?f?
/* This happens at every call to yylex (every time we receive one token) */
std::string extra_text;
\/\* { extra_text += yytext; BEGIN(LONG_COMMENT); }
<LONG_COMMENT>\*+\/ { extra_text += yytext; yylloc->step(); BEGIN(INITIAL); }
<LONG_COMMENT>\*+ { extra_text += yytext; }
<LONG_COMMENT>\n+ { extra_text += yytext; yylloc->lines(yyleng); }
<LONG_COMMENT>[^*\n]+ { extra_text += yytext; }
\"[^\"]*\" { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::C_STR; }
\/\/.* { extra_text += yytext; extra_text += "\n"; }
\n+ { yylloc->lines(yyleng); yylloc->step(); }
{whitespace} {}
<<EOF>> { yyterminate(); }
/* symbols */
"(" { return('('); }
")" { return(')'); }
"<" { return('<'); }
">" { return('>'); }
"{" { return('{'); }
"}" { return('}'); }
"[" { return('['); }
"]" { return(']'); }
":" { return(':'); }
";" { return(';'); }
"," { return(','); }
"." { return('.'); }
"=" { return('='); }
"+" { return('+'); }
"-" { return('-'); }
"*" { return('*'); }
"/" { return('/'); }
"%" { return('%'); }
"&" { return('&'); }
"|" { return('|'); }
"^" { return('^'); }
"<<" { return(yy::parser::token::LSHIFT); }
">>" { return(yy::parser::token::RSHIFT); }
"&&" { return(yy::parser::token::LOGICAL_AND); }
"||" { return(yy::parser::token::LOGICAL_OR); }
"!" { return('!'); }
"~" { return('~'); }
"<=" { return(yy::parser::token::LEQ); }
">=" { return(yy::parser::token::GEQ); }
"==" { return(yy::parser::token::EQUALITY); }
"!=" { return(yy::parser::token::NEQ); }
/* annotations */
@{identifier} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext + 1, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::ANNOTATION;
/* keywords */
parcelable { yylval->token = new AidlToken("parcelable", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::PARCELABLE;
import { return yy::parser::token::IMPORT; }
package { return yy::parser::token::PACKAGE; }
in { return yy::parser::token::IN; }
out { return yy::parser::token::OUT; }
inout { return yy::parser::token::INOUT; }
cpp_header { yylval->token = new AidlToken("cpp_header", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::CPP_HEADER; }
const { yylval->token = new AidlToken("const", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::CONST; }
true { return yy::parser::token::TRUE_LITERAL; }
false { return yy::parser::token::FALSE_LITERAL; }
interface { yylval->token = new AidlToken("interface", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::INTERFACE;
oneway { yylval->token = new AidlToken("oneway", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::ONEWAY;
enum { yylval->token = new AidlToken("enum", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::ENUM;
union { yylval->token = new AidlToken("union", extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::UNION;
/* scalars */
{identifier} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::IDENTIFIER;
'.' { yylval->character = yytext[1];
return yy::parser::token::CHARVALUE;
{intvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::INTVALUE; }
{floatvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::FLOATVALUE; }
{hexvalue} { yylval->token = new AidlToken(yytext, extra_text);
return yy::parser::token::HEXVALUE; }
/* lexical error! */
. { return yy::parser::token::UNKNOWN; }
// comment and whitespace handling
// ================================================