blob: 9570386ade3bdd37ef42153cf580ff383d3cd428 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef FQNAME_H_
#define FQNAME_H_
#include <android-base/macros.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
struct FQName {
explicit FQName();
explicit FQName(const std::string &s);
FQName(const std::string &package,
const std::string &version,
const std::string &name);
bool isValid() const;
bool setTo(const std::string &s);
void applyDefaults(
const std::string &defaultPackage,
const std::string &defaultVersion);
std::string package() const;
std::string version() const;
std::string name() const;
bool isFullyQualified() const;
void print() const;
std::string string() const;
bool operator<(const FQName &other) const;
bool operator==(const FQName &other) const;
// Returns an absolute C++ namespace prefix, i.e.
// ::android::hardware::Foo::V1_0.
std::string cppNamespace() const;
// Returns a fully qualified absolute C++ type name, i.e.
// ::android::hardware::Foo::V1_0::bar::baz.
std::string cppName() const;
// Returns the java package name, i.e. "android.hardware.Foo.V1_0".
std::string javaPackage() const;
// Returns the fully qualified java type name,
// i.e. "android.hardware.Foo.V1_0.IBar"
std::string javaName() const;
bool endsWith(const FQName &other) const;
void getPackageComponents(std::vector<std::string> *components) const;
void getPackageAndVersionComponents(
std::vector<std::string> *components,
bool cpp_compatible) const;
static std::string JoinStrings(
const std::vector<std::string> &components,
const std::string &separator);
bool mValid;
std::string mPackage;
std::string mVersion;
std::string mName;
} // namespace android
#endif // FQNAME_H_