blob: 4f0d9522c9ed7fb524ceaa0ecf74941bb3e0195b [file] [log] [blame]
#define LOG_TAG "hidl_test"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android/hardware/tests/foo/1.0/BnFoo.h>
#include <android/hardware/tests/foo/1.0/BnFooCallback.h>
#include <android/hardware/tests/bar/1.0/BnBar.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#error "GTest did not detect pthread library."
#include <hidl/IServiceManager.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <hwbinder/ProcessState.h>
#include <utils/Condition.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::BnFoo;
using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::BnFooCallback;
using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::BnBar;
using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::IFoo;
using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::IFooCallback;
using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::IBar;
using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::IHwBar;
using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::Abc;
using ::android::hardware::Return;
using ::android::hardware::Status;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::sp;
using ::android::Mutex;
using ::android::Condition;
struct FooCallback : public IFooCallback {
FooCallback() : invokeInfo{}, mLock{}, mCond{} {}
Status heyItsYou(const sp<IFooCallback> &cb) override;
Return<bool> heyItsYouIsntIt(const sp<IFooCallback> &cb) override;
Status heyItsTheMeaningOfLife(uint8_t tmol) override;
Status reportResults(int64_t ns, reportResults_cb cb) override;
Status youBlockedMeFor(const int64_t ns[3]) override;
static constexpr nsecs_t DELAY_S = 1;
static constexpr nsecs_t DELAY_NS = seconds_to_nanoseconds(DELAY_S);
static constexpr nsecs_t TOLERANCE_NS = milliseconds_to_nanoseconds(10);
static constexpr nsecs_t ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS = milliseconds_to_nanoseconds(1);
InvokeInfo invokeInfo[3];
Mutex mLock;
Condition mCond;
Status FooCallback::heyItsYou(
const sp<IFooCallback> &_cb) {
nsecs_t start = systemTime();
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) heyItsYou cb = %p", _cb.get());
invokeInfo[0].invoked = true;
invokeInfo[0].timeNs = systemTime() - start;
return Status::ok();
Return<bool> FooCallback::heyItsYouIsntIt(const sp<IFooCallback> &_cb) {
nsecs_t start = systemTime();
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) heyItsYouIsntIt cb = %p sleeping for %" PRId64 " seconds", _cb.get(), DELAY_S);
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) heyItsYouIsntIt cb = %p responding", _cb.get());
invokeInfo[1].invoked = true;
invokeInfo[1].timeNs = systemTime() - start;
return true;
Status FooCallback::heyItsTheMeaningOfLife(uint8_t tmol) {
nsecs_t start = systemTime();
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) heyItsTheMeaningOfLife = %d sleeping for %" PRId64 " seconds", tmol, DELAY_S);
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) heyItsTheMeaningOfLife = %d done sleeping", tmol);
invokeInfo[2].invoked = true;
invokeInfo[2].timeNs = systemTime() - start;
return Status::ok();
Status FooCallback::reportResults(int64_t ns, reportResults_cb cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback) reportResults(%" PRId64 " seconds)", nanoseconds_to_seconds(ns));
nsecs_t leftToWaitNs = ns;
while (!(invokeInfo[0].invoked && invokeInfo[1].invoked && invokeInfo[2].invoked) &&
leftToWaitNs > 0) {
nsecs_t start = systemTime();
::android::status_t rc = mCond.waitRelative(mLock, leftToWaitNs);
if (rc != ::android::OK) {
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback)::reportResults(%" PRId64 " ns) Condition::waitRelative(%" PRId64 ") returned error (%d)", ns, leftToWaitNs, rc);
ALOGI("SERVER(FooCallback)::reportResults(%" PRId64 " ns) Condition::waitRelative was signalled", ns);
leftToWaitNs -= systemTime() - start;
cb(leftToWaitNs, invokeInfo);
return Status::ok();
Status FooCallback::youBlockedMeFor(const int64_t ns[3]) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
invokeInfo[i].callerBlockedNs = ns[i];
return Status::ok();
struct Bar : public IBar {
Status doThis(float param) override;
Return<int32_t> doThatAndReturnSomething(int64_t param) override;
Return<double> doQuiteABit(
int32_t a,
int64_t b,
float c,
double d) override;
Status doSomethingElse(
const int32_t param[15], doSomethingElse_cb _cb) override;
Status doStuffAndReturnAString(
doStuffAndReturnAString_cb _cb) override;
Status mapThisVector(
const hidl_vec<int32_t> &param, mapThisVector_cb _cb) override;
Status callMe(
const sp<IFooCallback> &cb) override;
Return<SomeEnum> useAnEnum(SomeEnum param) override;
Status haveAGooberVec(const hidl_vec<Goober>& param) override;
Status haveAGoober(const Goober &g) override;
Status haveAGooberArray(const Goober lots[20]) override;
Status haveATypeFromAnotherFile(const Abc &def) override;
Status haveSomeStrings(
const hidl_string array[3],
haveSomeStrings_cb _cb) override;
Status haveAStringVec(
const hidl_vec<hidl_string> &vector,
haveAStringVec_cb _cb) override;
Status thisIsNew() override;
Status Bar::doThis(float param) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) doThis(%.2f)", param);
return Status::ok();
Return<int32_t> Bar::doThatAndReturnSomething(
int64_t param) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) doThatAndReturnSomething(%ld)", param);
return 666;
Return<double> Bar::doQuiteABit(
int32_t a,
int64_t b,
float c,
double d) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) doQuiteABit(%d, %ld, %.2f, %.2f)", a, b, c, d);
return 666.5;
Status Bar::doSomethingElse(
const int32_t param[15], doSomethingElse_cb _cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) doSomethingElse(...)");
int32_t result[32] = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
result[i] = 2 * param[i];
result[15 + i] = param[i];
result[30] = 1;
result[31] = 2;
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::doStuffAndReturnAString(
doStuffAndReturnAString_cb _cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) doStuffAndReturnAString");
hidl_string s;
s = "Hello, world";
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::mapThisVector(
const hidl_vec<int32_t> &param, mapThisVector_cb _cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) mapThisVector");
hidl_vec<int32_t> out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i) {
out[i] = param[i] * 2;
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::callMe(
const sp<IFooCallback> &cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p", cb.get());
if (cb != NULL) {
nsecs_t c[3];
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p calling IFooCallback::heyItsYou, " \
"should return immediately", cb.get());
c[0] = systemTime();
c[0] = systemTime() - c[0];
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p calling IFooCallback::heyItsYou " \
"returned after %" PRId64 "ns", cb.get(), c[0]);
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p calling IFooCallback::heyItsYouIsntIt, " \
"should block for %" PRId64 " seconds", cb.get(),
c[1] = systemTime();
bool answer = cb->heyItsYouIsntIt(cb);
c[1] = systemTime() - c[1];
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p IFooCallback::heyItsYouIsntIt " \
"responded with %d after %" PRId64 "ns", cb.get(), answer, c[1]);
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p calling " \
"IFooCallback::heyItsTheMeaningOfLife, " \
"should return immediately ", cb.get());
c[2] = systemTime();
c[2] = systemTime() - c[2];
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p After call to " \
"IFooCallback::heyItsTheMeaningOfLife " \
"responded after %" PRId64 "ns", cb.get(), c[2]);
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p calling IFooCallback::youBlockedMeFor " \
"to report times", cb.get());
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) callMe %p After call to " \
"IFooCallback::heyYouBlockedMeFor", cb.get());
return Status::ok();
Return<Bar::SomeEnum> Bar::useAnEnum(SomeEnum param) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) useAnEnum %d", (int)param);
return SomeEnum::goober;
Status Bar::haveAGooberVec(const hidl_vec<Goober>& param) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveAGooberVec &param = %p", &param);
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::haveAGoober(const Goober &g) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveaGoober g=%p", &g);
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::haveAGooberArray(const Goober lots[20]) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveAGooberArray lots = %p", lots);
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::haveATypeFromAnotherFile(const Abc &def) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveATypeFromAnotherFile def=%p", &def);
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::haveSomeStrings(
const hidl_string array[3],
haveSomeStrings_cb _cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveSomeStrings([\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"])",
hidl_string result[2];
result[0] = "Hello";
result[1] = "World";
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::haveAStringVec(
const hidl_vec<hidl_string> &vector,
haveAStringVec_cb _cb) {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) haveAStringVec([\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"])",
hidl_vec<hidl_string> result;
result[0] = "Hello";
result[1] = "World";
return Status::ok();
Status Bar::thisIsNew() {
ALOGI("SERVER(Bar) thisIsNew");
return Status::ok();
template<typename I>
static std::string arraylikeToString(const I data, size_t size) {
std::string out = "[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
out += ", ";
out += ::android::String8::format("%d", data[i]).string();
out += "]";
return out;
static std::string vecToString(const hidl_vec<int32_t> &vec) {
return arraylikeToString(vec, vec.size());
static inline void EXPECT_OK(::android::hardware::Status status) {
template<typename T, typename S>
static inline bool EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(const T arr1, const S arr2, size_t size) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr1[i] != arr2[i])
return false;
return true;
template <class T>
static void startServer(T server, const android::hardware::hidl_version kVersion,
const char *serviceName,
const char *tag) {
using namespace android::hardware;
using android::String16;
ALOGI("SERVER(%s) registering", tag);
server->registerAsService(String16(serviceName), kVersion);
ALOGI("SERVER(%s) starting", tag);
IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); // never ends. needs kill().
ALOGI("SERVER(%s) ends.", tag);
class HidlTest : public ::testing::Test {
sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> service;
sp<IFoo> foo;
sp<IBar> bar;
sp<IFooCallback> fooCb;
sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> cbService;
virtual void SetUp() override {
ALOGI("Test setup beginning...");
using namespace android::hardware;
using android::String16;
const hidl_version kVersion = make_hidl_version(1, 0);
foo = IFoo::getService(String16("foo"), kVersion);
CHECK(foo != NULL);
bar = IBar::getService(String16("foo"), kVersion);
CHECK(bar != NULL);
fooCb = IFooCallback::getService(String16("foo callback"), kVersion);
CHECK(fooCb != NULL);
ALOGI("Test setup complete");
virtual void TearDown() override {
class HidlEnvironment : public ::testing::Environment {
pid_t fooCallbackServerPid, barServerPid;
virtual void SetUp() {
ALOGI("Environment setup beginning...");
// use fork to create and kill to destroy server processes.
if ((barServerPid = fork()) == 0) {
// Fear me, I am a child.
startServer(new Bar, android::hardware::make_hidl_version(1, 0),
"foo", "Bar"); // never returns
if ((fooCallbackServerPid = fork()) == 0) {
// Fear me, I am a second child.
startServer(new FooCallback, android::hardware::make_hidl_version(1, 0),
"foo callback", "FooCalback"); // never returns
// Fear you not, I am parent.
ALOGI("Environment setup complete.");
virtual void TearDown() {
// clean up by killing server processes.
ALOGI("Environment tear-down beginning...");
ALOGI("Killing servers...");
if(kill(barServerPid, SIGTERM)) {
ALOGE("Could not kill barServer; errno = %d", errno);
} else {
int status;
ALOGI("Waiting for barServer to exit...");
waitpid(barServerPid, &status, 0);
if(kill(fooCallbackServerPid, SIGTERM)) {
ALOGE("Could not kill fooCallbackServer; errno = %d", errno);
} else {
int status;
ALOGI("Waiting for fooCallbackServer to exit...");
waitpid(barServerPid, &status, 0);
ALOGI("Servers all killed.");
ALOGI("Environment tear-down complete.");
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoThisTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call doThis.");
ALOGI("CLIENT doThis returned.");
EXPECT_EQ(true, true);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoThatAndReturnSomethingTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call doThatAndReturnSomething.");
int32_t result = foo->doThatAndReturnSomething(2.0f);
ALOGI("CLIENT doThatAndReturnSomething returned %d.", result);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 666);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoQuiteABitTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call doQuiteABit");
double something = foo->doQuiteABit(1, 2, 3.0f, 4.0);
ALOGI("CLIENT doQuiteABit returned %f.", something);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(something, 666.5);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoSomethingElseTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call doSomethingElse");
int32_t param[15];
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(param) / sizeof(param[0]); ++i) {
param[i] = i;
EXPECT_OK(foo->doSomethingElse(param, [&](const auto &something) {
ALOGI("CLIENT doSomethingElse returned %s.",
arraylikeToString(something, 32).c_str());
int32_t expect[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24,
26, 28, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1, 2};
EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(something, expect, 32);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoStuffAndReturnAStringTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call doStuffAndReturnAString");
EXPECT_OK(foo->doStuffAndReturnAString([&](const auto &something) {
ALOGI("CLIENT doStuffAndReturnAString returned '%s'.",
EXPECT_STREQ(something.c_str(), "Hello, world");
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooMapThisVectorTest) {
hidl_vec<int32_t> vecParam;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
vecParam[i] = i;
EXPECT_OK(foo->mapThisVector(vecParam, [&](const auto &something) {
ALOGI("CLIENT mapThisVector returned %s.",
int32_t expect[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18};
EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(something, expect, something.size());
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooCallMeTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call callMe.");
// callMe is oneway, should return instantly.
nsecs_t now;
now = systemTime();
EXPECT_TRUE(systemTime() - now < FooCallback::ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS);
ALOGI("CLIENT callMe returned.");
TEST_F(HidlTest, ForReportResultsTest) {
// Bar::callMe will invoke three methods on FooCallback; one will return
// right away (even though it is a two-way method); the second one will
// block Bar for FooCallback::DELAY_S seconds, and the third one will return
// to Bar right away (is oneway) but will itself block for DELAY_S seconds.
// We need a way to make sure that these three things have happened within
// 2*DELAY_S seconds plus some small tolerance.
// Method FooCallback::reportResults() takes a timeout parameter. It blocks for
// that length of time, while waiting for the three methods above to
// complete. It returns the information of whether each method was invoked,
// as well as how long the body of the method took to execute. We verify
// the information returned by reportResults() against the timeout we pass (which
// is long enough for the method bodies to execute, plus tolerance), and
// verify that eachof them executed, as expected, and took the length of
// time to execute that we also expect.
const nsecs_t reportResultsNs =
2 * FooCallback::DELAY_NS + FooCallback::TOLERANCE_NS;
ALOGI("CLIENT: Waiting for up to %" PRId64 " seconds.",
[&](int64_t timeLeftNs,
const IFooCallback::InvokeInfo invokeResults[3]) {
ALOGI("CLIENT: FooCallback::reportResults() is returning data.");
ALOGI("CLIENT: Waited for %" PRId64 " milliseconds.",
nanoseconds_to_milliseconds(reportResultsNs - timeLeftNs));
EXPECT_TRUE(0 <= timeLeftNs && timeLeftNs <= reportResultsNs);
// two-way method, was supposed to return right away
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[0].timeNs <= invokeResults[0].callerBlockedNs);
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[0].callerBlockedNs <= FooCallback::TOLERANCE_NS);
// two-way method, was supposed to block caller for DELAY_NS
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[1].timeNs <= invokeResults[1].callerBlockedNs);
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[1].callerBlockedNs <=
FooCallback::DELAY_NS + FooCallback::TOLERANCE_NS);
// one-way method, do not block caller, but body was supposed to block for DELAY_NS
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[2].callerBlockedNs <= FooCallback::ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS);
EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[2].timeNs <= FooCallback::DELAY_NS + FooCallback::TOLERANCE_NS);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooUseAnEnumTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call useAnEnum.");
IFoo::SomeEnum sleepy = foo->useAnEnum(IFoo::SomeEnum::quux);
ALOGI("CLIENT useAnEnum returned %u", (unsigned)sleepy);
EXPECT_EQ(sleepy, IFoo::SomeEnum::goober);
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAGooberTest) {
hidl_vec<IFoo::Goober> gooberVecParam;
gooberVecParam[0].name = "Hello";
gooberVecParam[1].name = "World";
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAGooberVec.");
ALOGI("CLIENT haveAGooberVec returned.");
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveaGoober.");
ALOGI("CLIENT haveaGoober returned.");
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAGooberArray.");
IFoo::Goober gooberArrayParam[20];
ALOGI("CLIENT haveAGooberArray returned.");
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveATypeFromAnotherFileTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveATypeFromAnotherFile.");
Abc abcParam{};
abcParam.x = "alphabet";
abcParam.y = 3.14f;
abcParam.z = new native_handle_t();
ALOGI("CLIENT haveATypeFromAnotherFile returned.");
delete abcParam.z;
abcParam.z = NULL;
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveSomeStringsTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveSomeStrings.");
hidl_string stringArrayParam[3];
stringArrayParam[0] = "What";
stringArrayParam[1] = "a";
stringArrayParam[2] = "disaster";
ALOGI("CLIENT haveSomeStrings returned.");
TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAStringVecTest) {
ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAStringVec.");
hidl_vec<hidl_string> stringVecParam;
stringVecParam[0] = "What";
stringVecParam[1] = "a";
stringVecParam[2] = "disaster";
ALOGI("CLIENT haveAStringVec returned.");
TEST_F(HidlTest, BarThisIsNewTest) {
// Now the tricky part, get access to the derived interface.
ALOGI("CLIENT call thisIsNew.");
ALOGI("CLIENT thisIsNew returned.");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(new HidlEnvironment);
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
ALOGI("Test result = %d", status);
return status;