blob: 2f1b356958bc93f80846fa6a03a0d6227fabc0fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include "update_engine/payload_constants.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_generator/graph_types.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_generator/graph_utils.h"
#include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
// There is one function in DeltaDiffGenerator of importance to users
// of the class: GenerateDeltaUpdateFile(). Before calling it,
// the old and new images must be mounted. Call GenerateDeltaUpdateFile()
// with both the mount-points of the images in addition to the paths of
// the images (both old and new). A delta from old to new will be
// generated and stored in output_path.
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
extern const char* const kEmptyPath;
extern const size_t kBlockSize;
extern const size_t kRootFSPartitionSize;
// The minor version used by the in-place delta generator algorithm.
extern const uint32_t kInPlaceMinorPayloadVersion;
// The minor version used by the A to B delta generator algorithm.
extern const uint32_t kSourceMinorPayloadVersion;
// This struct stores all relevant info for an edge that is cut between
// nodes old_src -> old_dst by creating new vertex new_vertex. The new
// relationship is:
// old_src -(read before)-> new_vertex <-(write before)- old_dst
// new_vertex is a MOVE operation that moves some existing blocks into
// temp space. The temp extents are, by necessity, stored in new_vertex
// (as dst extents) and old_dst (as src extents), but they are also broken
// out into tmp_extents, as the nodes themselves may contain many more
// extents.
struct CutEdgeVertexes {
Vertex::Index new_vertex;
Vertex::Index old_src;
Vertex::Index old_dst;
std::vector<Extent> tmp_extents;
class DeltaDiffGenerator {
// Represents a disk block on the install partition.
struct Block {
// During install, each block on the install partition will be written
// and some may be read (in all likelihood, many will be read).
// The reading and writing will be performed by InstallOperations,
// each of which has a corresponding vertex in a graph.
// A Block object tells which vertex will read or write this block
// at install time.
// Generally, there will be a vector of Block objects whose length
// is the number of blocks on the install partition.
Block() : reader(Vertex::kInvalidIndex), writer(Vertex::kInvalidIndex) {}
Vertex::Index reader;
Vertex::Index writer;
// This is the only function that external users of the class should call.
// old_image and new_image are paths to two image files. They should be
// mounted read-only at paths old_root and new_root respectively.
// {old,new}_kernel_part are paths to the old and new kernel partition
// images, respectively.
// private_key_path points to a private key used to sign the update.
// Pass empty string to not sign the update.
// output_path is the filename where the delta update should be written.
// If |chunk_size| is not -1, the delta payload is generated based on
// |chunk_size| chunks rather than whole files.
// This method computes scratch space based on |rootfs_partition_size|.
// |minor_version| indicates the payload minor version for a delta update.
// Returns true on success. Also writes the size of the metadata into
// |metadata_size|.
static bool GenerateDeltaUpdateFile(const std::string& old_root,
const std::string& old_image,
const std::string& new_root,
const std::string& new_image,
const std::string& old_kernel_part,
const std::string& new_kernel_part,
const std::string& output_path,
const std::string& private_key_path,
off_t chunk_size,
size_t rootfs_partition_size,
uint32_t minor_version,
const ImageInfo* old_image_info,
const ImageInfo* new_image_info,
uint64_t* metadata_size);
// These functions are public so that the unit tests can access them:
// For a given regular file which must exist at new_root + path, and
// may exist at old_root + path, creates a new InstallOperation and
// adds it to the graph. Also, populates the |blocks| array as
// necessary, if |blocks| is non-null. Also, writes the data
// necessary to send the file down to the client into data_fd, which
// has length *data_file_size. *data_file_size is updated
// appropriately. If |existing_vertex| is no kInvalidIndex, use that
// rather than allocating a new vertex. Returns true on success.
static bool DeltaReadFile(Graph* graph,
Vertex::Index existing_vertex,
std::vector<Block>* blocks,
const std::string& old_root,
const std::string& new_root,
const std::string& path,
off_t chunk_offset,
off_t chunk_size,
int data_fd,
off_t* data_file_size,
bool src_ops_allowed);
// Reads old_filename (if it exists) and a new_filename and determines
// the smallest way to encode this file for the diff. It stores
// necessary data in out_data and fills in out_op.
// If there's no change in old and new files, it creates a MOVE
// operation. If there is a change, or the old file doesn't exist,
// the smallest of REPLACE, REPLACE_BZ, or BSDIFF wins.
// new_filename must contain at least one byte.
// |new_filename| is read starting at |chunk_offset|.
// If |chunk_size| is not -1, only up to |chunk_size| bytes are diffed.
// If |src_ops_allowed| is true, it will emit SOURCE_COPY and SOURCE_BSDIFF
// operations instead of MOVE and BSDIFF, respectively.
// Returns true on success.
static bool ReadFileToDiff(const std::string& old_filename,
const std::string& new_filename,
off_t chunk_offset,
off_t chunk_size,
bool bsdiff_allowed,
chromeos::Blob* out_data,
DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation* out_op,
bool gather_extents,
bool src_ops_allowed);
// Stores all Extents in 'extents' into 'out'.
static void StoreExtents(const std::vector<Extent>& extents,
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Extent>* out);
// Install operations in the manifest may reference data blobs, which
// are in data_blobs_path. This function creates a new data blobs file
// with the data blobs in the same order as the referencing install
// operations in the manifest. E.g. if manifest[0] has a data blob
// "X" at offset 1, manifest[1] has a data blob "Y" at offset 0,
// and data_blobs_path's file contains "YX", new_data_blobs_path
// will set to be a file that contains "XY".
static bool ReorderDataBlobs(DeltaArchiveManifest* manifest,
const std::string& data_blobs_path,
const std::string& new_data_blobs_path);
// Computes a SHA256 hash of the given buf and sets the hash value in the
// operation so that update_engine could verify. This hash should be set
// for all operations that have a non-zero data blob. One exception is the
// dummy operation for signature blob because the contents of the signature
// blob will not be available at payload creation time. So, update_engine will
// gracefully ignore the dummy signature operation.
static bool AddOperationHash(DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation* op,
const chromeos::Blob& buf);
// Returns true if |op| is a no-op operation that doesn't do any useful work
// (e.g., a move operation that copies blocks onto themselves).
static bool IsNoopOperation(const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& op);
static bool InitializePartitionInfo(bool is_kernel,
const std::string& partition,
PartitionInfo* info);
// Runs the bsdiff tool on two files and returns the resulting delta in
// |out|. Returns true on success.
static bool BsdiffFiles(const std::string& old_file,
const std::string& new_file,
chromeos::Blob* out);
// Adds to |manifest| a dummy operation that points to a signature blob
// located at the specified offset/length.
static void AddSignatureOp(uint64_t signature_blob_offset,
uint64_t signature_blob_length,
DeltaArchiveManifest* manifest);
// Takes |graph| and returns a vertex order with the vertex indices of
// |graph|, in the order they appear. Returns |true| on success.
static std::vector<Vertex::Index> OrderIndices(const Graph& graph);
// Takes a collection (vector or RepeatedPtrField) of Extent and
// returns a vector of the blocks referenced, in order.
template<typename T>
static std::vector<uint64_t> ExpandExtents(const T& extents) {
std::vector<uint64_t> ret;
for (size_t i = 0, e = static_cast<size_t>(extents.size()); i != e; ++i) {
const Extent extent = graph_utils::GetElement(extents, i);
if (extent.start_block() == kSparseHole) {
ret.resize(ret.size() + extent.num_blocks(), kSparseHole);
} else {
for (uint64_t block = extent.start_block();
block < (extent.start_block() + extent.num_blocks()); block++) {
return ret;
static void CheckGraph(const Graph& graph);
// This should never be constructed.
}; // namespace chromeos_update_engine