blob: 8a2e2c26f2d6a1408c6df74c5076f6e902b1fed8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "update_engine/update_manager/chromeos_policy.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "update_engine/error_code.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/device_policy_provider.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/policy_utils.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/shill_provider.h"
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
using chromeos_update_engine::ErrorCode;
using std::max;
using std::min;
using std::set;
using std::string;
namespace {
// Increment |url_idx|, |url_num_failures| or none of them based on the provided
// error code. If |url_idx| is incremented, then sets |url_num_failures| to zero
// and returns true; otherwise, returns false.
// TODO(garnold) Adapted from PayloadState::UpdateFailed() (to be retired).
bool HandleErrorCode(ErrorCode err_code, int* url_idx, int* url_num_failures) {
err_code = chromeos_update_engine::utils::GetBaseErrorCode(err_code);
switch (err_code) {
// Errors which are good indicators of a problem with a particular URL or
// the protocol used in the URL or entities in the communication channel
// (e.g. proxies). We should try the next available URL in the next update
// check to quickly recover from these errors.
case ErrorCode::kPayloadHashMismatchError:
case ErrorCode::kPayloadSizeMismatchError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadPubKeyVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kSignedDeltaPayloadExpectedError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataMagicString:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadSignatureMissingInManifest:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadManifestParseError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationExecutionError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMismatch:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSize:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSignature:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMissingError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMissingError:
case ErrorCode::kPayloadMismatchedType:
case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion:
case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMinorPayloadVersion:
LOG(INFO) << "Advancing download URL due to error "
<< chromeos_update_engine::utils::CodeToString(err_code)
<< " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
*url_idx += 1;
*url_num_failures = 0;
return true;
// Errors which seem to be just transient network/communication related
// failures and do not indicate any inherent problem with the URL itself.
// So, we should keep the current URL but just increment the
// failure count to give it more chances. This way, while we maximize our
// chances of downloading from the URLs that appear earlier in the response
// (because download from a local server URL that appears earlier in a
// response is preferable than downloading from the next URL which could be
// a internet URL and thus could be more expensive).
case ErrorCode::kError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadTransferError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadWriteError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse: // Aggregate for HTTP errors.
LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing URL failure count due to error "
<< chromeos_update_engine::utils::CodeToString(err_code)
<< " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
*url_num_failures += 1;
return false;
// Errors which are not specific to a URL and hence shouldn't result in
// the URL being penalized. This can happen in two cases:
// 1. We haven't started downloading anything: These errors don't cost us
// anything in terms of actual payload bytes, so we should just do the
// regular retries at the next update check.
// 2. We have successfully downloaded the payload: In this case, the
// payload attempt number would have been incremented and would take care
// of the backoff at the next update check.
// In either case, there's no need to update URL index or failure count.
case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestError:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseHandlerError:
case ErrorCode::kPostinstallRunnerError:
case ErrorCode::kFilesystemCopierError:
case ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError:
case ErrorCode::kKernelDeviceOpenError:
case ErrorCode::kDownloadNewPartitionInfoError:
case ErrorCode::kNewRootfsVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kNewKernelVerificationError:
case ErrorCode::kPostinstallBootedFromFirmwareB:
case ErrorCode::kPostinstallFirmwareRONotUpdatable:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestEmptyResponseError:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestXMLParseError:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseInvalid:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateIgnoredPerPolicy:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredPerPolicy:
case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredForBackoff:
case ErrorCode::kPostinstallPowerwashError:
case ErrorCode::kUpdateCanceledByChannelChange:
LOG(INFO) << "Not changing URL index or failure count due to error "
<< chromeos_update_engine::utils::CodeToString(err_code)
<< " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
return false;
case ErrorCode::kSuccess: // success code
case ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax: // not an error code
case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase: // aggregated already
case ErrorCode::kDevModeFlag: // not an error code
case ErrorCode::kResumedFlag: // not an error code
case ErrorCode::kTestImageFlag: // not an error code
case ErrorCode::kTestOmahaUrlFlag: // not an error code
case ErrorCode::kSpecialFlags: // not an error code
// These shouldn't happen. Enumerating these explicitly here so that we
// can let the compiler warn about new error codes that are added to
// action_processor.h but not added here.
LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected error "
<< chromeos_update_engine::utils::CodeToString(err_code)
<< " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
// Note: Not adding a default here so as to let the compiler warn us of
// any new enums that were added in the .h but not listed in this switch.
return false;
// Checks whether |download_url| can be used under given download restrictions.
bool DownloadUrlIsUsable(const string& download_url, bool http_allowed) {
return http_allowed || !StartsWithASCII(download_url, "http://", false);
} // namespace
namespace chromeos_update_manager {
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateCheckAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec, State* state, string* error,
UpdateCheckParams* result) const {
// Set the default return values.
result->updates_enabled = true;
DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p = ec->GetValue(
if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
// Check whether updates are disabled by policy.
const bool* update_disabled_p = ec->GetValue(
if (update_disabled_p && *update_disabled_p) {
result->updates_enabled = false;
return EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
// Determine whether a target channel is dictated by policy.
const bool* release_channel_delegated_p = ec->GetValue(
if (release_channel_delegated_p && !(*release_channel_delegated_p)) {
const string* release_channel_p = ec->GetValue(
if (release_channel_p)
result->target_channel = *release_channel_p;
// Ensure that update checks are timed properly.
Time next_update_check;
if (NextUpdateCheckTime(ec, state, error, &next_update_check) !=
EvalStatus::kSucceeded) {
return EvalStatus::kFailed;
if (!ec->IsTimeGreaterThan(next_update_check))
return EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
// It is time to check for an update.
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateCanStart(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
string* error,
UpdateDownloadParams* result,
const bool interactive,
const UpdateState& update_state) const {
// Set the default return values.
result->update_can_start = true;
result->p2p_allowed = false;
result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kUndefined;
result->scatter_wait_period = kZeroInterval;
result->scatter_check_threshold = 0;
result->download_url_idx = -1;
result->download_url_num_failures = 0;
// Make sure that we're not due for an update check.
UpdateCheckParams check_result;
EvalStatus check_status = UpdateCheckAllowed(ec, state, error, &check_result);
if (check_status == EvalStatus::kFailed)
return EvalStatus::kFailed;
if (check_status == EvalStatus::kSucceeded &&
check_result.updates_enabled == true) {
result->update_can_start = false;
result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kCheckDue;
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p = ec->GetValue(
if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
// Check whether scattering applies to this update attempt. We should not be
// scattering if this is an interactive update check, or if OOBE is enabled
// but not completed.
// Note: current code further suppresses scattering if a "deadline"
// attribute is found in the Omaha response. However, it appears that the
// presence of this attribute is merely indicative of an OOBE update, during
// which we suppress scattering anyway.
bool scattering_applies = false;
if (!interactive) {
const bool* is_oobe_enabled_p = ec->GetValue(
if (is_oobe_enabled_p && !(*is_oobe_enabled_p)) {
scattering_applies = true;
} else {
const bool* is_oobe_complete_p = ec->GetValue(
scattering_applies = (is_oobe_complete_p && *is_oobe_complete_p);
// Compute scattering values.
if (scattering_applies) {
UpdateScatteringResult scatter_result;
EvalStatus scattering_status = UpdateScattering(
ec, state, error, &scatter_result, update_state);
if (scattering_status != EvalStatus::kSucceeded ||
scatter_result.is_scattering) {
if (scattering_status != EvalStatus::kFailed) {
result->update_can_start = false;
result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kScattering;
result->scatter_wait_period = scatter_result.wait_period;
result->scatter_check_threshold = scatter_result.check_threshold;
return scattering_status;
// Determine whether use of P2P is allowed by policy.
const bool* policy_au_p2p_enabled_p = ec->GetValue(
result->p2p_allowed = policy_au_p2p_enabled_p && *policy_au_p2p_enabled_p;
// Enable P2P, if so mandated by the updater configuration.
if (!result->p2p_allowed) {
const bool* updater_p2p_enabled_p = ec->GetValue(
result->p2p_allowed = updater_p2p_enabled_p && *updater_p2p_enabled_p;
// Determine the URL to download the update from. Note that a failure to find
// a download URL will only fail this policy iff no other means of download
// (such as P2P) are enabled.
UpdateDownloadUrlResult download_url_result;
EvalStatus download_url_status = UpdateDownloadUrl(
ec, state, error, &download_url_result, update_state);
if (download_url_status == EvalStatus::kSucceeded) {
result->download_url_idx = download_url_result.url_idx;
result->download_url_num_failures = download_url_result.url_num_failures;
} else if (!result->p2p_allowed) {
if (download_url_status != EvalStatus::kFailed) {
result->update_can_start = false;
result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kCannotDownload;
return download_url_status;
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
// TODO(garnold) Logic in this method is based on
// ConnectionManager::IsUpdateAllowedOver(); be sure to deprecate the latter.
// TODO(garnold) The current logic generally treats the list of allowed
// connections coming from the device policy as a whitelist, meaning that it
// can only be used for enabling connections, but not disable them. Further,
// certain connection types (like Bluetooth) cannot be enabled even by policy.
// In effect, the only thing that device policy can change is to enable
// updates over a cellular network (disabled by default). We may want to
// revisit this semantics, allowing greater flexibility in defining specific
// permissions over all types of networks.
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateDownloadAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
string* error,
bool* result) const {
// Get the current connection type.
ShillProvider* const shill_provider = state->shill_provider();
const ConnectionType* conn_type_p = ec->GetValue(
POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(conn_type_p, error);
ConnectionType conn_type = *conn_type_p;
// If we're tethering, treat it as a cellular connection.
if (conn_type != ConnectionType::kCellular) {
const ConnectionTethering* conn_tethering_p = ec->GetValue(
POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(conn_tethering_p, error);
if (*conn_tethering_p == ConnectionTethering::kConfirmed)
conn_type = ConnectionType::kCellular;
// By default, we allow updates for all connection types, with exceptions as
// noted below. This also determines whether a device policy can override the
// default.
*result = true;
bool device_policy_can_override = false;
switch (conn_type) {
case ConnectionType::kBluetooth:
*result = false;
case ConnectionType::kCellular:
*result = false;
device_policy_can_override = true;
case ConnectionType::kUnknown:
if (error)
*error = "Unknown connection type";
return EvalStatus::kFailed;
break; // Nothing to do.
// If update is allowed, we're done.
if (*result)
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
// Check whether the device policy specifically allows this connection.
if (device_policy_can_override) {
DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p = ec->GetValue(
if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
const set<ConnectionType>* allowed_conn_types_p = ec->GetValue(
if (allowed_conn_types_p) {
if (allowed_conn_types_p->count(conn_type)) {
*result = true;
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
} else if (conn_type == ConnectionType::kCellular) {
// Local user settings can allow updates over cellular iff a policy was
// loaded but no allowed connections were specified in it.
const bool* update_over_cellular_allowed_p = ec->GetValue(
if (update_over_cellular_allowed_p && *update_over_cellular_allowed_p)
*result = true;
return (*result ? EvalStatus::kSucceeded : EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater);
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::NextUpdateCheckTime(EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state, string* error,
Time* next_update_check) const {
// Don't check for updates too often. We limit the update checks to once every
// some interval. The interval is kTimeoutInitialInterval the first time and
// kTimeoutPeriodicInterval for the subsequent update checks. If the update
// check fails, we increase the interval between the update checks
// exponentially until kTimeoutMaxBackoffInterval. Finally, to avoid having
// many chromebooks running update checks at the exact same time, we add some
// fuzz to the interval.
const Time* updater_started_time =
POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(updater_started_time, error);
const base::Time* last_checked_time =
const uint64_t* seed = ec->GetValue(state->random_provider()->var_seed());
PRNG prng(*seed);
if (!last_checked_time || *last_checked_time < *updater_started_time) {
// First attempt.
*next_update_check = *updater_started_time + FuzzedInterval(
&prng, kTimeoutInitialInterval, kTimeoutRegularFuzz);
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
// Check for previous failed attempts to implement the exponential backoff.
const unsigned int* consecutive_failed_update_checks = ec->GetValue(
POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(consecutive_failed_update_checks, error);
int interval = kTimeoutInitialInterval;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < *consecutive_failed_update_checks; ++i) {
interval *= 2;
if (interval > kTimeoutMaxBackoffInterval) {
interval = kTimeoutMaxBackoffInterval;
*next_update_check = *last_checked_time + FuzzedInterval(
&prng, interval, kTimeoutRegularFuzz);
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
TimeDelta ChromeOSPolicy::FuzzedInterval(PRNG* prng, int interval, int fuzz) {
DCHECK_GE(interval, 0);
DCHECK_GE(fuzz, 0);
int half_fuzz = fuzz / 2;
// This guarantees the output interval is non negative.
int interval_min = max(interval - half_fuzz, 0);
int interval_max = interval + half_fuzz;
return TimeDelta::FromSeconds(prng->RandMinMax(interval_min, interval_max));
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateDownloadUrl(
EvaluationContext* ec, State* state, std::string* error,
UpdateDownloadUrlResult* result, const UpdateState& update_state) const {
int url_idx = 0;
int url_num_failures = 0;
if (update_state.num_checks > 1) {
// Ignore negative URL indexes, which indicate that no previous suitable
// download URL was found.
url_idx = max(0, update_state.download_url_idx);
url_num_failures = update_state.download_url_num_failures;
// Preconditions / sanity checks.
DCHECK_GE(update_state.download_failures_max, 0);
DCHECK_LT(url_idx, static_cast<int>(update_state.download_urls.size()));
DCHECK_LE(url_num_failures, update_state.download_failures_max);
// Determine whether HTTP downloads are forbidden by policy. This only
// applies to official system builds; otherwise, HTTP is always enabled.
bool http_allowed = true;
const bool* is_official_build_p = ec->GetValue(
if (is_official_build_p && *is_official_build_p) {
DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p = ec->GetValue(
if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
const bool* policy_http_downloads_enabled_p = ec->GetValue(
http_allowed = (!policy_http_downloads_enabled_p ||
// Process recent failures, stop if the URL index advances.
for (auto& err_code : update_state.download_url_error_codes) {
if (HandleErrorCode(err_code, &url_idx, &url_num_failures))
if (url_num_failures > update_state.download_failures_max) {
url_num_failures = 0;
url_idx %= update_state.download_urls.size();
// Scan through URLs until a usable one is found.
const int start_url_idx = url_idx;
while (!DownloadUrlIsUsable(update_state.download_urls[url_idx],
http_allowed)) {
url_idx = (url_idx + 1) % update_state.download_urls.size();
url_num_failures = 0;
if (url_idx == start_url_idx)
return EvalStatus::kFailed; // No usable URLs.
result->url_idx = url_idx;
result->url_num_failures = url_num_failures;
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateScattering(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
string* error,
UpdateScatteringResult* result,
const UpdateState& update_state) const {
// Preconditions. These stem from the postconditions and usage contract.
DCHECK(update_state.scatter_wait_period >= kZeroInterval);
DCHECK_GE(update_state.scatter_check_threshold, 0);
// Set default result values.
result->is_scattering = false;
result->wait_period = kZeroInterval;
result->check_threshold = 0;
DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
// Ensure that a device policy is loaded.
const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p = ec->GetValue(
if (!(device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p))
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
// Is scattering enabled by policy?
const TimeDelta* scatter_factor_p = ec->GetValue(
if (!scatter_factor_p || *scatter_factor_p == kZeroInterval)
return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
// Obtain a pseudo-random number generator.
const uint64_t* seed = ec->GetValue(state->random_provider()->var_seed());
PRNG prng(*seed);
// Step 1: Maintain the scattering wait period.
// If no wait period was previously determined, or it no longer fits in the
// scatter factor, then generate a new one. Otherwise, keep the one we have.
TimeDelta wait_period = update_state.scatter_wait_period;
if (wait_period == kZeroInterval || wait_period > *scatter_factor_p) {
wait_period = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
prng.RandMinMax(1, scatter_factor_p->InSeconds()));
// If we surpass the wait period or the max scatter period associated with
// the update, then no wait is needed.
Time wait_expires = (update_state.first_seen +
min(wait_period, update_state.scatter_wait_period_max));
if (ec->IsTimeGreaterThan(wait_expires))
wait_period = kZeroInterval;
// Step 2: Maintain the update check threshold count.
// If an update check threshold is not specified then generate a new
// one.
int check_threshold = update_state.scatter_check_threshold;
if (check_threshold == 0) {
check_threshold = prng.RandMinMax(
// If the update check threshold is not within allowed range then nullify it.
// TODO(garnold) This is compliant with current logic found in
// OmahaRequestAction::IsUpdateCheckCountBasedWaitingSatisfied(). We may want
// to change it so that it behaves similarly to the wait period case, namely
// if the current value exceeds the maximum, we set a new one within range.
if (check_threshold > update_state.scatter_check_threshold_max)
check_threshold = 0;
// If the update check threshold is non-zero and satisfied, then nullify it.
if (check_threshold > 0 && update_state.num_checks >= check_threshold)
check_threshold = 0;
bool is_scattering = (wait_period != kZeroInterval || check_threshold);
EvalStatus ret = EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
if (is_scattering && wait_period == update_state.scatter_wait_period &&
check_threshold == update_state.scatter_check_threshold)
ret = EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
result->is_scattering = is_scattering;
result->wait_period = wait_period;
result->check_threshold = check_threshold;
return ret;
} // namespace chromeos_update_manager