blob: c42c8d753e005832498b1e3f9b529f09a814cbc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "update_engine/boot_control_android.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <bootloader_message/bootloader_message.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
#include <fs_mgr.h>
#include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
#include "update_engine/dynamic_partition_control_android.h"
using std::string;
using android::dm::DmDeviceState;
using android::fs_mgr::Partition;
using android::hardware::hidl_string;
using android::hardware::Return;
using android::hardware::boot::V1_0::BoolResult;
using android::hardware::boot::V1_0::CommandResult;
using android::hardware::boot::V1_0::IBootControl;
using Slot = chromeos_update_engine::BootControlInterface::Slot;
using PartitionMetadata =
namespace {
auto StoreResultCallback(CommandResult* dest) {
return [dest](const CommandResult& result) { *dest = result; };
} // namespace
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
namespace boot_control {
// Factory defined in boot_control.h.
std::unique_ptr<BootControlInterface> CreateBootControl() {
auto boot_control = std::make_unique<BootControlAndroid>();
if (!boot_control->Init()) {
return nullptr;
return std::move(boot_control);
} // namespace boot_control
bool BootControlAndroid::Init() {
module_ = IBootControl::getService();
if (module_ == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting bootctrl HIDL module.";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Loaded boot control hidl hal.";
dynamic_control_ = std::make_unique<DynamicPartitionControlAndroid>();
return true;
void BootControlAndroid::Cleanup() {
unsigned int BootControlAndroid::GetNumSlots() const {
return module_->getNumberSlots();
BootControlInterface::Slot BootControlAndroid::GetCurrentSlot() const {
return module_->getCurrentSlot();
bool BootControlAndroid::GetSuffix(Slot slot, string* suffix) const {
auto store_suffix_cb = [&suffix](hidl_string cb_suffix) {
*suffix = cb_suffix.c_str();
Return<void> ret = module_->getSuffix(slot, store_suffix_cb);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "boot_control impl returned no suffix for slot "
<< SlotName(slot);
return false;
return true;
bool BootControlAndroid::IsSuperBlockDevice(
const base::FilePath& device_dir,
Slot slot,
const string& partition_name_suffix) const {
string source_device =
auto source_metadata = dynamic_control_->LoadMetadataBuilder(
source_device, slot, BootControlInterface::kInvalidSlot);
return source_metadata->HasBlockDevice(partition_name_suffix);
const base::FilePath& device_dir,
const string& partition_name_suffix,
Slot slot,
string* device) const {
string super_device =
auto builder = dynamic_control_->LoadMetadataBuilder(
super_device, slot, BootControlInterface::kInvalidSlot);
if (builder == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No metadata in slot "
<< BootControlInterface::SlotName(slot);
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR;
if (builder->FindPartition(partition_name_suffix) == nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << partition_name_suffix
<< " is not in super partition metadata.";
Slot current_slot = GetCurrentSlot();
if (IsSuperBlockDevice(device_dir, current_slot, partition_name_suffix)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The static partition " << partition_name_suffix
<< " is a block device for current metadata ("
<< fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name(current_slot) << ", slot "
<< BootControlInterface::SlotName(current_slot)
<< "). It cannot be used as a logical partition.";
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR;
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::TRY_STATIC;
DmDeviceState state = dynamic_control_->GetState(partition_name_suffix);
// Device is mapped in the previous GetPartitionDevice() call. Just return
// the path.
if (state == DmDeviceState::ACTIVE) {
if (dynamic_control_->GetDmDevicePathByName(partition_name_suffix,
device)) {
LOG(INFO) << partition_name_suffix
<< " is mapped on device mapper: " << *device;
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::SUCCESS;
LOG(ERROR) << partition_name_suffix << " is mapped but path is unknown.";
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR;
if (state == DmDeviceState::INVALID) {
bool force_writable = slot != GetCurrentSlot();
if (dynamic_control_->MapPartitionOnDeviceMapper(super_device,
device)) {
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::SUCCESS;
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR;
LOG(ERROR) << partition_name_suffix
<< " is mapped on device mapper but state is unknown: "
<< static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<DmDeviceState>>(state);
return DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR;
bool BootControlAndroid::GetPartitionDevice(const string& partition_name,
Slot slot,
string* device) const {
string suffix;
if (!GetSuffix(slot, &suffix)) {
return false;
const string partition_name_suffix = partition_name + suffix;
string device_dir_str;
if (!dynamic_control_->GetDeviceDir(&device_dir_str)) {
return false;
base::FilePath device_dir(device_dir_str);
// When looking up target partition devices, treat them as static if the
// current payload doesn't encode them as dynamic partitions. This may happen
// when applying a retrofit update on top of a dynamic-partitions-enabled
// build.
if (dynamic_control_->IsDynamicPartitionsEnabled() &&
(slot == GetCurrentSlot() || is_target_dynamic_)) {
switch (GetDynamicPartitionDevice(
device_dir, partition_name_suffix, slot, device)) {
case DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::SUCCESS:
return true;
case DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::TRY_STATIC:
case DynamicPartitionDeviceStatus::ERROR: // fallthrough
return false;
base::FilePath path = device_dir.Append(partition_name_suffix);
if (!dynamic_control_->DeviceExists(path.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Device file " << path.value() << " does not exist.";
return false;
*device = path.value();
return true;
bool BootControlAndroid::IsSlotBootable(Slot slot) const {
Return<BoolResult> ret = module_->isSlotBootable(slot);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to determine if slot " << SlotName(slot)
<< " is bootable: "
<< ret.description();
return false;
if (ret == BoolResult::INVALID_SLOT) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid slot: " << SlotName(slot);
return false;
return ret == BoolResult::TRUE;
bool BootControlAndroid::MarkSlotUnbootable(Slot slot) {
CommandResult result;
auto ret = module_->setSlotAsUnbootable(slot, StoreResultCallback(&result));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to call MarkSlotUnbootable for slot "
<< SlotName(slot) << ": "
<< ret.description();
return false;
if (!result.success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to mark slot " << SlotName(slot)
<< " as unbootable: " << result.errMsg.c_str();
return result.success;
bool BootControlAndroid::SetActiveBootSlot(Slot slot) {
CommandResult result;
auto ret = module_->setActiveBootSlot(slot, StoreResultCallback(&result));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to call SetActiveBootSlot for slot " << SlotName(slot)
<< ": " << ret.description();
return false;
if (!result.success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set the active slot to slot " << SlotName(slot)
<< ": " << result.errMsg.c_str();
return result.success;
bool BootControlAndroid::MarkBootSuccessfulAsync(
base::Callback<void(bool)> callback) {
CommandResult result;
auto ret = module_->markBootSuccessful(StoreResultCallback(&result));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to call MarkBootSuccessful: "
<< ret.description();
return false;
if (!result.success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to mark boot successful: " << result.errMsg.c_str();
return brillo::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, result.success)) !=
namespace {
bool UpdatePartitionMetadata(DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control,
Slot source_slot,
Slot target_slot,
const string& target_suffix,
const PartitionMetadata& partition_metadata) {
string device_dir_str;
if (!dynamic_control->GetDeviceDir(&device_dir_str)) {
return false;
base::FilePath device_dir(device_dir_str);
auto source_device =
auto builder = dynamic_control->LoadMetadataBuilder(
source_device, source_slot, target_slot);
if (builder == nullptr) {
// TODO(elsk): allow reconstructing metadata from partition_metadata
// in recovery sideload.
LOG(ERROR) << "No metadata at "
<< BootControlInterface::SlotName(source_slot);
return false;
std::vector<string> groups = builder->ListGroups();
for (const auto& group_name : groups) {
if (base::EndsWith(
group_name, target_suffix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Removing group " << group_name;
uint64_t total_size = 0;
for (const auto& group : partition_metadata.groups) {
total_size += group.size;
string expr;
uint64_t allocatable_space = builder->AllocatableSpace();
if (!dynamic_control->IsDynamicPartitionsRetrofit()) {
allocatable_space /= 2;
expr = "half of ";
if (total_size > allocatable_space) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The maximum size of all groups with suffix " << target_suffix
<< " (" << total_size << ") has exceeded " << expr
<< " allocatable space for dynamic partitions "
<< allocatable_space << ".";
return false;
for (const auto& group : partition_metadata.groups) {
auto group_name_suffix = + target_suffix;
if (!builder->AddGroup(group_name_suffix, group.size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot add group " << group_name_suffix << " with size "
<< group.size;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Added group " << group_name_suffix << " with size "
<< group.size;
for (const auto& partition : group.partitions) {
auto partition_name_suffix = + target_suffix;
Partition* p = builder->AddPartition(
partition_name_suffix, group_name_suffix, LP_PARTITION_ATTR_READONLY);
if (!p) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot add partition " << partition_name_suffix
<< " to group " << group_name_suffix;
return false;
if (!builder->ResizePartition(p, partition.size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot resize partition " << partition_name_suffix
<< " to size " << partition.size << ". Not enough space?";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Added partition " << partition_name_suffix << " to group "
<< group_name_suffix << " with size " << partition.size;
auto target_device =
return dynamic_control->StoreMetadata(
target_device, builder.get(), target_slot);
bool UnmapTargetPartitions(DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control,
const string& target_suffix,
const PartitionMetadata& partition_metadata) {
for (const auto& group : partition_metadata.groups) {
for (const auto& partition : group.partitions) {
if (!dynamic_control->UnmapPartitionOnDeviceMapper( + target_suffix, true /* wait */)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool BootControlAndroid::InitPartitionMetadata(
Slot target_slot, const PartitionMetadata& partition_metadata) {
if (!dynamic_control_->IsDynamicPartitionsEnabled()) {
return true;
auto source_slot = GetCurrentSlot();
if (target_slot == source_slot) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot call InitPartitionMetadata on current slot.";
return false;
string target_suffix;
if (!GetSuffix(target_slot, &target_suffix)) {
return false;
// Although the current build supports dynamic partitions, the given payload
// doesn't use it for target partitions. This could happen when applying a
// retrofit update. Skip updating the partition metadata for the target slot.
is_target_dynamic_ = !partition_metadata.groups.empty();
if (!is_target_dynamic_) {
return true;
// Unmap all the target dynamic partitions because they would become
// inconsistent with the new metadata.
if (!UnmapTargetPartitions(
dynamic_control_.get(), target_suffix, partition_metadata)) {
return false;
if (!UpdatePartitionMetadata(dynamic_control_.get(),
partition_metadata)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine