blob: 07615a235f7fea356c1c8974b6df9c50a18cfa30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "update_engine/install_plan.h"
#include "update_engine/omaha_request_params.h"
#include "update_engine/test_utils.h"
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
using std::string;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
class OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Return true iff the OmahaRequestDeviceParams::Init succeeded. If
// out is non-NULL, it's set w/ the generated data.
bool DoTest(OmahaRequestParams* out, const string& app_version,
const string& omaha_url);
virtual void SetUp() {
ASSERT_EQ(0, System(string("mkdir -p ") + kTestDir + "/etc"));
ASSERT_EQ(0, System(string("mkdir -p ") + kTestDir +
utils::kStatefulPartition + "/etc"));
virtual void TearDown() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, System(string("rm -rf ") + kTestDir));
static const string kTestDir;
const string OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest::kTestDir =
bool OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest::DoTest(OmahaRequestParams* out,
const string& app_version,
const string& omaha_url) {
OmahaRequestDeviceParams params;
params.set_root(string("./") + kTestDir);
bool success = params.Init(app_version, omaha_url);
if (out)
*out = params;
return success;
namespace {
bool IsHexDigit(char c) {
return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) ||
((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) ||
((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'));
// Returns true iff str is formatted as a GUID. Example GUID:
// "{2251FFAD-DBAB-4E53-8B3A-18F98BB4EB80}"
bool IsValidGuid(const string& str) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(str.size() == 38);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE((*str.begin() == '{') && (*str.rbegin() == '}'));
for (string::size_type i = 1; i < (str.size() - 1); ++i) {
if ((i == 9) || (i == 14) || (i == 19) || (i == 24)) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(str[i] == '-');
} else {
return true;
string GetMachineType() {
FILE* fp = popen("uname -m", "r");
if (!fp)
return "";
string ret;
for (;;) {
char buffer[10];
size_t r = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);
if (r == 0)
ret.insert(ret.begin(), buffer, buffer + r);
// strip trailing '\n' if it exists
if ((*ret.rbegin()) == '\n')
ret.resize(ret.size() - 1);
return ret;
} // namespace {}
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, SimpleTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << "id: " << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.user_id)) << "id: " << out.user_id;
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("arm-generic", out.os_board);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("footrack", out.app_track);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.update_url);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, MissingTrackTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_track);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, ConfusingReleaseTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_track);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, MachineIdPersistsTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out1;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out1, "", ""));
string machine_id;
kTestDir +
utils::kStatefulPartition + "/etc/omaha_id",
EXPECT_EQ(machine_id, out1.machine_id);
OmahaRequestParams out2;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out2, "", ""));
EXPECT_EQ(machine_id, out2.machine_id);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, MissingVersionTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << "id: " << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.user_id)) << "id: " << out.user_id;
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("_") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("arm-generic", out.os_board);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("footrack", out.app_track);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, ForceVersionTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "ForcedVersion", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << "id: " << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.user_id)) << "id: " << out.user_id;
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("ForcedVersion_") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("arm-generic", out.os_board);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("ForcedVersion", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("footrack", out.app_track);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, ForcedURLTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << "id: " << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.user_id)) << "id: " << out.user_id;
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("arm-generic", out.os_board);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("footrack", out.app_track);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.update_url);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, MissingURLTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.machine_id)) << "id: " << out.machine_id;
// for now we're just using the machine id here
EXPECT_TRUE(IsValidGuid(out.user_id)) << "id: " << out.user_id;
EXPECT_EQ("Chrome OS", out.os_platform);
EXPECT_EQ(string("") + GetMachineType(), out.os_sp);
EXPECT_EQ("arm-generic", out.os_board);
EXPECT_EQ("{87efface-864d-49a5-9bb3-4b050a7c227a}", out.app_id);
EXPECT_EQ("", out.app_version);
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", out.app_lang);
EXPECT_EQ("footrack", out.app_track);
EXPECT_EQ(OmahaRequestParams::kUpdateUrl, out.update_url);
TEST_F(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, NoDeltasTest) {
kTestDir + "/etc/lsb-release",
ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFileString(kTestDir + "/.nodelta", ""));
OmahaRequestParams out;
EXPECT_TRUE(DoTest(&out, "", ""));
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine