blob: aa076ecb45789e71352aa10c418cc3d8e5ae4f3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "update_engine/update_manager/policy.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/prng.h"
namespace chromeos_update_manager {
// Parameters for update download URL, as determined by UpdateDownloadUrl.
struct UpdateDownloadUrlResult {
int url_idx;
int url_num_failures;
// Parameters for update scattering, as determined by UpdateNotScattering.
struct UpdateScatteringResult {
bool is_scattering;
base::TimeDelta wait_period;
int check_threshold;
// ChromeOSPolicy implements the policy-related logic used in ChromeOS.
class ChromeOSPolicy : public Policy {
ChromeOSPolicy() {}
virtual ~ChromeOSPolicy() {}
// Policy overrides.
virtual EvalStatus UpdateCheckAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec, State* state, std::string* error,
UpdateCheckParams* result) const override;
virtual EvalStatus UpdateCanStart(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
std::string* error,
UpdateCanStartResult* result,
const bool interactive,
const UpdateState& update_state) const override;
virtual EvalStatus UpdateDownloadAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
std::string* error,
bool* result) const override;
// Policy override.
virtual std::string PolicyName() const override {
return "ChromeOSPolicy";
friend class UmChromeOSPolicyTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UmChromeOSPolicyTest, ExponentialBackoffIsCapped);
FRIEND_TEST(UmChromeOSPolicyTest, UpdateCheckAllowedWaitsForTheTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(UmChromeOSPolicyTest, UpdateCanStartAllowedScatteringSatisfied);
// Auxiliary constant (zero by default).
const base::TimeDelta kZeroInterval;
// Default update check timeout interval/fuzz values used to compute the
// NextUpdateCheckTime(), in seconds. Actual fuzz is within +/- half of the
// indicated value.
static const int kTimeoutInitialInterval = 7 * 60;
static const int kTimeoutPeriodicInterval = 45 * 60;
static const int kTimeoutQuickInterval = 1 * 60;
static const int kTimeoutMaxBackoffInterval = 4 * 60 * 60;
static const int kTimeoutRegularFuzz = 10 * 60;
// A private policy implementation returning the wallclock timestamp when
// the next update check should happen.
EvalStatus NextUpdateCheckTime(EvaluationContext* ec, State* state,
std::string* error,
base::Time* next_update_check) const;
// Returns a TimeDelta based on the provided |interval| seconds +/- half
// |fuzz| seconds. The return value is guaranteed to be a non-negative
// TimeDelta.
static base::TimeDelta FuzzedInterval(PRNG* prng, int interval, int fuzz);
// A private policy for determining which download URL to use. Within
// |update_state|, |download_urls| should contain the download URLs as listed
// in the Omaha response; |download_failures_max| the maximum number of
// failures per URL allowed per the response; |download_url_idx| the index of
// the previously used URL; |download_url_num_failures| the previously known
// number of failures associated with that URL; and |download_url_error_codes|
// the list of failures occurring since the latest evaluation.
// Upon successly deciding a URL to use, returns |EvalStatus::kSucceeded| and
// writes the current URL index and the number of failures associated with it
// in |result|. Otherwise, returns |EvalStatus::kFailed|.
EvalStatus UpdateDownloadUrl(EvaluationContext* ec, State* state,
std::string* error,
UpdateDownloadUrlResult* result,
const UpdateState& update_state) const;
// A private policy for checking whether scattering is due. Writes in |result|
// the decision as to whether or not to scatter; a wallclock-based scatter
// wait period, which ranges from zero (do not wait) and no greater than the
// current scatter factor provided by the device policy (if available) or the
// maximum wait period determined by Omaha; and an update check-based
// threshold between zero (no threshold) and the maximum number determined by
// the update engine. Within |update_state|, |scatter_wait_period| should
// contain the last scattering period returned by this function, or zero if no
// wait period is known; |scatter_check_threshold| is the last update check
// threshold, or zero if no such threshold is known. If not scattering, or if
// any of the scattering values has changed, returns |EvalStatus::kSucceeded|;
// otherwise, |EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater|.
EvalStatus UpdateScattering(EvaluationContext* ec, State* state,
std::string* error,
UpdateScatteringResult* result,
const UpdateState& update_state) const;
} // namespace chromeos_update_manager