blob: 87c41b6e25429ea14db298cd56e5be6a7e44f520 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "update_engine/prefs.h"
using std::string;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
class PrefsTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CreateNewTempDirectory("auprefs", &prefs_dir_));
virtual void TearDown() {
file_util::Delete(prefs_dir_, true); // recursive
bool SetValue(const string& key, const string& value) {
return file_util::WriteFile(prefs_dir_.Append(key),, value.length()) ==
FilePath prefs_dir_;
Prefs prefs_;
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetFileNameForKey) {
const char kKey[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-";
FilePath path;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetFileNameForKey(kKey, &path));
EXPECT_EQ(prefs_dir_.Append(kKey).value(), path.value());
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetFileNameForKeyBadCharacter) {
FilePath path;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetFileNameForKey("ABC abc", &path));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetFileNameForKeyEmpty) {
FilePath path;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetFileNameForKey("", &path));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetString) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
const string test_data = "test data";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, test_data));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetString(kKey, &value));
EXPECT_EQ(test_data, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetStringBadKey) {
string value;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetString(",bad", &value));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetStringNonExistentKey) {
string value;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetString("non-existent-key", &value));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetString) {
const char kKey[] = "my_test_key";
const char kValue[] = "some test value\non 2 lines";
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.SetString(kKey, kValue));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(prefs_dir_.Append(kKey), &value));
EXPECT_EQ(kValue, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetStringBadKey) {
const char kKey[] = ".no-dots";
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.SetString(kKey, "some value"));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetStringCreateDir) {
const char kKey[] = "a-test-key";
const char kValue[] = "test value";
FilePath subdir = prefs_dir_.Append("subdir1").Append("subdir2");
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.SetString(kKey, kValue));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(subdir.Append(kKey), &value));
EXPECT_EQ(kValue, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetStringDirCreationFailure) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.SetString(kKey, "test value"));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetStringFileCreationFailure) {
const char kKey[] = "a-test-key";
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.SetString(kKey, "test value"));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, " \n 25 \t "));
int64_t value;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetInt64(kKey, &value));
EXPECT_EQ(25, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64BadValue) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, "30a"));
int64_t value;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetInt64(kKey, &value));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64Max) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, StringPrintf("%" PRIi64, kint64max)));
int64_t value;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetInt64(kKey, &value));
EXPECT_EQ(kint64max, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64Min) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, StringPrintf("%" PRIi64, kint64min)));
int64_t value;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetInt64(kKey, &value));
EXPECT_EQ(kint64min, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64Negative) {
const char kKey[] = "test-key";
ASSERT_TRUE(SetValue(kKey, " \t -100 \n "));
int64_t value;
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.GetInt64(kKey, &value));
EXPECT_EQ(-100, value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, GetInt64NonExistentKey) {
int64_t value;
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.GetInt64("random-key", &value));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetInt64) {
const char kKey[] = "test_int";
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, -123));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(prefs_dir_.Append(kKey), &value));
EXPECT_EQ("-123", value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetInt64BadKey) {
const char kKey[] = "s p a c e s";
EXPECT_FALSE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, 20));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetInt64Max) {
const char kKey[] = "test-max-int";
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, kint64max));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(prefs_dir_.Append(kKey), &value));
EXPECT_EQ(StringPrintf("%" PRIi64, kint64max), value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, SetInt64Min) {
const char kKey[] = "test-min-int";
EXPECT_TRUE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, kint64min));
string value;
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(prefs_dir_.Append(kKey), &value));
EXPECT_EQ(StringPrintf("%" PRIi64, kint64min), value);
TEST_F(PrefsTest, ExistsWorks) {
const char kKey[] = "exists-key";
// test that the key doesn't exist before we set it.
// test that the key exists after we set it.
ASSERT_TRUE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, 8));
TEST_F(PrefsTest, DeleteWorks) {
const char kKey[] = "delete-key";
// test that it's alright to delete a non-existent key.
// delete the key after we set it.
ASSERT_TRUE(prefs_.SetInt64(kKey, 0));
// make sure it doesn't exist anymore.
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine