blob: c145ae6f07c9a1ccf7fa3d891c52898580d7547d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "update_engine/omaha_response_handler_action.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "update_engine/constants.h"
#include "update_engine/delta_performer.h"
#include "update_engine/hardware_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_state_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/prefs_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
using std::string;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
const char OmahaResponseHandlerAction::kDeadlineFile[] =
SystemState* system_state)
: system_state_(system_state),
deadline_file_(kDeadlineFile) {}
SystemState* system_state, const string& deadline_file)
: system_state_(system_state),
deadline_file_(deadline_file) {}
void OmahaResponseHandlerAction::PerformAction() {
ScopedActionCompleter completer(processor_, this);
const OmahaResponse& response = GetInputObject();
if (!response.update_exists) {
got_no_update_response_ = true;
LOG(INFO) << "There are no updates. Aborting.";
// Note: policy decision to not update to a version we rolled back from.
string rollback_version =
if(!rollback_version.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Detected previous rollback from version " << rollback_version;
if(rollback_version == response.version) {
LOG(INFO) << "Received version that we rolled back from. Aborting.";
// All decisions as to which URL should be used have already been done. So,
// make the current URL as the download URL.
string current_url = system_state_->payload_state()->GetCurrentUrl();
if (current_url.empty()) {
// This shouldn't happen as we should always supply the HTTPS backup URL.
// Handling this anyway, just in case.
LOG(ERROR) << "There are no suitable URLs in the response to use.";
install_plan_.download_url = current_url;
install_plan_.version = response.version;
OmahaRequestParams* params = system_state_->request_params();
// If we're using p2p to download and there is a local peer, use it.
if (params->use_p2p_for_downloading() && !params->p2p_url().empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Replacing URL " << install_plan_.download_url
<< " with local URL " << params->p2p_url()
<< " since p2p is enabled.";
install_plan_.download_url = params->p2p_url();
// Fill up the other properties based on the response.
install_plan_.payload_size = response.size;
install_plan_.payload_hash = response.hash;
install_plan_.metadata_size = response.metadata_size;
install_plan_.metadata_signature = response.metadata_signature;
install_plan_.public_key_rsa = response.public_key_rsa;
install_plan_.hash_checks_mandatory = AreHashChecksMandatory(response);
install_plan_.is_resume =
DeltaPerformer::CanResumeUpdate(system_state_->prefs(), response.hash);
if (install_plan_.is_resume) {
} else {
LOG_IF(WARNING, !DeltaPerformer::ResetUpdateProgress(
system_state_->prefs(), false))
<< "Unable to reset the update progress.";
LOG_IF(WARNING, !system_state_->prefs()->SetString(
kPrefsUpdateCheckResponseHash, response.hash))
<< "Unable to save the update check response hash.";
install_plan_.is_full_update = !response.is_delta_payload;
(!boot_device_.empty() ? boot_device_ :
install_plan_.kernel_install_path =
if (params->to_more_stable_channel() && params->is_powerwash_allowed())
install_plan_.powerwash_required = true;
if (HasOutputPipe())
LOG(INFO) << "Using this install plan:";
// Send the deadline data (if any) to Chrome through a file. This is a pretty
// hacky solution but should be OK for now.
// TODO(petkov): Rearchitect this to avoid communication through a
// file. Ideally, we would include this information in D-Bus's GetStatus
// method and UpdateStatus signal. A potential issue is that update_engine may
// be unresponsive during an update download.
chmod(deadline_file_.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
bool OmahaResponseHandlerAction::AreHashChecksMandatory(
const OmahaResponse& response) {
// All our internal testing uses dev server which doesn't generate
// metadata signatures by default. So, in order not to break
// image_to_live or other AU tools, we should waive the hash checks
// for those cases, except if the response indicates that the
// payload is signed.
// Since all internal testing is done using a dev_image or
// test_image, we can use that as a criteria for waiving. This
// criteria reduces the attack surface as opposed to waiving the
// checks when we're in dev mode, because we do want to enforce the
// hash checks when our end customers run in dev mode if they are
// using an official build, so that they are protected more.
if (!system_state_->hardware()->IsOfficialBuild()) {
if (!response.public_key_rsa.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Mandating payload hash checks since Omaha Response "
<< "for unofficial build includes public RSA key.";
return true;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Waiving payload hash checks for unofficial builds";
return false;
// If we're using p2p, |install_plan_.download_url| may contain a
// HTTP URL even if |response.payload_urls| contain only HTTPS URLs.
if (!StartsWithASCII(install_plan_.download_url, "https://", false)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Mandating hash checks since download_url is not HTTPS.";
return true;
// TODO(jaysri): VALIDATION: For official builds, we currently waive hash
// checks for HTTPS until we have rolled out at least once and are confident
// nothing breaks. chromium-os:37082 tracks turning this on for HTTPS
// eventually.
// Even if there's a single non-HTTPS URL, make the hash checks as
// mandatory because we could be downloading the payload from any URL later
// on. It's really hard to do book-keeping based on each byte being
// downloaded to see whether we only used HTTPS throughout.
for (size_t i = 0; i < response.payload_urls.size(); i++) {
if (!StartsWithASCII(response.payload_urls[i], "https://", false)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Mandating payload hash checks since Omaha response "
<< "contains non-HTTPS URL(s)";
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Waiving payload hash checks since Omaha response "
<< "only has HTTPS URL(s)";
return false;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine