blob: c0e8de0e0c66137770c2ad7d91fbaf8f7518504c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "debugd/dbus-proxies.h"
#include "update_engine/chrome_browser_proxy_resolver.h"
#include "update_engine/client_library/include/update_engine/update_status.h"
#include "update_engine/common/action_processor.h"
#include "update_engine/libcros_proxy.h"
#include "update_engine/omaha_request_params.h"
#include "update_engine/omaha_response_handler_action.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/download_action.h"
#include "update_engine/proxy_resolver.h"
#include "update_engine/system_state.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/policy.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/update_manager.h"
class MetricsLibraryInterface;
namespace policy {
class PolicyProvider;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
class UpdateEngineAdaptor;
class UpdateAttempter : public ActionProcessorDelegate,
public DownloadActionDelegate {
using UpdateStatus = update_engine::UpdateStatus;
static const int kMaxDeltaUpdateFailures;
UpdateAttempter(SystemState* system_state,
LibCrosProxy* libcros_proxy,
org::chromium::debugdProxyInterface* debugd_proxy);
~UpdateAttempter() override;
// Further initialization to be done post construction.
void Init();
// Initiates scheduling of update checks.
virtual void ScheduleUpdates();
// Checks for update and, if a newer version is available, attempts to update
// the system. Non-empty |in_app_version| or |in_update_url| prevents
// automatic detection of the parameter. |target_channel| denotes a
// policy-mandated channel we are updating to, if not empty. If |obey_proxies|
// is true, the update will likely respect Chrome's proxy setting. For
// security reasons, we may still not honor them. |interactive| should be true
// if this was called from the user (ie dbus).
virtual void Update(const std::string& app_version,
const std::string& omaha_url,
const std::string& target_channel,
const std::string& target_version_prefix,
bool obey_proxies,
bool interactive);
// ActionProcessorDelegate methods:
void ProcessingDone(const ActionProcessor* processor,
ErrorCode code) override;
void ProcessingStopped(const ActionProcessor* processor) override;
void ActionCompleted(ActionProcessor* processor,
AbstractAction* action,
ErrorCode code) override;
// Resets the current state to UPDATE_STATUS_IDLE.
// Used by update_engine_client for restarting a new update without
// having to reboot once the previous update has reached
// UPDATE_STATUS_UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT state. This is used only
// for testing purposes.
virtual bool ResetStatus();
// Returns the current status in the out params. Returns true on success.
virtual bool GetStatus(int64_t* last_checked_time,
double* progress,
std::string* current_operation,
std::string* new_version,
int64_t* new_size);
// Runs chromeos-setgoodkernel, whose responsibility it is to mark the
// currently booted partition has high priority/permanent/etc. The execution
// is asynchronous. On completion, the action processor may be started
// depending on the |start_action_processor_| field. Note that every update
// attempt goes through this method.
void UpdateBootFlags();
// Called when the boot flags have been updated.
void CompleteUpdateBootFlags(bool success);
UpdateStatus status() const { return status_; }
int http_response_code() const { return http_response_code_; }
void set_http_response_code(int code) { http_response_code_ = code; }
void set_dbus_adaptor(UpdateEngineAdaptor* dbus_adaptor) {
dbus_adaptor_ = dbus_adaptor;
// This is the internal entry point for going through an
// update. If the current status is idle invokes Update.
// This is called by the DBus implementation.
virtual void CheckForUpdate(const std::string& app_version,
const std::string& omaha_url,
bool is_interactive);
// This is the internal entry point for going through a rollback. This will
// attempt to run the postinstall on the non-active partition and set it as
// the partition to boot from. If |powerwash| is True, perform a powerwash
// as part of rollback. Returns True on success.
bool Rollback(bool powerwash);
// This is the internal entry point for checking if we can rollback.
bool CanRollback() const;
// This is the internal entry point for getting a rollback partition name,
// if one exists. It returns the bootable rollback kernel device partition
// name or empty string if none is available.
BootControlInterface::Slot GetRollbackSlot() const;
// Initiates a reboot if the current state is
// UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT. Returns true on sucess, false otherwise.
bool RebootIfNeeded();
// DownloadActionDelegate method.
void BytesReceived(uint64_t bytes_received, uint64_t total) override;
// Broadcasts the current status over D-Bus.
void BroadcastStatus();
// Returns the special flags to be added to ErrorCode values based on the
// parameters used in the current update attempt.
uint32_t GetErrorCodeFlags();
// Returns true if we should cancel the current download attempt based on the
// current state of the system, in which case |cancel_reason| indicates the
// reason for the cancellation. False otherwise, in which case
// |cancel_reason| is untouched.
bool ShouldCancel(ErrorCode* cancel_reason);
// Called at update_engine startup to do various house-keeping.
void UpdateEngineStarted();
// Reloads the device policy from libbrillo. Note: This method doesn't
// cause a real-time policy fetch from the policy server. It just reloads the
// latest value that libbrillo has cached. libbrillo fetches the policies
// from the server asynchronously at its own frequency.
virtual void RefreshDevicePolicy();
// Stores in |out_boot_time| the boottime (CLOCK_BOOTTIME) recorded at the
// time of the last successful update in the current boot. Returns false if
// there wasn't a successful update in the current boot.
virtual bool GetBootTimeAtUpdate(base::Time *out_boot_time);
// Returns a version OS version that was being used before the last reboot,
// and if that reboot happended to be into an update (current version).
// This will return an empty string otherwise.
std::string const& GetPrevVersion() const { return prev_version_; }
// Returns the number of consecutive failed update checks.
virtual unsigned int consecutive_failed_update_checks() const {
return consecutive_failed_update_checks_;
// Returns the poll interval dictated by Omaha, if provided; zero otherwise.
virtual unsigned int server_dictated_poll_interval() const {
return server_dictated_poll_interval_;
// Sets a callback to be used when either a forced update request is received
// (first argument set to true) or cleared by an update attempt (first
// argument set to false). The callback further encodes whether the forced
// check is an interactive one (second argument set to true). Takes ownership
// of the callback object. A null value disables callback on these events.
// Note that only one callback can be set, so effectively at most one client
// can be notified.
virtual void set_forced_update_pending_callback(
base::Callback<void(bool, bool)>* // NOLINT(readability/function)
callback) {
// Returns true if we should allow updates from any source. In official builds
// we want to restrict updates to known safe sources, but under certain
// conditions it's useful to allow updating from anywhere (e.g. to allow
// 'cros flash' to function properly).
virtual bool IsAnyUpdateSourceAllowed();
// Update server URL for automated lab test.
static const char* const kTestUpdateUrl;
// Friend declarations for testing purposes.
friend class UpdateAttempterUnderTest;
friend class UpdateAttempterTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ActionCompletedDownloadTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ActionCompletedErrorTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ActionCompletedOmahaRequestTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, CreatePendingErrorEventTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, CreatePendingErrorEventResumedTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, DisableDeltaUpdateIfNeededTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, MarkDeltaUpdateFailureTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, PingOmahaTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ScheduleErrorEventActionNoEventTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ScheduleErrorEventActionTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, UpdateTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, ReportDailyMetrics);
FRIEND_TEST(UpdateAttempterTest, BootTimeInUpdateMarkerFile);
// Checks if it's more than 24 hours since daily metrics were last
// reported and, if so, reports daily metrics. Returns |true| if
// metrics were reported, |false| otherwise.
bool CheckAndReportDailyMetrics();
// Calculates and reports the age of the currently running OS. This
// is defined as the age of the /etc/lsb-release file.
void ReportOSAge();
// Sets the status to the given status and notifies a status update over dbus.
void SetStatusAndNotify(UpdateStatus status);
// Sets up the download parameters after receiving the update check response.
void SetupDownload();
// Creates an error event object in |error_event_| to be included in an
// OmahaRequestAction once the current action processor is done.
void CreatePendingErrorEvent(AbstractAction* action, ErrorCode code);
// If there's a pending error event allocated in |error_event_|, schedules an
// OmahaRequestAction with that event in the current processor, clears the
// pending event, updates the status and returns true. Returns false
// otherwise.
bool ScheduleErrorEventAction();
// Sets the cpu shares to |shares| and updates |shares_| if the new
// |shares| is different than the current |shares_|, otherwise simply
// returns.
void SetCpuShares(utils::CpuShares shares);
// Sets the cpu shares to low and sets up timeout events to increase it.
void SetupCpuSharesManagement();
// Resets the cpu shares to normal and destroys any scheduled timeout
// sources.
void CleanupCpuSharesManagement();
// The cpu shares timeout source callback sets the current cpu shares to
// normal.
void ManageCpuSharesCallback();
// Schedules an event loop callback to start the action processor. This is
// scheduled asynchronously to unblock the event loop.
void ScheduleProcessingStart();
// Checks if a full update is needed and forces it by updating the Omaha
// request params.
void DisableDeltaUpdateIfNeeded();
// If this was a delta update attempt that failed, count it so that a full
// update can be tried when needed.
void MarkDeltaUpdateFailure();
ProxyResolver* GetProxyResolver() {
return obeying_proxies_ ?
reinterpret_cast<ProxyResolver*>(&chrome_proxy_resolver_) :
// Sends a ping to Omaha.
// This is used after an update has been applied and we're waiting for the
// user to reboot. This ping helps keep the number of actives count
// accurate in case a user takes a long time to reboot the device after an
// update has been applied.
void PingOmaha();
// Helper method of Update() to calculate the update-related parameters
// from various sources and set the appropriate state. Please refer to
// Update() method for the meaning of the parametes.
bool CalculateUpdateParams(const std::string& app_version,
const std::string& omaha_url,
const std::string& target_channel,
const std::string& target_version_prefix,
bool obey_proxies,
bool interactive);
// Calculates all the scattering related parameters (such as waiting period,
// which type of scattering is enabled, etc.) and also updates/deletes
// the corresponding prefs file used in scattering. Should be called
// only after the device policy has been loaded and set in the system_state_.
void CalculateScatteringParams(bool is_interactive);
// Sets a random value for the waiting period to wait for before downloading
// an update, if one available. This value will be upperbounded by the
// scatter factor value specified from policy.
void GenerateNewWaitingPeriod();
// Helper method of Update() and Rollback() to construct the sequence of
// actions to be performed for the postinstall.
// |previous_action| is the previous action to get
// bonded with the install_plan that gets passed to postinstall.
void BuildPostInstallActions(InstallPlanAction* previous_action);
// Helper method of Update() to construct the sequence of actions to
// be performed for an update check. Please refer to
// Update() method for the meaning of the parameters.
void BuildUpdateActions(bool interactive);
// Decrements the count in the kUpdateCheckCountFilePath.
// Returns True if successfully decremented, false otherwise.
bool DecrementUpdateCheckCount();
// Starts p2p and performs housekeeping. Returns true only if p2p is
// running and housekeeping was done.
bool StartP2PAndPerformHousekeeping();
// Calculates whether peer-to-peer should be used. Sets the
// |use_p2p_to_download_| and |use_p2p_to_share_| parameters
// on the |omaha_request_params_| object.
void CalculateP2PParams(bool interactive);
// Starts P2P if it's enabled and there are files to actually share.
// Called only at program startup. Returns true only if p2p was
// started and housekeeping was performed.
bool StartP2PAtStartup();
// Writes to the processing completed marker. Does nothing if
// |update_completed_marker_| is empty.
void WriteUpdateCompletedMarker();
// Sends a D-Bus message to the Chrome OS power manager asking it to reboot
// the system. Returns true on success.
bool RequestPowerManagerReboot();
// Reboots the system directly by calling /sbin/shutdown. Returns true on
// success.
bool RebootDirectly();
// Callback for the async UpdateCheckAllowed policy request. If |status| is
// |EvalStatus::kSucceeded|, either runs or suppresses periodic update checks,
// based on the content of |params|. Otherwise, retries the policy request.
void OnUpdateScheduled(
chromeos_update_manager::EvalStatus status,
const chromeos_update_manager::UpdateCheckParams& params);
// Updates the time an update was last attempted to the current time.
void UpdateLastCheckedTime();
// Returns whether an update is currently running or scheduled.
bool IsUpdateRunningOrScheduled();
// Last status notification timestamp used for throttling. Use monotonic
// TimeTicks to ensure that notifications are sent even if the system clock is
// set back in the middle of an update.
base::TimeTicks last_notify_time_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AbstractAction>> actions_;
std::unique_ptr<ActionProcessor> processor_;
// External state of the system outside the update_engine process
// carved out separately to mock out easily in unit tests.
SystemState* system_state_;
// If non-null, this UpdateAttempter will send status updates over this
// dbus service.
UpdateEngineAdaptor* dbus_adaptor_ = nullptr;
// Pointer to the OmahaResponseHandlerAction in the actions_ vector.
std::shared_ptr<OmahaResponseHandlerAction> response_handler_action_;
// Pointer to the DownloadAction in the actions_ vector.
std::shared_ptr<DownloadAction> download_action_;
// Pointer to the preferences store interface. This is just a cached
// copy of system_state->prefs() because it's used in many methods and
// is convenient this way.
PrefsInterface* prefs_ = nullptr;
// Pending error event, if any.
std::unique_ptr<OmahaEvent> error_event_;
// If we should request a reboot even tho we failed the update
bool fake_update_success_ = false;
// HTTP server response code from the last HTTP request action.
int http_response_code_ = 0;
// Current cpu shares.
utils::CpuShares shares_ = utils::kCpuSharesNormal;
// The cpu shares management timeout task id.
brillo::MessageLoop::TaskId manage_shares_id_{
// For status:
UpdateStatus status_{UpdateStatus::IDLE};
double download_progress_ = 0.0;
int64_t last_checked_time_ = 0;
std::string prev_version_;
std::string new_version_ = "";
int64_t new_payload_size_ = 0;
// Common parameters for all Omaha requests.
OmahaRequestParams* omaha_request_params_ = nullptr;
// Number of consecutive manual update checks we've had where we obeyed
// Chrome's proxy settings.
int proxy_manual_checks_ = 0;
// If true, this update cycle we are obeying proxies
bool obeying_proxies_ = true;
// Our two proxy resolvers
DirectProxyResolver direct_proxy_resolver_;
ChromeBrowserProxyResolver chrome_proxy_resolver_;
// Originally, both of these flags are false. Once UpdateBootFlags is called,
// |update_boot_flags_running_| is set to true. As soon as UpdateBootFlags
// completes its asynchronous run, |update_boot_flags_running_| is reset to
// false and |updated_boot_flags_| is set to true. From that point on there
// will be no more changes to these flags.
// True if UpdateBootFlags has completed.
bool updated_boot_flags_ = false;
// True if UpdateBootFlags is running.
bool update_boot_flags_running_ = false;
// True if the action processor needs to be started by the boot flag updater.
bool start_action_processor_ = false;
// Used for fetching information about the device policy.
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyProvider> policy_provider_;
// The current scatter factor as found in the policy setting.
base::TimeDelta scatter_factor_;
// The number of consecutive failed update checks. Needed for calculating the
// next update check interval.
unsigned int consecutive_failed_update_checks_ = 0;
// The poll interval (in seconds) that was dictated by Omaha, if any; zero
// otherwise. This is needed for calculating the update check interval.
unsigned int server_dictated_poll_interval_ = 0;
// Tracks whether we have scheduled update checks.
bool waiting_for_scheduled_check_ = false;
// A callback to use when a forced update request is either received (true) or
// cleared by an update attempt (false). The second argument indicates whether
// this is an interactive update, and its value is significant iff the first
// argument is true.
std::unique_ptr<base::Callback<void(bool, bool)>>
// The |app_version| and |omaha_url| parameters received during the latest
// forced update request. They are retrieved for use once the update is
// actually scheduled.
std::string forced_app_version_;
std::string forced_omaha_url_;
org::chromium::debugdProxyInterface* debugd_proxy_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine