blob: 941b5110e53d70efd2c356dfafc0ddc89eefb5b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "update_engine/omaha_request_action.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/rand_util.h>
#include <base/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/string_util.h>
#include <base/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/time.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include "update_engine/action_pipe.h"
#include "update_engine/constants.h"
#include "update_engine/hardware_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/omaha_hash_calculator.h"
#include "update_engine/omaha_request_params.h"
#include "update_engine/p2p_manager.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_state_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/prefs_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
using std::string;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// List of custom pair tags that we interpret in the Omaha Response:
static const char* kTagDeadline = "deadline";
static const char* kTagDisablePayloadBackoff = "DisablePayloadBackoff";
static const char* kTagVersion = "version";
// Deprecated: "IsDelta"
static const char* kTagIsDeltaPayload = "IsDeltaPayload";
static const char* kTagMaxFailureCountPerUrl = "MaxFailureCountPerUrl";
static const char* kTagMaxDaysToScatter = "MaxDaysToScatter";
// Deprecated: "ManifestSignatureRsa"
// Deprecated: "ManifestSize"
static const char* kTagMetadataSignatureRsa = "MetadataSignatureRsa";
static const char* kTagMetadataSize = "MetadataSize";
static const char* kTagMoreInfo = "MoreInfo";
// Deprecated: "NeedsAdmin"
static const char* kTagPrompt = "Prompt";
static const char* kTagSha256 = "sha256";
static const char* kTagDisableP2PForDownloading = "DisableP2PForDownloading";
static const char* kTagDisableP2PForSharing = "DisableP2PForSharing";
static const char* kTagPublicKeyRsa = "PublicKeyRsa";
namespace {
const string kGupdateVersion("ChromeOSUpdateEngine-");
// This is handy for passing strings into libxml2
#define ConstXMLStr(x) (reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(x))
// These are for scoped_ptr_malloc, which is like scoped_ptr, but allows
// a custom free() function to be specified.
class ScopedPtrXmlDocFree {
inline void operator()(void* x) const {
class ScopedPtrXmlFree {
inline void operator()(void* x) const {
class ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree {
inline void operator()(void* x) const {
class ScopedPtrXmlXPathContextFree {
inline void operator()(void* x) const {
// Returns true if |ping_days| has a value that needs to be sent,
// false otherwise.
bool ShouldPing(int ping_days) {
return ping_days > 0 || ping_days == OmahaRequestAction::kNeverPinged;
// Returns an XML ping element attribute assignment with attribute
// |name| and value |ping_days| if |ping_days| has a value that needs
// to be sent, or an empty string otherwise.
string GetPingAttribute(const string& name, int ping_days) {
if (ShouldPing(ping_days)) {
return StringPrintf(" %s=\"%d\"", name.c_str(), ping_days);
return "";
// Returns an XML ping element if any of the elapsed days need to be
// sent, or an empty string otherwise.
string GetPingXml(int ping_active_days, int ping_roll_call_days) {
string ping_active = GetPingAttribute("a", ping_active_days);
string ping_roll_call = GetPingAttribute("r", ping_roll_call_days);
if (!ping_active.empty() || !ping_roll_call.empty()) {
return StringPrintf(" <ping active=\"1\"%s%s></ping>\n",
return "";
// Returns an XML that goes into the body of the <app> element of the Omaha
// request based on the given parameters.
string GetAppBody(const OmahaEvent* event,
OmahaRequestParams* params,
bool ping_only,
int ping_active_days,
int ping_roll_call_days,
PrefsInterface* prefs) {
string app_body;
if (event == NULL) {
app_body = GetPingXml(ping_active_days, ping_roll_call_days);
if (!ping_only) {
// not passing update_disabled to Omaha because we want to
// get the update and report with UpdateDeferred result so that
// borgmon charts show up updates that are deferred. This is also
// the expected behavior when we move to Omaha v3.0 protocol, so it'll
// be consistent.
app_body += StringPrintf(
" <updatecheck targetversionprefix=\"%s\""
// If this is the first update check after a reboot following a previous
// update, generate an event containing the previous version number. If
// the previous version preference file doesn't exist the event is still
// generated with a previous version of -- this is relevant for
// older clients or new installs. The previous version event is not sent
// for ping-only requests because they come before the client has
// rebooted.
string prev_version;
if (!prefs->GetString(kPrefsPreviousVersion, &prev_version)) {
prev_version = "";
app_body += StringPrintf(
" <event eventtype=\"%d\" eventresult=\"%d\" "
LOG_IF(WARNING, !prefs->SetString(kPrefsPreviousVersion, ""))
<< "Unable to reset the previous version.";
} else {
// The error code is an optional attribute so append it only if the result
// is not success.
string error_code;
if (event->result != OmahaEvent::kResultSuccess) {
error_code = StringPrintf(" errorcode=\"%d\"", event->error_code);
app_body = StringPrintf(
" <event eventtype=\"%d\" eventresult=\"%d\"%s></event>\n",
event->type, event->result, error_code.c_str());
return app_body;
// Returns an XML that corresponds to the entire <app> node of the Omaha
// request based on the given parameters.
string GetAppXml(const OmahaEvent* event,
OmahaRequestParams* params,
bool ping_only,
int ping_active_days,
int ping_roll_call_days,
int install_date_in_days,
SystemState* system_state) {
string app_body = GetAppBody(event, params, ping_only, ping_active_days,
ping_roll_call_days, system_state->prefs());
string app_versions;
// If we are upgrading to a more stable channel and we are allowed to do
// powerwash, then pass as the version. This is needed to get the
// highest-versioned payload on the destination channel.
if (params->to_more_stable_channel() && params->is_powerwash_allowed()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Passing OS version as as we are set to powerwash "
<< "on downgrading to the version in the more stable channel";
app_versions = "version=\"\" from_version=\"" +
XmlEncode(params->app_version()) + "\" ";
} else {
app_versions = "version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->app_version()) + "\" ";
string download_channel = params->download_channel();
string app_channels = "track=\"" + XmlEncode(download_channel) + "\" ";
if (params->current_channel() != download_channel)
app_channels +=
"from_track=\"" + XmlEncode(params->current_channel()) + "\" ";
string delta_okay_str = params->delta_okay() ? "true" : "false";
// If install_date_days is not set (e.g. its value is -1 ), don't
// include the attribute.
string install_date_in_days_str = "";
if (install_date_in_days >= 0) {
install_date_in_days_str = StringPrintf("installdate=\"%d\" ",
string app_xml =
" <app appid=\"" + XmlEncode(params->GetAppId()) + "\" " +
app_versions +
app_channels +
"lang=\"" + XmlEncode(params->app_lang()) + "\" " +
"board=\"" + XmlEncode(params->os_board()) + "\" " +
"hardware_class=\"" + XmlEncode(params->hwid()) + "\" " +
"delta_okay=\"" + delta_okay_str + "\" "
"fw_version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->fw_version()) + "\" " +
"ec_version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->ec_version()) + "\" " +
install_date_in_days_str +
">\n" +
app_body +
" </app>\n";
return app_xml;
// Returns an XML that corresponds to the entire <os> node of the Omaha
// request based on the given parameters.
string GetOsXml(OmahaRequestParams* params) {
string os_xml =
" <os version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->os_version()) + "\" " +
"platform=\"" + XmlEncode(params->os_platform()) + "\" " +
"sp=\"" + XmlEncode(params->os_sp()) + "\">"
return os_xml;
// Returns an XML that corresponds to the entire Omaha request based on the
// given parameters.
string GetRequestXml(const OmahaEvent* event,
OmahaRequestParams* params,
bool ping_only,
int ping_active_days,
int ping_roll_call_days,
int install_date_in_days,
SystemState* system_state) {
string os_xml = GetOsXml(params);
string app_xml = GetAppXml(event, params, ping_only, ping_active_days,
ping_roll_call_days, install_date_in_days,
string install_source = StringPrintf("installsource=\"%s\" ",
(params->interactive() ? "ondemandupdate" : "scheduler"));
string request_xml =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<request protocol=\"3.0\" "
"version=\"" + XmlEncode(kGupdateVersion) + "\" "
"updaterversion=\"" + XmlEncode(kGupdateVersion) + "\" " +
install_source +
"ismachine=\"1\">\n" +
os_xml +
app_xml +
return request_xml;
} // namespace {}
// Encodes XML entities in a given string with libxml2. input must be
// UTF-8 formatted. Output will be UTF-8 formatted.
string XmlEncode(const string& input) {
// // TODO(adlr): if allocating a new xmlDoc each time is taking up too much
// // cpu, considering creating one and caching it.
// scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlDoc, ScopedPtrXmlDocFree> xml_doc(
// xmlNewDoc(ConstXMLStr("1.0")));
// if (!xml_doc.get()) {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create xmlDoc";
// return "";
// }
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlChar, ScopedPtrXmlFree> str(
xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, ConstXMLStr(input.c_str())));
return string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(str.get()));
OmahaRequestAction::OmahaRequestAction(SystemState* system_state,
OmahaEvent* event,
HttpFetcher* http_fetcher,
bool ping_only)
: system_state_(system_state),
ping_roll_call_days_(0) {
params_ = system_state->request_params();
OmahaRequestAction::~OmahaRequestAction() {}
// Calculates the value to use for the ping days parameter.
int OmahaRequestAction::CalculatePingDays(const string& key) {
int days = kNeverPinged;
int64_t last_ping = 0;
if (system_state_->prefs()->GetInt64(key, &last_ping) && last_ping >= 0) {
days = (Time::Now() - Time::FromInternalValue(last_ping)).InDays();
if (days < 0) {
// If |days| is negative, then the system clock must have jumped
// back in time since the ping was sent. Mark the value so that
// it doesn't get sent to the server but we still update the
// last ping daystart preference. This way the next ping time
// will be correct, hopefully.
days = kPingTimeJump;
"System clock jumped back in time. Resetting ping daystarts.";
return days;
void OmahaRequestAction::InitPingDays() {
// We send pings only along with update checks, not with events.
if (IsEvent()) {
// TODO(petkov): Figure a way to distinguish active use pings
// vs. roll call pings. Currently, the two pings are identical. A
// fix needs to change this code as well as UpdateLastPingDays.
ping_active_days_ = CalculatePingDays(kPrefsLastActivePingDay);
ping_roll_call_days_ = CalculatePingDays(kPrefsLastRollCallPingDay);
// static
int OmahaRequestAction::GetInstallDate(SystemState* system_state) {
PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
if (prefs == NULL)
return -1;
// If we have the value stored on disk, just return it.
int64_t stored_value;
if (prefs->GetInt64(kPrefsInstallDateDays, &stored_value)) {
// Convert and sanity-check.
int install_date_days = static_cast<int>(stored_value);
if (install_date_days >= 0)
return install_date_days;
LOG(ERROR) << "Dropping stored Omaha InstallData since its value num_days="
<< install_date_days << " looks suspicious.";
// Otherwise, if OOBE is not complete then do nothing and wait for
// ParseResponse() to call ParseInstallDate() and then
// PersistInstallDate() to set the kPrefsInstallDateDays state
// variable. Once that is done, we'll then report back in future
// Omaha requests. This works exactly because OOBE triggers an
// update check.
// However, if OOBE is complete and the kPrefsInstallDateDays state
// variable is not set, there are two possibilities
// 1. The update check in OOBE failed so we never got a response
// from Omaha (no network etc.); or
// 2. OOBE was done on an older version that didn't write to the
// kPrefsInstallDateDays state variable.
// In both cases, we approximate the install date by simply
// inspecting the timestamp of when OOBE happened.
Time time_of_oobe;
if (!system_state->IsOOBEComplete(&time_of_oobe)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Not generating Omaha InstallData as we have "
<< "no prefs file and OOBE is not complete.";
return -1;
int num_days;
if (!utils::ConvertToOmahaInstallDate(time_of_oobe, &num_days)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not generating Omaha InstallData from time of OOBE "
<< "as its value '" << utils::ToString(time_of_oobe)
<< "' looks suspicious.";
return -1;
// Persist this to disk, for future use.
if (!OmahaRequestAction::PersistInstallDate(system_state,
return -1;
LOG(INFO) << "Set the Omaha InstallDate from OOBE time-stamp to "
<< num_days << " days";
return num_days;
void OmahaRequestAction::PerformAction() {
if (ping_only_ &&
!ShouldPing(ping_active_days_) &&
!ShouldPing(ping_roll_call_days_)) {
processor_->ActionComplete(this, kErrorCodeSuccess);
string request_post(GetRequestXml(event_.get(),
http_fetcher_->SetPostData(, request_post.size(),
LOG(INFO) << "Posting an Omaha request to " << params_->update_url();
LOG(INFO) << "Request: " << request_post;
void OmahaRequestAction::TerminateProcessing() {
// We just store the response in the buffer. Once we've received all bytes,
// we'll look in the buffer and decide what to do.
void OmahaRequestAction::ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher *fetcher,
const char* bytes,
int length) {
response_buffer_.reserve(response_buffer_.size() + length);
response_buffer_.insert(response_buffer_.end(), bytes, bytes + length);
namespace {
// If non-NULL response, caller is responsible for calling xmlXPathFreeObject()
// on the returned object.
// This code is roughly based on the libxml tutorial at:
xmlXPathObject* GetNodeSet(xmlDoc* doc, const xmlChar* xpath) {
xmlXPathObject* result = NULL;
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathContext, ScopedPtrXmlXPathContextFree> context(
if (!context.get()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "xmlXPathNewContext() returned NULL";
return NULL;
result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context.get());
if (result == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find " << xpath << " in XML document";
return NULL;
LOG(INFO) << "Nodeset is empty for " << xpath;
return NULL;
return result;
// Returns the string value of a named attribute on a node, or empty string
// if no such node exists. If the attribute exists and has a value of
// empty string, there's no way to distinguish that from the attribute
// not existing.
string XmlGetProperty(xmlNode* node, const char* name) {
if (!xmlHasProp(node, ConstXMLStr(name)))
return "";
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlChar, ScopedPtrXmlFree> str(
xmlGetProp(node, ConstXMLStr(name)));
string ret(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(str.get()));
return ret;
// Parses a 64 bit base-10 int from a string and returns it. Returns 0
// on error. If the string contains "0", that's indistinguishable from
// error.
off_t ParseInt(const string& str) {
off_t ret = 0;
int rc = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%" PRIi64, &ret);
if (rc < 1) {
// failure
return 0;
return ret;
// Update the last ping day preferences based on the server daystart
// response. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool UpdateLastPingDays(xmlDoc* doc, PrefsInterface* prefs) {
static const char kDaystartNodeXpath[] = "/response/daystart";
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kDaystartNodeXpath)));
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(nodeset && nodeset->nodeNr >= 1);
xmlNode* daystart_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
int64_t elapsed_seconds = 0;
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(elapsed_seconds >= 0);
// Remember the local time that matches the server's last midnight
// time.
Time daystart = Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(elapsed_seconds);
prefs->SetInt64(kPrefsLastActivePingDay, daystart.ToInternalValue());
prefs->SetInt64(kPrefsLastRollCallPingDay, daystart.ToInternalValue());
return true;
} // namespace {}
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseResponse(xmlDoc* doc,
OmahaResponse* output_object,
ScopedActionCompleter* completer) {
static const char* kUpdatecheckNodeXpath("/response/app/updatecheck");
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kUpdatecheckNodeXpath)));
if (!xpath_nodeset.get()) {
return false;
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
CHECK(nodeset) << "XPath missing UpdateCheck NodeSet";
CHECK_GE(nodeset->nodeNr, 1);
xmlNode* update_check_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
// chromium-os:37289: The PollInterval is not supported by Omaha server
// currently. But still keeping this existing code in case we ever decide to
// slow down the request rate from the server-side. Note that the
// PollInterval is not persisted, so it has to be sent by the server on every
// response to guarantee that the UpdateCheckScheduler uses this value
// (otherwise, if the device got rebooted after the last server-indicated
// value, it'll revert to the default value). Also kDefaultMaxUpdateChecks
// value for the scattering logic is based on the assumption that we perform
// an update check every hour so that the max value of 8 will roughly be
// equivalent to one work day. If we decide to use PollInterval permanently,
// we should update the max_update_checks_allowed to take PollInterval into
// account. Note: The parsing for PollInterval happens even before parsing
// of the status because we may want to specify the PollInterval even when
// there's no update.
base::StringToInt(XmlGetProperty(update_check_node, "PollInterval"),
// Check for the "elapsed_days" attribute in the "daystart"
// element. This is the number of days since Jan 1 2007, 0:00
// PST. If we don't have a persisted value of the Omaha InstallDate,
// we'll use it to calculate it and then persist it.
if (ParseInstallDate(doc, output_object) && !HasInstallDate(system_state_)) {
// Since output_object->install_date_days is never negative, the
// elapsed_days -> install-date calculation is reduced to simply
// rounding down to the nearest number divisible by 7.
int remainder = output_object->install_date_days % 7;
int install_date_days_rounded =
output_object->install_date_days - remainder;
if (PersistInstallDate(system_state_,
kProvisionedFromOmahaResponse)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Set the Omaha InstallDate from Omaha Response to "
<< install_date_days_rounded << " days";
if (!ParseStatus(update_check_node, output_object, completer))
return false;
// Note: ParseUrls MUST be called before ParsePackage as ParsePackage
// appends the package name to the URLs populated in this method.
if (!ParseUrls(doc, output_object, completer))
return false;
if (!ParsePackage(doc, output_object, completer))
return false;
if (!ParseParams(doc, output_object, completer))
return false;
return true;
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseStatus(xmlNode* update_check_node,
OmahaResponse* output_object,
ScopedActionCompleter* completer) {
// Get status.
if (!xmlHasProp(update_check_node, ConstXMLStr("status"))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response missing status";
return false;
const string status(XmlGetProperty(update_check_node, "status"));
if (status == "noupdate") {
LOG(INFO) << "No update.";
output_object->update_exists = false;
return false;
if (status != "ok") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown Omaha response status: " << status;
return false;
return true;
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseUrls(xmlDoc* doc,
OmahaResponse* output_object,
ScopedActionCompleter* completer) {
// Get the update URL.
static const char* kUpdateUrlNodeXPath("/response/app/updatecheck/urls/url");
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kUpdateUrlNodeXPath)));
if (!xpath_nodeset.get()) {
return false;
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
CHECK(nodeset) << "XPath missing " << kUpdateUrlNodeXPath;
CHECK_GE(nodeset->nodeNr, 1);
LOG(INFO) << "Found " << nodeset->nodeNr << " url(s)";
for (int i = 0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) {
xmlNode* url_node = nodeset->nodeTab[i];
const string codebase(XmlGetProperty(url_node, "codebase"));
if (codebase.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response URL has empty codebase";
return false;
return true;
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParsePackage(xmlDoc* doc,
OmahaResponse* output_object,
ScopedActionCompleter* completer) {
// Get the package node.
static const char* kPackageNodeXPath(
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kPackageNodeXPath)));
if (!xpath_nodeset.get()) {
return false;
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
CHECK(nodeset) << "XPath missing " << kPackageNodeXPath;
CHECK_GE(nodeset->nodeNr, 1);
// We only care about the first package.
LOG(INFO) << "Processing first of " << nodeset->nodeNr << " package(s)";
xmlNode* package_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
// Get package properties one by one.
// Parse the payload name to be appended to the base Url value.
const string package_name(XmlGetProperty(package_node, "name"));
LOG(INFO) << "Omaha Response package name = " << package_name;
if (package_name.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response has empty package name";
return false;
// Append the package name to each URL in our list so that we don't
// propagate the urlBase vs packageName distinctions beyond this point.
// From now on, we only need to use payload_urls.
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_object->payload_urls.size(); i++)
output_object->payload_urls[i] += package_name;
// Parse the payload size.
off_t size = ParseInt(XmlGetProperty(package_node, "size"));
if (size <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response has invalid payload size: " << size;
return false;
output_object->size = size;
LOG(INFO) << "Payload size = " << output_object->size << " bytes";
return true;
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseParams(xmlDoc* doc,
OmahaResponse* output_object,
ScopedActionCompleter* completer) {
// XPath location for response elements we care about.
static const char* kManifestNodeXPath("/response/app/updatecheck/manifest");\
static const char* kActionNodeXPath(
// Get the manifest node where version is present.
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_manifest_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kManifestNodeXPath)));
if (!xpath_manifest_nodeset.get()) {
return false;
// Grab the only matching node there should be from the xpath.
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_manifest_nodeset->nodesetval;
CHECK(nodeset) << "XPath missing " << kManifestNodeXPath;
CHECK_GE(nodeset->nodeNr, 1);
xmlNode* manifest_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
// Set the version.
output_object->version = XmlGetProperty(manifest_node, kTagVersion);
if (output_object->version.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response does not have version in manifest!";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Received omaha response to update to version "
<< output_object->version;
// Grab the action nodes.
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_action_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr(kActionNodeXPath)));
if (!xpath_action_nodeset.get()) {
return false;
// We only care about the action that has event "postinstall", because this is
// where Omaha puts all the generic name/value pairs in the rule.
nodeset = xpath_action_nodeset->nodesetval;
CHECK(nodeset) << "XPath missing " << kActionNodeXPath;
LOG(INFO) << "Found " << nodeset->nodeNr
<< " action(s). Processing the postinstall action.";
// pie_action_node holds the action node corresponding to the
// postinstall event action, if present.
xmlNode* pie_action_node = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) {
xmlNode* action_node = nodeset->nodeTab[i];
if (XmlGetProperty(action_node, "event") == "postinstall") {
pie_action_node = action_node;
if (!pie_action_node) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response has no postinstall event action";
return false;
output_object->hash = XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagSha256);
if (output_object->hash.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha Response has empty sha256 value";
return false;
// Get the optional properties one by one.
output_object->more_info_url = XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagMoreInfo);
output_object->metadata_size =
ParseInt(XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagMetadataSize));
output_object->metadata_signature =
XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagMetadataSignatureRsa);
output_object->prompt = XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagPrompt) == "true";
output_object->deadline = XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagDeadline);
output_object->max_days_to_scatter =
ParseInt(XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagMaxDaysToScatter));
output_object->disable_p2p_for_downloading =
(XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagDisableP2PForDownloading) == "true");
output_object->disable_p2p_for_sharing =
(XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagDisableP2PForSharing) == "true");
output_object->public_key_rsa =
XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagPublicKeyRsa);
string max = XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagMaxFailureCountPerUrl);
if (!base::StringToUint(max, &output_object->max_failure_count_per_url))
output_object->max_failure_count_per_url = kDefaultMaxFailureCountPerUrl;
output_object->is_delta_payload =
XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagIsDeltaPayload) == "true";
output_object->disable_payload_backoff =
XmlGetProperty(pie_action_node, kTagDisablePayloadBackoff) == "true";
return true;
// If the transfer was successful, this uses libxml2 to parse the response
// and fill in the appropriate fields of the output object. Also, notifies
// the processor that we're done.
void OmahaRequestAction::TransferComplete(HttpFetcher *fetcher,
bool successful) {
ScopedActionCompleter completer(processor_, this);
string current_response(response_buffer_.begin(), response_buffer_.end());
LOG(INFO) << "Omaha request response: " << current_response;
// Events are best effort transactions -- assume they always succeed.
if (IsEvent()) {
CHECK(!HasOutputPipe()) << "No output pipe allowed for event requests.";
if (event_->result == OmahaEvent::kResultError && successful &&
system_state_->hardware()->IsOfficialBuild()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Signalling Crash Reporter.";
if (!successful) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha request network transfer failed.";
int code = GetHTTPResponseCode();
// Makes sure we send sane error values.
if (code < 0 || code >= 1000) {
code = 999;
kErrorCodeOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase + code));
// parse our response and fill the fields in the output object
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlDoc, ScopedPtrXmlDocFree> doc(
xmlParseMemory(&response_buffer_[0], response_buffer_.size()));
if (!doc.get()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Omaha response not valid XML";
completer.set_code(response_buffer_.empty() ?
kErrorCodeOmahaRequestEmptyResponseError :
// If a ping was sent, update the last ping day preferences based on
// the server daystart response.
if (ShouldPing(ping_active_days_) ||
ShouldPing(ping_roll_call_days_) ||
ping_active_days_ == kPingTimeJump ||
ping_roll_call_days_ == kPingTimeJump) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, !UpdateLastPingDays(doc.get(), system_state_->prefs()))
<< "Failed to update the last ping day preferences!";
if (!HasOutputPipe()) {
// Just set success to whether or not the http transfer succeeded,
// which must be true at this point in the code.
OmahaResponse output_object;
if (!ParseResponse(doc.get(), &output_object, &completer))
output_object.update_exists = true;
if (params_->update_disabled()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring Omaha updates as updates are disabled by policy.";
output_object.update_exists = false;
// Note: We could technically delete the UpdateFirstSeenAt state here.
// If we do, it'll mean a device has to restart the UpdateFirstSeenAt
// and thus help scattering take effect when the AU is turned on again.
// On the other hand, it also increases the chance of update starvation if
// an admin turns AU on/off more frequently. We choose to err on the side
// of preventing starvation at the cost of not applying scattering in
// those cases.
// If Omaha says to disable p2p, respect that
if (output_object.disable_p2p_for_downloading) {
LOG(INFO) << "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for downloading as "
<< "requested by Omaha.";
if (output_object.disable_p2p_for_sharing) {
LOG(INFO) << "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for sharing as "
<< "requested by Omaha.";
// Update the payload state with the current response. The payload state
// will automatically reset all stale state if this response is different
// from what's stored already. We are updating the payload state as late
// as possible in this method so that if a new release gets pushed and then
// got pulled back due to some issues, we don't want to clear our internal
// state unnecessarily.
PayloadStateInterface* payload_state = system_state_->payload_state();
// It could be we've already exceeded the deadline for when p2p is
// allowed or that we've tried too many times with p2p. Check that.
if (params_->use_p2p_for_downloading()) {
if (!payload_state->P2PAttemptAllowed()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for downloading because "
<< "of previous failures when using p2p.";
// From here on, we'll complete stuff in CompleteProcessing() so
// disable |completer| since we'll create a new one in that
// function.
// If we're allowed to use p2p for downloading we do not pay
// attention to wall-clock-based waiting if the URL is indeed
// available via p2p. Therefore, check if the file is available via
// p2p before deferring...
if (params_->use_p2p_for_downloading()) {
} else {
void OmahaRequestAction::CompleteProcessing() {
ScopedActionCompleter completer(processor_, this);
OmahaResponse& output_object = const_cast<OmahaResponse&>(GetOutputObject());
PayloadStateInterface* payload_state = system_state_->payload_state();
if (ShouldDeferDownload(&output_object)) {
output_object.update_exists = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring Omaha updates as updates are deferred by policy.";
if (payload_state->ShouldBackoffDownload()) {
output_object.update_exists = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring Omaha updates in order to backoff our retry "
<< "attempts";
void OmahaRequestAction::OnLookupPayloadViaP2PCompleted(const string& url) {
LOG(INFO) << "Lookup complete, p2p-client returned URL '" << url << "'";
if (!url.empty()) {
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for downloading "
<< "because no suitable peer could be found.";
void OmahaRequestAction::LookupPayloadViaP2P(const OmahaResponse& response) {
// If the device is in the middle of an update, the state variables
// kPrefsUpdateStateNextDataOffset, kPrefsUpdateStateNextDataLength
// tracks the offset and length of the operation currently in
// progress. The offset is based from the end of the manifest which
// is kPrefsManifestMetadataSize bytes long.
// To make forward progress and avoid deadlocks, we need to find a
// peer that has at least the entire operation we're currently
// working on. Otherwise we may end up in a situation where two
// devices bounce back and forth downloading from each other,
// neither making any forward progress until one of them decides to
// stop using p2p (via kMaxP2PAttempts and kMaxP2PAttemptTimeSeconds
// safe-guards). See for an example)
size_t minimum_size = 0;
int64_t manifest_metadata_size = 0;
int64_t next_data_offset = 0;
int64_t next_data_length = 0;
if (system_state_ != NULL &&
&manifest_metadata_size) &&
manifest_metadata_size != -1 &&
&next_data_offset) &&
next_data_offset != -1 &&
&next_data_length)) {
minimum_size = manifest_metadata_size + next_data_offset + next_data_length;
string file_id = utils::CalculateP2PFileId(response.hash, response.size);
if (system_state_->p2p_manager() != NULL) {
LOG(INFO) << "Checking if payload is available via p2p, file_id="
<< file_id << " minimum_size=" << minimum_size;
bool OmahaRequestAction::ShouldDeferDownload(OmahaResponse* output_object) {
if (params_->interactive()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Not deferring download because update is interactive.";
return false;
// If we're using p2p to download _and_ we have a p2p URL, we never
// defer the download. This is because the download will always
// happen from a peer on the LAN and we've been waiting in line for
// our turn.
if (params_->use_p2p_for_downloading() && !params_->p2p_url().empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Download not deferred because download "
<< "will happen from a local peer (via p2p).";
return false;
// We should defer the downloads only if we've first satisfied the
// wall-clock-based-waiting period and then the update-check-based waiting
// period, if required.
if (!params_->wall_clock_based_wait_enabled()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Wall-clock-based waiting period is not enabled,"
<< " so no deferring needed.";
return false;
switch (IsWallClockBasedWaitingSatisfied(output_object)) {
case kWallClockWaitNotSatisfied:
// We haven't even satisfied the first condition, passing the
// wall-clock-based waiting period, so we should defer the downloads
// until that happens.
LOG(INFO) << "wall-clock-based-wait not satisfied.";
return true;
case kWallClockWaitDoneButUpdateCheckWaitRequired:
LOG(INFO) << "wall-clock-based-wait satisfied and "
<< "update-check-based-wait required.";
return !IsUpdateCheckCountBasedWaitingSatisfied();
case kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired:
// Wall-clock-based waiting period is satisfied, and it's determined
// that we do not need the update-check-based wait. so no need to
// defer downloads.
LOG(INFO) << "wall-clock-based-wait satisfied and "
<< "update-check-based-wait is not required.";
return false;
// Returning false for this default case so we err on the
// side of downloading updates than deferring in case of any bugs.
return false;
OmahaResponse* output_object) {
Time update_first_seen_at;
int64 update_first_seen_at_int;
if (system_state_->prefs()->Exists(kPrefsUpdateFirstSeenAt)) {
if (system_state_->prefs()->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateFirstSeenAt,
&update_first_seen_at_int)) {
// Note: This timestamp could be that of ANY update we saw in the past
// (not necessarily this particular update we're considering to apply)
// but never got to apply because of some reason (e.g. stop AU policy,
// updates being pulled out from Omaha, changes in target version prefix,
// new update being rolled out, etc.). But for the purposes of scattering
// it doesn't matter which update the timestamp corresponds to. i.e.
// the clock starts ticking the first time we see an update and we're
// ready to apply when the random wait period is satisfied relative to
// that first seen timestamp.
update_first_seen_at = Time::FromInternalValue(update_first_seen_at_int);
LOG(INFO) << "Using persisted value of UpdateFirstSeenAt: "
<< utils::ToString(update_first_seen_at);
} else {
// This seems like an unexpected error where the persisted value exists
// but it's not readable for some reason. Just skip scattering in this
// case to be safe.
LOG(INFO) << "Not scattering as UpdateFirstSeenAt value cannot be read";
return kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired;
} else {
update_first_seen_at = Time::Now();
update_first_seen_at_int = update_first_seen_at.ToInternalValue();
if (system_state_->prefs()->SetInt64(kPrefsUpdateFirstSeenAt,
update_first_seen_at_int)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Persisted the new value for UpdateFirstSeenAt: "
<< utils::ToString(update_first_seen_at);
else {
// This seems like an unexpected error where the value cannot be
// persisted for some reason. Just skip scattering in this
// case to be safe.
LOG(INFO) << "Not scattering as UpdateFirstSeenAt value "
<< utils::ToString(update_first_seen_at)
<< " cannot be persisted";
return kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired;
TimeDelta elapsed_time = Time::Now() - update_first_seen_at;
TimeDelta max_scatter_period = TimeDelta::FromDays(
LOG(INFO) << "Waiting Period = "
<< utils::FormatSecs(params_->waiting_period().InSeconds())
<< ", Time Elapsed = "
<< utils::FormatSecs(elapsed_time.InSeconds())
<< ", MaxDaysToScatter = "
<< max_scatter_period.InDays();
if (!output_object->deadline.empty()) {
// The deadline is set for all rules which serve a delta update from a
// previous FSI, which means this update will be applied mostly in OOBE
// cases. For these cases, we shouldn't scatter so as to finish the OOBE
// quickly.
LOG(INFO) << "Not scattering as deadline flag is set";
return kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired;
if (max_scatter_period.InDays() == 0) {
// This means the Omaha rule creator decides that this rule
// should not be scattered irrespective of the policy.
LOG(INFO) << "Not scattering as MaxDaysToScatter in rule is 0.";
return kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired;
if (elapsed_time > max_scatter_period) {
// This means we've waited more than the upperbound wait in the rule
// from the time we first saw a valid update available to us.
// This will prevent update starvation.
LOG(INFO) << "Not scattering as we're past the MaxDaysToScatter limit.";
return kWallClockWaitDoneAndUpdateCheckWaitNotRequired;
// This means we are required to participate in scattering.
// See if our turn has arrived now.
TimeDelta remaining_wait_time = params_->waiting_period() - elapsed_time;
if (remaining_wait_time.InSeconds() <= 0) {
// Yes, it's our turn now.
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully passed the wall-clock-based-wait.";
// But we can't download until the update-check-count-based wait is also
// satisfied, so mark it as required now if update checks are enabled.
return params_->update_check_count_wait_enabled() ?
kWallClockWaitDoneButUpdateCheckWaitRequired :
// Not our turn yet, so we have to wait until our turn to
// help scatter the downloads across all clients of the enterprise.
LOG(INFO) << "Update deferred for another "
<< utils::FormatSecs(remaining_wait_time.InSeconds())
<< " per policy.";
return kWallClockWaitNotSatisfied;
bool OmahaRequestAction::IsUpdateCheckCountBasedWaitingSatisfied() {
int64 update_check_count_value;
if (system_state_->prefs()->Exists(kPrefsUpdateCheckCount)) {
if (!system_state_->prefs()->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateCheckCount,
&update_check_count_value)) {
// We are unable to read the update check count from file for some reason.
// So let's proceed anyway so as to not stall the update.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read update check count. "
<< "Skipping update-check-count-based-wait.";
return true;
} else {
// This file does not exist. This means we haven't started our update
// check count down yet, so this is the right time to start the count down.
update_check_count_value = base::RandInt(
LOG(INFO) << "Randomly picked update check count value = "
<< update_check_count_value;
// Write out the initial value of update_check_count_value.
if (!system_state_->prefs()->SetInt64(kPrefsUpdateCheckCount,
update_check_count_value)) {
// We weren't able to write the update check count file for some reason.
// So let's proceed anyway so as to not stall the update.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write update check count. "
<< "Skipping update-check-count-based-wait.";
return true;
if (update_check_count_value == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully passed the update-check-based-wait.";
return true;
if (update_check_count_value < 0 ||
update_check_count_value > params_->max_update_checks_allowed()) {
// We err on the side of skipping scattering logic instead of stalling
// a machine from receiving any updates in case of any unexpected state.
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value for update check count detected. "
<< "Skipping update-check-count-based-wait.";
return true;
// Legal value, we need to wait for more update checks to happen
// until this becomes 0.
LOG(INFO) << "Deferring Omaha updates for another "
<< update_check_count_value
<< " update checks per policy";
return false;
// static
bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseInstallDate(xmlDoc* doc,
OmahaResponse* output_object) {
scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr("/response/daystart")));
if (xpath_nodeset.get() == NULL)
return false;
xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
if (nodeset == NULL || nodeset->nodeNr < 1)
return false;
xmlNode* daystart_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
if (!xmlHasProp(daystart_node, ConstXMLStr("elapsed_days")))
return false;
int64_t elapsed_days = 0;
if (!base::StringToInt64(XmlGetProperty(daystart_node, "elapsed_days"),
return false;
if (elapsed_days < 0)
return false;
output_object->install_date_days = elapsed_days;
return true;
// static
bool OmahaRequestAction::HasInstallDate(SystemState *system_state) {
PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
if (prefs == NULL)
return false;
return prefs->Exists(kPrefsInstallDateDays);
// static
bool OmahaRequestAction::PersistInstallDate(
SystemState *system_state,
int install_date_days,
InstallDateProvisioningSource source) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(install_date_days >= 0);
PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
if (prefs == NULL)
return false;
if (!prefs->SetInt64(kPrefsInstallDateDays, install_date_days))
return false;
string metric_name = "Installer.InstallDateProvisioningSource";
static_cast<int>(source), // Sample.
kProvisionedMax); // Maximum.
return true;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine