blob: cf75a67fe882444c229d2a7f470bc11094425701 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include "update_engine/file_writer.h"
#include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// This class performs the actions in a delta update synchronously. The delta
// update itself should be passed in in chunks as it is received.
class DeltaPerformer : public FileWriter {
: fd_(-1),
block_size_(0) {}
// Opens the kernel. Should be called before or after Open(), but before
// Write(). The kernel file will be close()d when Close() is called.
bool OpenKernel(const char* kernel_path);
// flags and mode ignored. Once Close()d, a DeltaPerformer can't be
// Open()ed again.
int Open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode);
// Wrapper around write. Returns bytes written on success or
// -errno on error.
ssize_t Write(const void* bytes, size_t count);
// Wrapper around close. Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
// Closes both 'path' given to Open() and the kernel path.
int Close();
// Converts an ordered collection of Extent objects which contain data of
// length full_length to a comma-separated string. For each Extent, the
// string will have the start offset and then the length in bytes.
// The length value of the last extent in the string may be short, since
// the full length of all extents in the string is capped to full_length.
// Also, an extent starting at kSparseHole, appears as -1 in the string.
// For example, if the Extents are {1, 1}, {4, 2}, {kSparseHole, 1},
// {0, 1}, block_size is 4096, and full_length is 5 * block_size - 13,
// the resulting string will be: "4096:4096,16384:8192,-1:4096,0:4083"
static bool ExtentsToBsdiffPositionsString(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Extent>& extents,
uint64_t block_size,
uint64_t full_length,
std::string* positions_string);
// Returns true if enough of the delta file has been passed via Write()
// to be able to perform a given install operation.
bool CanPerformInstallOperation(
const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& operation);
// Returns true on success.
bool PerformInstallOperation(
const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& operation);
// These perform a specific type of operation and return true on success.
bool PerformReplaceOperation(
const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& operation,
bool is_kernel_partition);
bool PerformMoveOperation(
const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& operation,
bool is_kernel_partition);
bool PerformBsdiffOperation(
const DeltaArchiveManifest_InstallOperation& operation,
bool is_kernel_partition);
// File descriptor of open device.
int fd_;
// File descriptor of the kernel device
int kernel_fd_;
std::string path_; // Path that fd_ refers to.
std::string kernel_path_; // Path that kernel_fd_ refers to.
DeltaArchiveManifest manifest_;
bool manifest_valid_;
// Index of the next operation to perform in the manifest.
int next_operation_num_;
// buffer_ is a window of the data that's been downloaded. At first,
// it contains the beginning of the download, but after the protobuf
// has been downloaded and parsed, it contains a sliding window of
// data blobs.
std::vector<char> buffer_;
// Offset of buffer_ in the binary blobs section of the update.
uint64_t buffer_offset_;
// The block size (parsed from the manifest).
uint32_t block_size_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine