blob: 690d4e3f02024771b51e7809e1d9989b21c99898 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "update_engine/split_file_writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
using std::min;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
int SplitFileWriter::Open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode) {
int first_result = first_file_writer_->Open(first_path_,
if (first_result < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error opening first file " << first_path_;
return first_result;
int second_result = second_file_writer_->Open(path, flags, mode);
if (second_result < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error opening second file " << path;
return second_result;
return second_result;
namespace {
ssize_t PerformWrite(FileWriter* writer, const void* bytes, size_t count) {
int rc = writer->Write(bytes, count);
if (rc < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Write failed to file.";
return rc;
if (rc != static_cast<int>(count)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not all bytes successfully written to file.";
return -EIO;
return rc;
ssize_t SplitFileWriter::Write(const void* bytes, size_t count) {
const size_t original_count = count;
// This first block is trying to read the first sizeof(uint64_t)
// bytes, which are the number of bytes that should be written
// to the first FileWriter.
if (bytes_received_ < static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(uint64_t))) {
// Write more to the initial buffer
size_t bytes_to_copy = min(static_cast<off_t>(count),
static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(first_length_buf_)) -
memcpy(&first_length_buf_[bytes_received_], bytes, bytes_to_copy);
bytes_received_ += bytes_to_copy;
count -= bytes_to_copy;
bytes = static_cast<const void*>(
static_cast<const char*>(bytes) + bytes_to_copy);
// See if we have all we need
if (bytes_received_ == sizeof(first_length_buf_)) {
// Parse first number
uint64_t big_endian_first_length;
memcpy(&big_endian_first_length, first_length_buf_,
first_length_ = be64toh(big_endian_first_length);
if (count == 0)
return original_count;
CHECK_GE(bytes_received_, static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(uint64_t)));
// This block of code is writing to the first FileWriter.
if (bytes_received_ - static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(uint64_t)) < first_length_) {
// Write to first FileWriter
size_t bytes_to_write = min(
first_length_ -
(bytes_received_ - static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(uint64_t))),
int rc = PerformWrite(first_file_writer_, bytes, bytes_to_write);
if (rc != static_cast<int>(bytes_to_write))
return rc;
bytes_received_ += bytes_to_write;
count -= bytes_to_write;
bytes = static_cast<const void*>(
static_cast<const char*>(bytes) + bytes_to_write);
if (count == 0)
return original_count;
first_length_ + static_cast<off_t>(sizeof(uint64_t)));
// Write to second FileWriter
int rc = PerformWrite(second_file_writer_, bytes, count);
if (rc != static_cast<int>(count))
return rc;
return original_count;
int SplitFileWriter::Close() {
int first_result = first_file_writer_->Close();
if (first_result < 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "Error Close()ing first file.";
int second_result = second_file_writer_->Close();
if (second_result < 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "Error Close()ing second file.";
// Return error if either had returned error.
return second_result < 0 ? second_result : first_result;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine