blob: 2418aab34c8442ba21a6c7e17b9987a413581b99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
// InstallPlan is a simple struct that contains relevant info for many
// parts of the update system about the install that should happen.
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
struct InstallPlan {
InstallPlan(bool is_resume,
const std::string& url,
uint64_t size,
const std::string& hash,
const std::string& install_path,
const std::string& kernel_install_path)
: is_resume(is_resume),
rootfs_size(0) {}
InstallPlan() : is_resume(false), size(0) {}
bool is_resume;
std::string download_url; // url to download from
uint64_t size; // size of the download url's data
std::string download_hash; // hash of the data at the url
std::string install_path; // path to install device
std::string kernel_install_path; // path to kernel install device
// The fields below are used for kernel and rootfs verification. The flow is:
// 1. FilesystemCopierAction(verify_hash=false) computes and fills in the
// source partition sizes and hashes.
// 2. DownloadAction verifies the source partition sizes and hashes against
// the expected values transmitted in the update manifest. It fills in the
// expected applied partition sizes and hashes based on the manifest.
// 4. FilesystemCopierAction(verify_hashes=true) computes and verifies the
// applied partition sizes and hashes against the expected values.
uint64_t kernel_size;
uint64_t rootfs_size;
std::vector<char> kernel_hash;
std::vector<char> rootfs_hash;
bool operator==(const InstallPlan& that) const {
return ((is_resume == that.is_resume) &&
(download_url == that.download_url) &&
(size == that.size) &&
(download_hash == that.download_hash) &&
(install_path == that.install_path) &&
(kernel_install_path == that.kernel_install_path));
bool operator!=(const InstallPlan& that) const {
return !((*this) == that);
void Dump() const {
LOG(INFO) << "InstallPlan: "
<< (is_resume ? ", resume" : ", new_update")
<< ", url: " << download_url
<< ", size: " << size
<< ", hash: " << download_hash
<< ", install_path: " << install_path
<< ", kernel_install_path: " << kernel_install_path;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine