blob: b9bf08f94f79b49d53b32d3132fb4c221594ee64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
#include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "update_engine/update_attempter.h"
// Type macros:
#define UPDATE_ENGINE_TYPE_SERVICE (update_engine_service_get_type())
struct UpdateEngineService {
GObject parent_instance;
chromeos_update_engine::SystemState* system_state_;
struct UpdateEngineServiceClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
UpdateEngineService* update_engine_service_new(void);
GType update_engine_service_get_type(void);
// Methods
gboolean update_engine_service_attempt_update(UpdateEngineService* self,
gchar* app_version,
gchar* omaha_url,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_attempt_rollback(UpdateEngineService* self,
bool powerwash,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_reset_status(UpdateEngineService* self,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_get_status(UpdateEngineService* self,
int64_t* last_checked_time,
double* progress,
gchar** current_operation,
gchar** new_version,
int64_t* new_size,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_reboot_if_needed(UpdateEngineService* self,
GError **error);
// TODO(jaysri): Deprecate set_track and get_track once Chrome is modified to
// use set_channel and get_channel.
gboolean update_engine_service_set_track(UpdateEngineService* self,
gchar* track,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_get_track(UpdateEngineService* self,
gchar** track,
GError **error);
// Changes the current channel of the device to the target channel. If the
// target channel is a less stable channel than the current channel, then the
// channel change happens immediately (at the next update check). If the
// target channel is a more stable channel, then if is_powerwash_allowed is set
// to true, then also the change happens immediately but with a powerwash if
// required. Otherwise, the change takes effect eventually (when the version on
// the target channel goes above the version number of what the device
// currently has).
gboolean update_engine_service_set_channel(UpdateEngineService* self,
gchar* target_channel,
bool is_powerwash_allowed,
GError **error);
// If get_current_channel is set to true, populates |channel| with the name of
// the channel that the device is currently on. Otherwise, it populates it with
// the name of the channel the device is supposed to be (in case of a pending
// channel change).
gboolean update_engine_service_get_channel(UpdateEngineService* self,
bool get_current_channel,
gchar** channel,
GError **error);
// If there's no device policy installed, sets the update over cellular networks
// permission to the |allowed| value. Otherwise, this method returns with an
// error since this setting is overridden by the applied policy.
gboolean update_engine_service_set_update_over_cellular_permission(
UpdateEngineService* self,
bool allowed,
GError **error);
// Returns the current value of the update over cellular network setting, either
// forced by the device policy if the device is enrolled or the current user
// preference otherwise.
gboolean update_engine_service_get_update_over_cellular_permission(
UpdateEngineService* self,
bool* allowed,
GError **error);
gboolean update_engine_service_emit_status_update(
UpdateEngineService* self,
gint64 last_checked_time,
gdouble progress,
const gchar* current_operation,
const gchar* new_version,
gint64 new_size);