blob: 1fd8aae007262b8302511f15d3d9959ca4808fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// The ImageConfig struct describes a pair of binaries kernel and rootfs and the
// metadata associated with the image they are part of, like build number, size,
// etc.
struct ImageConfig {
// Returns whether the ImageConfig is an empty image.
bool ValidateIsEmpty() const;
// Returns whether the ImageConfig is not an empty image and all the rootfs
// or kernel fields are set correctly. Source images are allowed to have an
// empty kernel_part meaning that the delta update ships a full kernel.
bool ValidateRootfsExists() const;
bool ValidateKernelExists() const;
// Load |rootfs_size| and |kernel_size| from the respective image files. For
// the kernel, the whole |kernel_part| file is assumed. For the rootfs, the
// size is detected from the filesystem.
// Returns whether the image size was properly detected.
bool LoadImageSize();
// Returns whether the |image_info| field is empty.
bool ImageInfoIsEmpty() const;
// The ImageInfo message defined in the update_metadata.proto file describes
// the metadata of the image.
ImageInfo image_info;
// The path to the rootfs partition. This can be a regular file or a block
// device such as a loop device.
std::string rootfs_part;
// The size of the filesystem in rootfs_part. If rootfs verification is used
// (verity) this value should match the size of the verity device. This can be
// smaller than the partition and is the size of the data update_engine
// assumes verified for the source image, and the size of that data it
// should generate for the target image.
uint64_t rootfs_size = 0;
// The mount point where the rootfs_part is mounted. This is required for
// delta payloads that iterate the filesystem using the kernel API.
std::string rootfs_mountpt;
// The path to the kernel partition. This can be a regular file or a block
// device such as a loop device.
std::string kernel_part;
// The size of the verified part of the kernel partition. This is normally the
// whole partition.
uint64_t kernel_size = 0;
// The PayloadGenerationConfig struct encapsulates all the configuration to
// build the requested payload. This includes information about the old and new
// image as well as the restrictions applied to the payload (like minor-version
// and full/delta payload).
struct PayloadGenerationConfig {
// Returns whether the PayloadGenerationConfig is valid.
bool Validate() const;
// Image information about the new image that's the target of this payload.
ImageConfig target;
// Image information pertaining the old image, if any. This is only valid
// if is_full is false, so we are requested a delta payload.
ImageConfig source;
// Wheter the requested payload is a delta payload.
bool is_delta = false;
// The minor_version of the requested payload.
uint32_t minor_version;
// The chunk size is the maximum size that a single operation should write in
// the destination. Operations bigger than chunk_size should be split. A value
// of -1 means no chunk_size limit.
off_t chunk_size = -1;
// TODO(deymo): Remove the block_size member and maybe replace it with a
// minimum alignment size for blocks (if needed). Algorithms shold be able to
// pick the block_size they want, but for now only 4 KiB is supported.
// The block size used for all the operations in the manifest.
size_t block_size = 4096;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine