blob: 16f9473d86c380f6646d3a4eae310014f579cf67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "update_engine/gpio_mock_file_descriptor.h"
#include <base/stringprintf.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
using std::string;
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
namespace {
// Typesets a time object into a string; omits the date.
string TimeToString(Time time) {
Time::Exploded exploded_time;
return StringPrintf("%d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
} // namespace
// GpioMockFileDescriptor
const char* GpioMockFileDescriptor::gpio_devname_prefixes_[kMockGpioIdMax] = {
const char* GpioMockFileDescriptor::gpio_val_strings_[kMockGpioValMax] = {
"1", // kMockGpioValUp
"0", // kMockGpioValDown
const char* GpioMockFileDescriptor::gpio_dir_strings_[kMockGpioDirMax] = {
"in", // kMockGpioDirIn
"out", // kMockGpioDirOut
: gpio_id_(kMockGpioIdMax),
gpio_subdev_(kMockGpioSubdevMax) {
// All GPIOs are initially in the input direction, their read value is "up",
// and they assume an initial write value of "up" with current (init) time.
Time init_time = Time::Now();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMockGpioIdMax; i++) {
gpio_dirs_[i] = kMockGpioDirIn;
gpio_read_vals_[i] = kMockGpioValUp;
SetGpioLastWrite(static_cast<MockGpioId>(i), kMockGpioValUp, init_time);
// Nullify the instance-specific override strings.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMockGpioValMax; i++)
override_read_gpio_val_strings_[i] = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMockGpioDirMax; i++)
override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[i] = NULL;
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::Open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode) {
EXPECT_EQ(gpio_id_, kMockGpioIdMax);
if (gpio_id_ != kMockGpioIdMax)
return false;
// Determine identifier of opened GPIO device.
size_t devname_prefix_len = 0;
int id;
for (id = 0; id < kMockGpioIdMax; id++) {
devname_prefix_len = strlen(gpio_devname_prefixes_[id]);
if (!strncmp(path, gpio_devname_prefixes_[id], devname_prefix_len))
EXPECT_LT(id, kMockGpioIdMax);
if (id == kMockGpioIdMax)
return false;
// Determine specific sub-device.
path += devname_prefix_len;
EXPECT_EQ(path[0], '/');
if (path[0] != '/')
return false;
if (!strcmp(path, "value"))
gpio_subdev_ = kMockGpioSubdevValue;
else if (!strcmp(path, "direction"))
gpio_subdev_ = kMockGpioSubdevDirection;
else {
return false;
gpio_id_ = static_cast<MockGpioId>(id);
LOG(INFO) << "opened mock gpio "
<< (id == kMockGpioIdDutflaga ? "dut_flaga" :
id == kMockGpioIdDutflagb ? "dut_flagb" :
<< "/"
<< (gpio_subdev_ == kMockGpioSubdevValue ? "value" :
gpio_subdev_ == kMockGpioSubdevDirection ? "direction" :
return true;
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::Open(const char* path, int flags) {
return Open(path, flags, 0);
ssize_t GpioMockFileDescriptor::Read(void* buf, size_t count) {
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
LOG(INFO) << "reading from gpio";
// Attempt a state update prior to responding to the read.
switch (gpio_subdev_) {
case kMockGpioSubdevValue: { // reading the GPIO value
// Read values vary depending on the GPIO's direction: an input GPIO will
// return the value that was written by the remote end; an output GPIO,
// however, will return the value last written to its output register...
MockGpioVal gpio_read_val = kMockGpioValMax;
switch (gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_]) {
case kMockGpioDirIn:
gpio_read_val = gpio_read_vals_[gpio_id_];
case kMockGpioDirOut:
gpio_read_val = gpio_last_writes_[gpio_id_].val;
CHECK(false); // shouldn't get here
// Write the value to the client's buffer.
return snprintf(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), count, "%s\n",
(override_read_gpio_val_strings_[gpio_read_val] ?
override_read_gpio_val_strings_[gpio_read_val] :
case kMockGpioSubdevDirection: { // reading the GPIO direction
// Write the current GPIO direction to the client's buffer.
MockGpioDir gpio_dir = gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_];
return snprintf(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), count, "%s\n",
(override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[gpio_dir] ?
override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[gpio_dir] :
ADD_FAILURE(); // shouldn't get here
return -1;
ssize_t GpioMockFileDescriptor::Write(const void* buf, size_t count) {
if (!(IsOpen() && buf))
return -1;
string str = StringPrintf("%-*s", static_cast<int>(count),
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf));
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = str.find('\n', pos)) != string::npos) {
str.replace(pos, 1, "\\n");
pos += 2;
LOG(INFO) << "writing to gpio: \"" << str << "\"";
// Attempt a state update prior to performing the write operation.
switch (gpio_subdev_) {
case kMockGpioSubdevValue: { // setting the GPIO value
// Ensure the GPIO is in the "out" direction
EXPECT_EQ(gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_], kMockGpioDirOut);
if (gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_] != kMockGpioDirOut)
return -1;
// Decode the written value.
MockGpioVal write_val = DecodeGpioVal(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf),
EXPECT_LT(write_val, kMockGpioValMax);
if (write_val == kMockGpioValMax)
return -1;
// Update the last tracked written value.
SetGpioLastWrite(gpio_id_, write_val);
case kMockGpioSubdevDirection: { // setting GPIO direction
// Decipher the direction to be set.
MockGpioDir write_dir = DecodeGpioDir(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf),
EXPECT_LT(write_dir, kMockGpioDirMax);
if (write_dir == kMockGpioDirMax)
return -1;
// Update the last write time for this GPIO if switching from "in" to
// "out" and the written value is different from its read value; this is
// due to the GPIO's DUT-side override, which may cause the Servo-side
// reading to flip when switching it to "out".
if (gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_] == kMockGpioDirIn &&
write_dir == kMockGpioDirOut &&
gpio_read_vals_[gpio_id_] != gpio_last_writes_[gpio_id_].val)
gpio_last_writes_[gpio_id_].time = Time::Now();
// Now update the GPIO direction.
gpio_dirs_[gpio_id_] = write_dir;
ADD_FAILURE(); // shouldn't get here
return -1;
return count;
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::Close() {
if (!IsOpen())
return false;
return true;
void GpioMockFileDescriptor::Reset() {
gpio_id_ = kMockGpioIdMax;
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::IsSettingErrno() {
// This mock doesn't test errno handling, so no.
return false;
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::ExpectAllResourcesDeallocated() {
EXPECT_EQ(gpio_id_, kMockGpioIdMax);
return (gpio_id_ == kMockGpioIdMax);
bool GpioMockFileDescriptor::ExpectAllGpiosRestoredToDefault() {
// We just verify that direction is restored to "in" for all GPIOs.
bool is_all_gpios_restored_to_default = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMockGpioIdMax; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(gpio_dirs_[i], kMockGpioDirIn)
<< "i=" << i << " gpio_dirs_[i]=" << gpio_dirs_[i];
is_all_gpios_restored_to_default =
is_all_gpios_restored_to_default && (gpio_dirs_[i] == kMockGpioDirIn);
return is_all_gpios_restored_to_default;
size_t GpioMockFileDescriptor::DecodeGpioString(const char* buf,
size_t count,
const char** strs,
size_t num_strs) const {
CHECK(buf && strs && count);
// Last character must be a newline.
if (buf[count] != '\n')
return num_strs;
// Scan for a precise match within the provided string array.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < num_strs; i++)
if (count == strlen(strs[i]) &&
!strncmp(buf, strs[i], count))
return i;
// TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor
TimeDelta servo_poll_interval)
: last_state_(kServoStateInit),
servo_poll_interval_(servo_poll_interval) {}
void TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::UpdateState() {
// The following simulates the Servo state transition logic. Note that all of
// these tests are (should be) conservative estimates of the actual,
// asynchronous logic implemented by an actual Servo. Also, they should remain
// so regardless of which operation (read, write) triggers the check. We
// repeat the update cycle until no further state changes occur (which assumes
// that there are no state transition cycles).
Time curr_time = Time::Now();
ServoState curr_state = last_state_;
do {
if (last_state_ != curr_state) {
last_state_ = curr_state;
curr_servo_poll_fuzz_ = RandomServoPollFuzz(); // fix a new poll fuzz
LOG(INFO) << "state=" << last_state_ << ", new poll fuzz="
<< utils::FormatTimeDelta(curr_servo_poll_fuzz_);
switch (last_state_) {
case kServoStateInit:
// Unconditionally establish the trigger signal.
LOG(INFO) << "unconditionally sending trigger signal over dut_flaga";
gpio_read_vals_[kMockGpioIdDutflaga] = kMockGpioValDown;
curr_state = kServoStateTriggerSent;
case kServoStateTriggerSent:
// If dut_flagb is in "out" mode, its last written value is "1", and
// it's probable that Servo has polled it since, then advance the state.
if (gpio_dirs_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb] == kMockGpioDirOut &&
gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].val == kMockGpioValUp &&
(gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time +
curr_servo_poll_fuzz_) < curr_time) {
LOG(INFO) << "an up signal was written to dut_flagb on "
<< TimeToString(gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time)
<< " and polled at "
<< TimeToString(
gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time +
<< " (after "
<< utils::FormatTimeDelta(curr_servo_poll_fuzz_)
<< "); current time is " << TimeToString(curr_time);
curr_state = kServoStateChallengeUpReceived;
case kServoStateChallengeUpReceived:
// If dut_flagb is in "out" mode, its last written value is "0", and
// it's probable that Servo has polled it since, then advance the state
// and flip the value of dut_flaga.
if (gpio_dirs_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb] == kMockGpioDirOut &&
gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].val == kMockGpioValDown &&
(gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time +
curr_servo_poll_fuzz_) < curr_time) {
LOG(INFO) << "a down signal was written to dut_flagb on "
<< TimeToString(gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time)
<< " and polled at "
<< TimeToString(
gpio_last_writes_[kMockGpioIdDutflagb].time +
<< " (after "
<< utils::FormatTimeDelta(curr_servo_poll_fuzz_)
<< "); current time is " << TimeToString(curr_time);
gpio_read_vals_[kMockGpioIdDutflaga] = kMockGpioValUp;
curr_state = kServoStateChallengeDownReceived;
case kServoStateChallengeDownReceived:
break; // terminal state, nothing to do
CHECK(false); // shouldn't get here
} while (last_state_ != curr_state);
// ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor
TimeDelta servo_poll_interval,
ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::GpioError error)
: TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor(servo_poll_interval),
is_dutflaga_dir_flipped_(false) {}
bool ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Open(const char* path, int flags,
mode_t mode) {
if (error_ == kGpioErrorFailFileOpen)
return false;
return TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Open(path, flags, mode);
ssize_t ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Read(void* buf, size_t count) {
if (error_ == kGpioErrorFailFileRead)
return -1;
return TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Read(buf, count);
ssize_t ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Write(const void* buf,
size_t count) {
if (error_ == kGpioErrorFailFileWrite)
return -1;
return TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Write(buf, count);
bool ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Close() {
// We actually need to perform the close operation anyway, to avoid
// inconsistencies in the file descriptor's state.
bool ret = TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::Close();
return (error_ == kGpioErrorFailFileClose ? false : ret);
void ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::UpdateState() {
// Invoke the base class's update method.
// Sabotage the normal feedback that is to be expected from the GPIOs, in
// various ways based on the requested type of error.
switch (error_) {
case kGpioErrorFlipInputDir:
// Intervene by flipping the direction of dut_flaga right after the
// challenge signal was sent to servo. Among other things, this could
// simulate a benign race condition, or an intentional attempt to fool the
// GPIO module to believe that it is talking to an (absent) servo.
if (!is_dutflaga_dir_flipped_ &&
last_state_ == kServoStateChallengeDownReceived) {
is_dutflaga_dir_flipped_ = true;
LOG(INFO) << "intervention: setting dut_flaga direction to out";
gpio_dirs_[kMockGpioIdDutflaga] = kMockGpioDirOut;
case kGpioErrorReadInvalidVal:
// Cause the GPIO device to return an invalid value reading.
override_read_gpio_val_strings_[kMockGpioValUp] = "foo";
override_read_gpio_val_strings_[kMockGpioValDown] = "bar";
case kGpioErrorReadInvalidDir:
// Cause the GPIO device to return an invlid direction reading.
override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[kMockGpioDirIn] = "boo";
override_read_gpio_dir_strings_[kMockGpioDirOut] = "far";
case kGpioErrorFailFileOpen:
case kGpioErrorFailFileRead:
case kGpioErrorFailFileWrite:
case kGpioErrorFailFileClose:
CHECK(false); // shouldn't get here
bool ErrorNormalModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::ExpectAllGpiosRestoredToDefault() {
if (is_dutflaga_dir_flipped_) {
LOG(INFO) << "restoring dut_flaga direction back to in";
gpio_dirs_[kMockGpioIdDutflaga] = kMockGpioDirIn;
return TestModeGpioMockFileDescriptor::ExpectAllGpiosRestoredToDefault();
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine