blob: 0219996f0a2c2d4b8d26eba9cbd5964c5d07662e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <libvts_vintf_test_common/common.h>
namespace android::vintf::testing {
// kApiLevel2FcmMap is associated with API level. There can be multiple
// Framework Compatibility Matrix Version (FCM Version) per API level, or
// multiple API levels per FCM version.
// kApiLevel2FcmMap is defined apart from android::vintf::Level. Level is an
// integer designed to be irrelevant with API level; the O / O_MR1 values are
// historic values for convenience, and should be removed (b/70628538). Hence
// these values are not used here.
// For example:
// ...
// // Assume devices launch with Android X must implement FCM version >= 9
// X = 9,
// // Assume devices launch with Android Y and Android Z must implement
// // FCM version >= 11
// Y = 11,
// Z = 11
static const std::map<uint64_t /* Shipping API Level */,
Level /* FCM Version */>
// N. The test runs on devices that launch with N and
// become a Treble device when upgrading to O.
{25, Level::O},
{26, Level::O},
{27, Level::O_MR1},
{28, Level::P},
{29, Level::Q},
{30, Level::R},
{31, Level::S},
{32, Level::S}, // subject to change, placeholder value
android::base::Result<void> TestTargetFcmVersion(Level shipping_fcm_version,
uint64_t shipping_api_level) {
if (shipping_api_level == 0u) {
return android::base::Error()
<< "Device's shipping API level cannot be determined.";
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
// O / O-MR1 vendor image doesn't have shipping FCM version declared and
// shipping FCM version is inferred from Shipping API level, hence it always
// meets the requirement.
return {};
if (shipping_api_level < kApiLevel2FcmMap.begin()->first /* 25 */) {
return android::base::Error() << "Pre-N devices should not run this test.";
auto it = kApiLevel2FcmMap.find(shipping_api_level);
if (it == kApiLevel2FcmMap.end()) {
return android::base::Error()
<< "No launch requirement is set yet for Shipping API level "
<< shipping_api_level << ". Please update the test.";
Level required_fcm_version = it->second;
if (shipping_fcm_version < required_fcm_version) {
return android::base::Error()
<< "Shipping API level == " << shipping_api_level
<< " requires Shipping FCM Version >= " << required_fcm_version
<< " (but is " << shipping_fcm_version << ")";
return {};
} // namespace android::vintf::testing