blob: 71df970dc1caa9cbf729d26cae77eec5ab86cbc2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
ifneq ($(filter vts, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
VTS_PYTHON_ZIP := $(HOST_OUT)/vts_runner_python/
VTS_TESTCASES_OUT := $(VTS_OUT_ROOT)/android-vts/testcases
@echo "build vts python package: $(VTS_PYTHON_ZIP)"
$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(hide) rm -rf $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/vts
$(hide) find test/vts -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C test -l $@.list
@rm -f $@.list
$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for TV IPNUT HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/tv/input/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/tv/input/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
@echo "build vts python testcases"
$(hide) find test/vts-testcase -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C test/vts-testcase -l $@.list
@rm -f $@.list
$(hide)unzip -o $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/vts/testcases/
# @echo "build vts python package for audio effect HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/audio/effect/2.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# uncomment when audio effect HAL test has some py, config, or push files
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/audio/effect/2.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for boot HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/boot/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/boot/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for graphics allocator HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/graphics/allocator/2.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# uncomment when the list is non-empty
#$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/graphics/allocator/2.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
#$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for graphics mapper HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/graphics/mapper/2.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# uncomment when the list is non-empty
#$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/graphics/mapper/2.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
#$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for memtrack HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/memtrack/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/memtrack/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for NFC HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/nfc/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/nfc/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for power HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for thermal HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/thermal/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/thermal/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for vehicle HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/vehicle/2.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/vehicle/2.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for vibrator HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/vibrator/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/vibrator/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for sensors HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/sensors/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/sensors/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for VR HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/vr/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/vr/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
@echo "build vts python package for WiFi HAL"
$(hide) find hardware/interfaces/wifi/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/wifi/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
@rm -f $@.list
$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
# @echo "build vts python package for tv hdmi_cec HAL"
# $(hide) find hardware/interfaces/tv/cec/1.0/vts/functional -name '*.py' -or -name '*.config' -or -name '*.push' | sort > $@.list
# $(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C hardware/interfaces/tv/cec/1.0/vts/functional -l $@.list
# @rm -f $@.list
# $(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)
$(hide) touch -f $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/vts/
@echo "build vts CameraITS package: $(VTS_CAMERAITS_ZIP)"
$(hide) find cts/apps/CameraITS -name '*.py' -or -name '*.pdf' -or -name '*.png' | sort > $@.list
$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C cts/apps/CameraITS -l $@.list
@rm -f $@.list
$(hide) mkdir -p $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/CameraITS
$(hide) rm -rf $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/CameraITS/*
$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/CameraITS
@echo "copying systrace tool from external/chromium-trace"
$(hide) find external/chromium-trace -path external/chromium-trace/.git -prune -or -print | sort > $@.list
$(hide) $(SOONG_ZIP) -d -o $@ -C . -l $@.list
@rm -f $@.list
$(hide) mkdir -p $(VTS_OUT_ROOT)/android-vts/tools
$(hide) rm -rf $(VTS_OUT_ROOT)/android-vts/tools/external/chromium-trace
$(hide) unzip $@ -d $(VTS_OUT_ROOT)/android-vts/tools
.PHONY: vts
my_deps_copy_pairs :=
$(foreach d,$(ADDITIONAL_VTS_JARS),\
$(eval my_deps_copy_pairs += $(d):$(VTS_OUT_ROOT)/android-vts/tools/$(notdir $(d))))
vts: $(VTS_PYTHON_ZIP) $(VTS_CAMERAITS_ZIP) $(VTS_SYSTRACE_ZIP) $(call copy-many-files,$(my_deps_copy_pairs))
endif # vts
endif # linux