blob: 49a136b1850fa8357df544bf5222db7d0c9b58ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* APK signing logic which is independent of how input and output APKs are stored, parsed, and
* generated.
* <p><h3>Operating Model</h3>
* The abstract operating model is that there is an input APK which is being signed, thus producing
* an output APK. In reality, there may be just an output APK being built from scratch, or the input
* APK and the output APK may be the same file. Because this engine does not deal with reading and
* writing files, it can handle all of these scenarios.
* <p>The engine is stateful and thus cannot be used for signing multiple APKs. However, once
* the engine signed an APK, the engine can be used to re-sign the APK after it has been modified.
* This may be more efficient than signing the APK using a new instance of the engine. See
* <a href="#incremental">Incremental Operation</a>.
* <p>In the engine's operating model, a signed APK is produced as follows.
* <ol>
* <li>JAR entries to be signed are output,</li>
* <li>JAR archive is signed using JAR signing, thus adding the so-called v1 signature to the
* output,</li>
* <li>JAR archive is signed using APK Signature Scheme v2, thus adding the so-called v2 signature
* to the output.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>The input APK may contain JAR entries which, depending on the engine's configuration, may or
* may not be output (e.g., existing signatures may need to be preserved or stripped) or which the
* engine will overwrite as part of signing. The engine thus offers {@link #inputJarEntry(String)}
* which tells the client whether the input JAR entry needs to be output. This avoids the need for
* the client to hard-code the aspects of APK signing which determine which parts of input must be
* ignored. Similarly, the engine offers {@link #inputApkSigningBlock(DataSource)} to help the
* client avoid dealing with preserving or stripping APK Signature Scheme v2 signature of the input
* APK.
* <p>To use the engine to sign an input APK (or a collection of JAR entries), follow these
* steps:
* <ol>
* <li>Obtain a new instance of the engine -- engine instances are stateful and thus cannot be used
* for signing multiple APKs.</li>
* <li>Locate the input APK's APK Signing Block and provide it to
* {@link #inputApkSigningBlock(DataSource)}.</li>
* <li>For each JAR entry in the input APK, invoke {@link #inputJarEntry(String)} to determine
* whether this entry should be output. The engine may request to inspect the entry.</li>
* <li>For each output JAR entry, invoke {@link #outputJarEntry(String)} which may request to
* inspect the entry.</li>
* <li>Once all JAR entries have been output, invoke {@link #outputJarEntries()} which may request
* that additional JAR entries are output. These entries comprise the output APK's JAR
* signature.</li>
* <li>Locate the ZIP Central Directory and ZIP End of Central Directory sections in the output and
* invoke {@link #outputZipSections2(DataSource, DataSource, DataSource)} which may request that
* an APK Signature Block is inserted before the ZIP Central Directory. The block contains the
* output APK's APK Signature Scheme v2 signature.</li>
* <li>Invoke {@link #outputDone()} to signal that the APK was output in full. The engine will
* confirm that the output APK is signed.</li>
* <li>Invoke {@link #close()} to signal that the engine will no longer be used. This lets the
* engine free any resources it no longer needs.
* </ol>
* <p>Some invocations of the engine may provide the client with a task to perform. The client is
* expected to perform all requested tasks before proceeding to the next stage of signing. See
* documentation of each method about the deadlines for performing the tasks requested by the
* method.
* <p><h3 id="incremental">Incremental Operation</h3></a>
* The engine supports incremental operation where a signed APK is produced, then modified and
* re-signed. This may be useful for IDEs, where an app is frequently re-signed after small changes
* by the developer. Re-signing may be more efficient than signing from scratch.
* <p>To use the engine in incremental mode, keep notifying the engine of changes to the APK through
* {@link #inputApkSigningBlock(DataSource)}, {@link #inputJarEntry(String)},
* {@link #inputJarEntryRemoved(String)}, {@link #outputJarEntry(String)},
* and {@link #outputJarEntryRemoved(String)}, perform the tasks requested by the engine through
* these methods, and, when a new signed APK is desired, run through steps 5 onwards to re-sign the
* APK.
* <p><h3>Output-only Operation</h3>
* The engine's abstract operating model consists of an input APK and an output APK. However, it is
* possible to use the engine in output-only mode where the engine's {@code input...} methods are
* not invoked. In this mode, the engine has less control over output because it cannot request that
* some JAR entries are not output. Nevertheless, the engine will attempt to make the output APK
* signed and will report an error if cannot do so.
* @see <a href="">Application Signing</a>
public interface ApkSignerEngine extends Closeable {
default void setExecutor(RunnablesExecutor executor) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setExecutor method is not implemented");
* Initializes the signer engine with the data already present in the apk (if any). There
* might already be data that can be reused if the entries has not been changed.
* @param manifestBytes
* @param entryNames
* @return set of entry names which were processed by the engine during the initialization, a
* subset of entryNames
default Set<String> initWith(byte[] manifestBytes, Set<String> entryNames) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("initWith method is not implemented");
* Indicates to this engine that the input APK contains the provided APK Signing Block. The
* block may contain signatures of the input APK, such as APK Signature Scheme v2 signatures.
* @param apkSigningBlock APK signing block of the input APK. The provided data source is
* guaranteed to not be used by the engine after this method terminates.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading the APK Signing Block
* @throws ApkFormatException if the APK Signing Block is malformed
* @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is closed
void inputApkSigningBlock(DataSource apkSigningBlock)
throws IOException, ApkFormatException, IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the specified JAR entry was encountered in the input APK.
* <p>When an input entry is updated/changed, it's OK to not invoke
* {@link #inputJarEntryRemoved(String)} before invoking this method.
* @return instructions about how to proceed with this entry
* @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is closed
InputJarEntryInstructions inputJarEntry(String entryName) throws IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the specified JAR entry was output.
* <p>It is unnecessary to invoke this method for entries added to output by this engine (e.g.,
* requested by {@link #outputJarEntries()}) provided the entries were output with exactly the
* data requested by the engine.
* <p>When an already output entry is updated/changed, it's OK to not invoke
* {@link #outputJarEntryRemoved(String)} before invoking this method.
* @return request to inspect the entry or {@code null} if the engine does not need to inspect
* the entry. The request must be fulfilled before {@link #outputJarEntries()} is
* invoked.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is closed
InspectJarEntryRequest outputJarEntry(String entryName) throws IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the specified JAR entry was removed from the input. It's safe
* to invoke this for entries for which {@link #inputJarEntry(String)} hasn't been invoked.
* @return output policy of this JAR entry. The policy indicates how this input entry affects
* the output APK. The client of this engine should use this information to determine
* how the removal of this input APK's JAR entry affects the output APK.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is closed
InputJarEntryInstructions.OutputPolicy inputJarEntryRemoved(String entryName)
throws IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the specified JAR entry was removed from the output. It's safe
* to invoke this for entries for which {@link #outputJarEntry(String)} hasn't been invoked.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is closed
void outputJarEntryRemoved(String entryName) throws IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that all JAR entries have been output.
* @return request to add JAR signature to the output or {@code null} if there is no need to add
* a JAR signature. The request will contain additional JAR entries to be output. The
* request must be fulfilled before
* {@link #outputZipSections2(DataSource, DataSource, DataSource)} is invoked.
* @throws ApkFormatException if the APK is malformed in a way which is preventing this engine
* from producing a valid signature. For example, if the engine uses the provided
* {@code META-INF/MANIFEST.MF} as a template and the file is malformed.
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if a signature could not be generated because a required
* cryptographic algorithm implementation is missing
* @throws InvalidKeyException if a signature could not be generated because a signing key is
* not suitable for generating the signature
* @throws SignatureException if an error occurred while generating a signature
* @throws IllegalStateException if there are unfulfilled requests, such as to inspect some JAR
* entries, or if the engine is closed
OutputJarSignatureRequest outputJarEntries()
throws ApkFormatException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException,
SignatureException, IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the ZIP sections comprising the output APK have been output.
* <p>The provided data sources are guaranteed to not be used by the engine after this method
* terminates.
* @deprecated This is now superseded by {@link #outputZipSections2(DataSource, DataSource,
* DataSource)}.
* @param zipEntries the section of ZIP archive containing Local File Header records and data of
* the ZIP entries. In a well-formed archive, this section starts at the start of the
* archive and extends all the way to the ZIP Central Directory.
* @param zipCentralDirectory ZIP Central Directory section
* @param zipEocd ZIP End of Central Directory (EoCD) record
* @return request to add an APK Signing Block to the output or {@code null} if the output must
* not contain an APK Signing Block. The request must be fulfilled before
* {@link #outputDone()} is invoked.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading the provided ZIP sections
* @throws ApkFormatException if the provided APK is malformed in a way which prevents this
* engine from producing a valid signature. For example, if the APK Signing Block
* provided to the engine is malformed.
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if a signature could not be generated because a required
* cryptographic algorithm implementation is missing
* @throws InvalidKeyException if a signature could not be generated because a signing key is
* not suitable for generating the signature
* @throws SignatureException if an error occurred while generating a signature
* @throws IllegalStateException if there are unfulfilled requests, such as to inspect some JAR
* entries or to output JAR signature, or if the engine is closed
OutputApkSigningBlockRequest outputZipSections(
DataSource zipEntries,
DataSource zipCentralDirectory,
DataSource zipEocd)
throws IOException, ApkFormatException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the ZIP sections comprising the output APK have been output.
* <p>The provided data sources are guaranteed to not be used by the engine after this method
* terminates.
* @param zipEntries the section of ZIP archive containing Local File Header records and data of
* the ZIP entries. In a well-formed archive, this section starts at the start of the
* archive and extends all the way to the ZIP Central Directory.
* @param zipCentralDirectory ZIP Central Directory section
* @param zipEocd ZIP End of Central Directory (EoCD) record
* @return request to add an APK Signing Block to the output or {@code null} if the output must
* not contain an APK Signing Block. The request must be fulfilled before
* {@link #outputDone()} is invoked.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading the provided ZIP sections
* @throws ApkFormatException if the provided APK is malformed in a way which prevents this
* engine from producing a valid signature. For example, if the APK Signing Block
* provided to the engine is malformed.
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if a signature could not be generated because a required
* cryptographic algorithm implementation is missing
* @throws InvalidKeyException if a signature could not be generated because a signing key is
* not suitable for generating the signature
* @throws SignatureException if an error occurred while generating a signature
* @throws IllegalStateException if there are unfulfilled requests, such as to inspect some JAR
* entries or to output JAR signature, or if the engine is closed
OutputApkSigningBlockRequest2 outputZipSections2(
DataSource zipEntries,
DataSource zipCentralDirectory,
DataSource zipEocd)
throws IOException, ApkFormatException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, IllegalStateException;
* Indicates to this engine that the signed APK was output.
* <p>This does not change the output APK. The method helps the client confirm that the current
* output is signed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if there are unfulfilled requests, such as to inspect some JAR
* entries or to output signatures, or if the engine is closed
void outputDone() throws IllegalStateException;
* Generates a V4 signature proto and write to output file.
* @param data Input data to calculate a verity hash tree and hash root
* @param outputFile Serialized V4 Signature protobuf.
* @throws InvalidKeyException if a signature could not be generated because a signing key is
* not suitable for generating the signature
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if a signature could not be generated because a required
* cryptographic algorithm implementation is missing
* @throws SignatureException if an error occurred while generating a signature
* @throws IOException if protobuf fails to be serialized and written to file
void signV4(DataSource data, File outputFile)
throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, IOException;
* Checks if the signing configuration provided to the engine is capable of creating a
* SourceStamp.
default boolean isEligibleForSourceStamp() {
return false;
/** Generates the digest of the certificate used to sign the source stamp. */
default byte[] generateSourceStampCertificateDigest() throws SignatureException {
return new byte[0];
* Indicates to this engine that it will no longer be used. Invoking this on an already closed
* engine is OK.
* <p>This does not change the output APK. For example, if the output APK is not yet fully
* signed, it will remain so after this method terminates.
void close();
* Instructions about how to handle an input APK's JAR entry.
* <p>The instructions indicate whether to output the entry (see {@link #getOutputPolicy()}) and
* may contain a request to inspect the entry (see {@link #getInspectJarEntryRequest()}), in
* which case the request must be fulfilled before {@link ApkSignerEngine#outputJarEntries()} is
* invoked.
public static class InputJarEntryInstructions {
private final OutputPolicy mOutputPolicy;
private final InspectJarEntryRequest mInspectJarEntryRequest;
* Constructs a new {@code InputJarEntryInstructions} instance with the provided entry
* output policy and without a request to inspect the entry.
public InputJarEntryInstructions(OutputPolicy outputPolicy) {
this(outputPolicy, null);
* Constructs a new {@code InputJarEntryInstructions} instance with the provided entry
* output mode and with the provided request to inspect the entry.
* @param inspectJarEntryRequest request to inspect the entry or {@code null} if there's no
* need to inspect the entry.
public InputJarEntryInstructions(
OutputPolicy outputPolicy,
InspectJarEntryRequest inspectJarEntryRequest) {
mOutputPolicy = outputPolicy;
mInspectJarEntryRequest = inspectJarEntryRequest;
* Returns the output policy for this entry.
public OutputPolicy getOutputPolicy() {
return mOutputPolicy;
* Returns the request to inspect the JAR entry or {@code null} if there is no need to
* inspect the entry.
public InspectJarEntryRequest getInspectJarEntryRequest() {
return mInspectJarEntryRequest;
* Output policy for an input APK's JAR entry.
public static enum OutputPolicy {
/** Entry must not be output. */
/** Entry should be output. */
/** Entry will be output by the engine. The client can thus ignore this input entry. */
* Request to inspect the specified JAR entry.
* <p>The entry's uncompressed data must be provided to the data sink returned by
* {@link #getDataSink()}. Once the entry's data has been provided to the sink, {@link #done()}
* must be invoked.
interface InspectJarEntryRequest {
* Returns the data sink into which the entry's uncompressed data should be sent.
DataSink getDataSink();
* Indicates that entry's data has been provided in full.
void done();
* Returns the name of the JAR entry.
String getEntryName();
* Request to add JAR signature (aka v1 signature) to the output APK.
* <p>Entries listed in {@link #getAdditionalJarEntries()} must be added to the output APK after
* which {@link #done()} must be invoked.
interface OutputJarSignatureRequest {
* Returns JAR entries that must be added to the output APK.
List<JarEntry> getAdditionalJarEntries();
* Indicates that the JAR entries contained in this request were added to the output APK.
void done();
* JAR entry.
public static class JarEntry {
private final String mName;
private final byte[] mData;
* Constructs a new {@code JarEntry} with the provided name and data.
* @param data uncompressed data of the entry. Changes to this array will not be
* reflected in {@link #getData()}.
public JarEntry(String name, byte[] data) {
mName = name;
mData = data.clone();
* Returns the name of this ZIP entry.
public String getName() {
return mName;
* Returns the uncompressed data of this JAR entry.
public byte[] getData() {
return mData.clone();
* Request to add the specified APK Signing Block to the output APK. APK Signature Scheme v2
* signature(s) of the APK are contained in this block.
* <p>The APK Signing Block returned by {@link #getApkSigningBlock()} must be placed into the
* output APK such that the block is immediately before the ZIP Central Directory, the offset of
* ZIP Central Directory in the ZIP End of Central Directory record must be adjusted
* accordingly, and then {@link #done()} must be invoked.
* <p>If the output contains an APK Signing Block, that block must be replaced by the block
* contained in this request.
* @deprecated This is now superseded by {@link OutputApkSigningBlockRequest2}.
interface OutputApkSigningBlockRequest {
* Returns the APK Signing Block.
byte[] getApkSigningBlock();
* Indicates that the APK Signing Block was output as requested.
void done();
* Request to add the specified APK Signing Block to the output APK. APK Signature Scheme v2
* signature(s) of the APK are contained in this block.
* <p>The APK Signing Block returned by {@link #getApkSigningBlock()} must be placed into the
* output APK such that the block is immediately before the ZIP Central Directory. Immediately
* before the APK Signing Block must be padding consists of the number of 0x00 bytes returned by
* {@link #getPaddingSizeBeforeApkSigningBlock()}. The offset of ZIP Central Directory in the
* ZIP End of Central Directory record must be adjusted accordingly, and then {@link #done()}
* must be invoked.
* <p>If the output contains an APK Signing Block, that block must be replaced by the block
* contained in this request.
interface OutputApkSigningBlockRequest2 {
* Returns the APK Signing Block.
byte[] getApkSigningBlock();
* Indicates that the APK Signing Block was output as requested.
void done();
* Returns the number of 0x00 bytes the caller must place immediately before APK Signing
* Block.
int getPaddingSizeBeforeApkSigningBlock();